My Best Friend's Brother and I

Chapter Five


I walked into the art room, set my supplies down and looked up, and there he was…As beautiful as the day itself. Gerard was standing next to the art teacher Mrs.Horan.
“Well class, we have a teacher in training today” She said as Gerard smiled at me. “His name is Mr.Way. And if you have any problems feel free to ask!” she continued.
This was unbelievable, I can’t believe Mikey didn’t tell me!
We had already started a project, of course mine looked terrible. Like Mikey said, I can’t even draw a stick figure. But I still tried, I liked art, I truly did.
I was attempting to draw an ocean scene, with two people on a rock. It basically looked like a big smudge of blue with two black lines, well so far. I looked up and saw Gerard walking over. “oh shit” I thought to myself.
“How ya doing kiddo?” He said laughing
“Did you just call me ‘kiddo?’” I asked smiling
“I believe I did “ He replied
“well, to answer your question, I suck at art.” I said staring angrily at my painting.
He laughed “ I have an idea..”
“ I’m Listening…” I said intrigued.
“You teach me how to increase my singing skills, and I’ll teach you all about art.” He said smirking
“Deal” I said shaking his hand. Just then the bell rang.
“Thanks for the help Mr. Way. “ I said giggling.
“You’re quite welcome sugar.” He said winking.
I saw Mikey sitting at our usual table for lunch.
“MIKEY!!!” I yelled swiftly walking over to him. “Why didn’t you tell me!?!?”
“Gerard wanted to keep it a secret. The truth is, he isn’t just home from college. He’s looking for an art job here in Jersey! Like he said the other day, he hates college. So he wants to become one of those cartoonists or something or other” Mikey said happily.
I sat down and we quietly ate our lunch as usual, until I felt a hand on my back.
I stood and turned around and Gerard’s eyes met mine. Our faces were no more than 3 inches apart.
“Hey.” He said pulling me closer to him.
“ Well hey to you to!” I said smiling. “ You know we shouldn’t be doing this here as I saw the principle out of the corner of my eye. “ There are rules against teacher-student relationships.” I said staring into him beautiful eyes; they made me melt inside.
“Oh, so this is a relationship now?” He asked grinning
“Well..uhmm.. What I mean is…” My rambling was cut off my a quick, but sweet kiss. All I could do was smile. “Yea I guess it is.” I smiled back at him and brought him in for a warm hug.
I laughed.
“What’s so funny?” He said
“You’re like a big teddy bear.” I said laughing even harder. “Since you called me kiddo, I’m going to have to call you Gee Bear” I said smiling as innocently as I could.
He giggled and pushed my hair out of my face. “You’re adorable you know that?”
“You guys let’s go!! Stop being all mushy! The bell just rang!” Mikey said picking up his stuff.
I gave him once last kiss and I was off to my next class.
Uh oh, my sister was coming to visit from California. She’s 33,so she never approved of any guy I went out with.. What will she think when she finds out I’m going out with a 20-year-old? I mean, I’m 16!
Well, I’ll find out when I get home, I still have to tell my mom anyway. Why not get it over with all at once then telling them both separately and getting the same speech?