Through the eyes of Someone Else

Happy Times.


I walked into the crowded room, hoping that I could just slip in, I managed to do that.
I walked to the nearest table and sat down next to the only two people I knew well. Justine and Helen. They glanced over and smiled a reasurring smile at me. I nodded.

'Hey..Good Summer?' I said.

'Yeah, awesome thanks, went to Canada with my family, how about you?' Helen smiled at me.

'Yeah it was really good thanks, I went out loads, y'know in town and stuff'

In actual fact that was far from the truth, I had spent most of it cooped up in my room, drawing and listening to random music. At that time I didnt really have much of a music taste. But I wasnt going to let on about that, best if they thought I had been busy.

'Cool, Hey Justine, what about you?' Helen nudged her best friend in the arm, causing her to look up from the magazine she was reading.

'Oh er yeah twas good thanks' She hardly looked up, too engrossed in the latest celeb gossip. I never could understand why people wanted to read those magazines like 'Hello' and 'OK' day in and day out.

I sighed inwardly, what a great start to Year 7!

'Hey, now we are rid of all the primary school stuff, we should hang around together more' Helen said, now gaining Justine's full attention.

'Yeah, of course.' Justine and I said in unision.

We giggled. 'So whats first lesson.... Oo art... you will be please Miley...c'mon lets have some fun!' Justine said, grinning at me.

I dont know why she always called me Miley, she always had done, it was my nickname and it would have been weird if she didnt call me that!
Thankfully, we hung around as a threesome for a while, before the trouble started.
Smiling, I felt happiness creep over me, it was going to be okay.

I skipped of to Art, it was on the top floor. Justine and Helen closely following.
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Sorry its not very long... dont really know where to go with it.
Help anyone?

I want 5 more comments before I continue. Because I'm mean like that! :P