My Best Friend's Brother and I

Chapter Twenty Seven

Gerard’s POV

Man, this sucks! I really wanted Maddie in the band. But according to her we’re perfect. Ha! That’s a good one.
I sighed as I sat on the couch, waiting for my turn in the shower, and of course I’m last.

“Whatcha doing’?” Maddie asked as she plopped down next to me.
“Nothing, waiting for my turn in the damn shower.” I laughed.
“Yeah, you need one...You smell like a dead cat.” She joked plugging her nose.
“You are so dead!” I giggled and tickled her all over.
“Ahh! Gee no! Stop! I can’t breathe!” Her laugh was so amazing. It sounded like a song ringing through the house.
“Not until you take it back!” I continued to tickle her.
“Fine! I take it back! You smell like beautiful daisies on a spring morning!” She chuckled at her usage of words.
I raised my eyebrow at her. “Beautiful daisies on a spring morning? What have you been smoking?”
“Oh, a little of this… little of that.” She said jokingly.
“You are so weird.” I smiled and kissed her sweetly.
“Not in the living room!” Ray yelled as he quickly turned on his heels back into the kitchen.
Maddison and I laughed at Ray’s odd behavior.
“Aww…. Know what I just noticed?” Maddison sighed and laid back into the couch.
“What?” I asked curiously.
“School starts again on Monday.” She rolled her eyes.
“Oh yeah, you’re right.” I agreed.
“Ha! When am I ever wrong?” She laughed.
“You said one time that you could out run me. And you still have yet to do so!” Frank laughed as he came into the living room with wet hair.
“Yes! My turn!” Maddison sang and skipped to the bathroom.
“Ha ha! You have to take a cold shower.” Frank giggled as he picked up the remote and started flipping through the channels.
“Shut up Frankie.” I laughed and hit him with a pillow.
“Oh aggressive are we?” Frank raised an eyebrow and grabbed one of the bigger pillows and attacked my face with it.
“Frank! Ouch!” I yelled and grabbed a pillow my self and started hitting him with it.
This went on for a few minutes until Mikey came and ruined our fun.
“Children, children please!” He laughed.
“Aww Mikes, why do you always have to ruin the fun?” Frank asked out of breath.
“Because I’m the only responsible one in this house.” He laughed and threw the pillow back.
“Yeah right.” Frank muttered sitting back down.
“I heard that!” Mikey shouted picking up another pillow and throwing it at Frank.
Frank dodged it quickly. “Wow, the Way brothers have some anger issues huh?”
“GET HIM!” I yelled and Mikey and I both attacked Frank with pillows.
“Not fair!” Frank giggled.
“I’ll save you Frankie!” We heard a voice yell from the stairs.
The next thing we knew we were getting drenched by a super soaker.
“Ahhhh! Maddie cut it out!” Mikey giggled and fell to the floor.
She finally stopped and we were all on the floor drenched.
“Where the hell did you get that?” I asked sitting up.
“I found it.” Maddie shrugged.
“Oh. Well, does this mean I don’t have to take a shower now?” I chuckled.
“GO!” Everyone laughed and pointed towards the bathroom.
I sighed. “You guys are all in trouble if the water is cold!” I yelled over my shoulder as I made my way to the bathroom, to enjoy what I hopped was a hot shower.