My Best Friend's Brother and I

Chapter Nine


Thank god, school is out for spring break! Good thing I didn’t have art today, I would have gotten the third degree from Gerard. I don’t know if I should tell him. Mikey told me that him and Frank are basically best friends! I’m screwed. I knew Gerard had a teacher’s meeting after school, so I decided to tell Mikey about Frank and me as we were waiting for Gerard.

“Mikey, Uh I have to tell you something…” I said nervously.
“What is it Maddie, you know you can tell me anything.” He said instantly getting all Mr.Serious on me.
“You know how I said I thought I knew Frank?” I said looking up at him.
“Yeah..” He said starting to look worried.
“I know him, I mean I REALLY know him.” I said looking back down at my feet.
“How well do you know him Madds?” Mikey asked lifting my face to look me in the eye.
“I dated him about a year and a half ago, I might of even loved him…I lost my virginity to him Mikey!” I couldn’t control myself any longer. I lost it. I just let myself cry into Mikey’s shoulder.
“Oh my god Maddie, are you gunna tell Gee?” He asked concerned.
“I… I.. I don’t know. Should I?” I asked looking for reassurance in his eyes.
“ It’s your choice. But please, PLEASE don’t break my brother’s heart. I hate picking up the pieces. And I don’t want to go through it again.” He said as his eyes glazed over with tears.
“What? I don’t understand?” I said sniffling.
“Well, Gerard’s last girlfriend, well, they were in love, and he wanted to marry the girl. But one night, he came home and she was there on the couch with another guy. Gerard turned to drugs and alcohol. He even cut himself a few times.” He said, choking back tears. I immediately grabbed my wrist; I had cut myself as well. Mikey saying it brought back all the memories, the memories of my own blood slipping down my wrist. Mikey snapped me back to reality.
“Maddie…hello?” he waved his hand in front of my face.
“Yeah? Sorry I zoned out. Please, go on.”
So he did, he went on to explain that Gerard had to see a therapist, had to take depression pills, etc. I was astonished that someone could put such a beautiful man in that much pain.
I calmed down and I thought about if I should tell him…
“Mikey, I think I’m going to tell him. You know how he said he was going to take me out tonight?” I said wiping the running eyeliner from my cheeks.
“You’re going to tell him tonight? Please, I beg you, don’t hurt him.” Mikey pleaded.
“I swear, I could never break such a beautiful thing.” As I said that we saw Gerard walk out of the school.
“Hey Mikes! Hey babe!” He said as he kissed me on the forehead. “Mikey you don’t mind if I drop you off while me and this adorable little thing go out do you?”
Mikey paused before answering, and looked at me. “No Gee of corse not.” Mikey said, plain and flat with no feeling at all. It was almost like he was mad at me.