My Best Friend's Brother and I

Chapter Six


“YAY! LAST PERIOD! But yuck, math!” Mikey yelled as we walked to math.
“I like math.” I said laughing at Mikey’s oddness.
“Yea, Well, that’s because you’re good at it.” He said sticking his tongue out at me.
After we got our math assignments for the day, we packed up our stuff and started to walk out of the school.
“So, Maddie, wanna come over my house to start that retarded Science project?” Mikey asked as we were waiting for Gerard near his car.
“Uhmmm hmmm…..Should I help you get an A? Or let you get a D all by yourself?” I said tapping my finger on my chin.
“Oh come on! PWEASE!” He said looking at me with puppy dog eyes.
“Am I interrupting something?” There’s that beautiful voice again!
I turned around to see Gerard with his hands on his hips tapping his foot on the ground.
“Of course not, but thanks for distracting me from Mikey, his eyes, they were luring me…*gasps, and turns and points to Mikey* HE’S PEER PRESSURING ME! Gee help!” I said jumping into Gerard’s arms. Gerard was caught a LITTLE off guard, so we both fell over laughing hysterically.
“Will you two cut it out! This is starting to get annoying.” Mikey sighs. “So Maddie will you help me or not?” He pleaded.
By this time we were all getting into the car.
“Hmm I think I should ask a teacher…” I said giving Gerard a smile. “Oh Mr.Way?” I asked.
“Yes DAHHLING?” He giggled.
“Do you think I should help Mr. Michael here with his project?” I said pointing to Mikey.
“Only if you go out to dinner with me tomorrow night.” He said smiling.
“Ooh, and would this be a DATE Mr.Way? Because I believe that there are rules against that.” I said using the straightest face I could.”
“Yes I believe it would be a date.” He said looking at me with those hazel eyes I can’t deny.
“Then Mikey, of course I will help you with your project.” I said laughing.
“Ugh, finally, I thought you two were gunna do that forever! Jeez next time I should just kidnap you and force you to help me!” He exclaimed.
“I’d like to see you try! You could never take me alive!” I said with an evil laugh.
“Yeah, besides, you’d have to get through me first!” Gerard said as he shut off the car engine. “Home sweet home!”