Status: Complete, look for the sequel soon.

I'm Not Your Boyfriend Baby


Rain's POV
Sixx stared at me; calculating gold eyes watched and took in every minute detail slowly as I showed I wasn't going to cause him pain the calculating look was replaced by one much scarier, angrier. He didn't seem to like being taken care of; he didn't seem to like anything really. It was almost as though he expected me to lash out and hurt him. Not what I wanted. Not in the slightest.

"Why do you look at me like you expect me to hurt you," I asked finally
"Because everyone does," he scoffed like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Really, I happen to know people who don't," I said thinking I'd out witted his logic.
"That's because they're doing it behind your back,"
"Why do you assume everyone is vicious?" I'd had enough and just wanted him to open up at least a little. If someone had done that to him-which seemed highly unlikely-he'd need to tell someone.

"Because the only people I've met are, they don't give a shit about me and I frankly don't give a shit about them, they use me, I use them. It's as simple as that Rain," he stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Again I think he truly believed it.
"Do you think there aren’t good people in this world," I asked softly, he simply shook his head.
"If there are I've never met a single one," he said and turned to leave.

I quickly cut him off. I may be short, but damn that boy is not going out there like that in the rain. Ha bad joke.
"Okay first off, you're not leaving at least not until you've had your hand checked out, and second of all it's raining, again you're not leaving till it stops." I stood with my arms crossed over my chest. He arched an eyebrow as though to tell me 'do you really think you could stop me'. I inwardly smirked.

I motioned for him to turn around and go back into the house.
"You know technically this is kidnap,"
"Mhm, sure," I muttered rolling my eyes at his feeble attempt at logic. Again that boy is so messed up in the head. I dunno who fucked him up, but I'll kick their ass when I see them.
"Who fucked you up," I voiced my thoughts. I guess it wasn't the best idea as his golden eyes blazed with a fire so fierce I feared my skin would boil.

"A lot of people," he ground out before calming himself down I slowly sank down into the chair opposite him and stared at him warily. Just because I knew a little bit about him didn't mean I trusted him fully.
"Who's a lot of people," I asked softly, I just wanted to see how far I could question him before he got really pissed and attempted to leave.

"Can't you drop it," he snarled, he was kinda like a wounded animal, lashed out at other people before they could do him the damage. And judging from what he said earlier, he followed the whole 'we all use each other' mantra.
"Nope," I popped the 'p' he growled and I chucked his wallet back at him. He rolled his eyes and pocketed it.
"You took my fake ID didn't you," he asked heaving a sigh I shrugged innocently in an 'I don't know' fashion.
"Ugh, how is I don't even know you and yet your railing on me about my bad habits," he grumbled to himself. I chuckled and dodged the magazine he chucked at me.
"Oh is that how it is," I asked faking sadness
"Yeah I'm the abusive one and you’re the controlling one...That sound about right to you," he asked sarcasm evident in his voice.

"Go to sleep," I grumbled pointing over his shoulder in the direction of the guest room, and my room.
"See, you're just proving my point," he smirked
"Go now, or I'm going to hit you,"
"Oooo," he crinkled his noise like I'd just said or done something that turned him on "you promise?"
I groaned and rolled my eyes,

Sixx’s POV

I found myself following what Rain had told me, which was odd because I hate doing as I’m told. I hate authority. I sighed and leaned my head against the wall behind the head board on the bed. This is the problem with me, I don’t sleep.

I found myself outside the door to the room I woke up in and noted that there was another door a few feet away. I figured it was Rain’s room because the room I was in didn’t look at all lived in. Or it was lived in and the person had no interests or anything that would define them as a human being.

I flopped down on the large mattress and winced as my banged up hand hit the bed.
“Fuck,” I moaned as agony spread up my arm, sadly though it felt better than the numbness and anger I usually felt.
“They were right Sixx, you are broken,” I said to myself as I stared at the ceiling I just stared at the ceiling until the first couple of rays of day break came through the window.

Getting up I walked back out into the main room I’d been in before and found Rain sitting at the counter on the phone with someone. Upon seeing me awake he pointed at the cupboard above and to the right of the sink, and the one below the island he was sitting at. I arched an eyebrow at him, but went to the areas he’d pointed at. He continued talking on the phone like he wasn’t multi tasking.

I opened both cupboards and found bowls and cereal. Great he was trying to feed me; I rolled my eyes and waited till he got off the phone.
“Sleep well,” he asked chuckling slightly
“I didn’t,” I sighed he arched an eyebrow in my general direction
“Huh,” wow he could make intelligent noises
“I didn’t sleep, I don’t sleep much nor do I eat a lot, but I drink and party heavily,” I explained he shook his head and threw a Cheerio at me. I stared at him strangely, no one threw shit at me other wise they got the shit kicked outta them.

“What the hell,” I asked slightly confused
“You need to take care of yourself,” he said all humor fleeing his features
“No one will give a shit seriously you’re concerned about me, you shouldn’t be,” I scoffed and threw the Cheerio back at him.

Pretty soon I wound up eating a little bit of cereal, god what the hell was this guy doing to me? I mean seriously who helps random teenagers? Apparently Rain did, but that just seems odd to me.
“Since I’ve decided that until you have normal habits i.e. eating and sleeping, you’re staying with me,” he said. I popped a Cheerio into my mouth and scowled at him.
“Who say’s I don’t have normal habits,” I asked he just arched an eyebrow and scoffed pointing at himself. I rolled my eyes, but for once in my life didn’t fight it. I figured I’d just go see how long it takes people to notice.
“I take it I’m going to be going to school,” I asked
“Not till everything is straightened out…Because seriously that was not normal behavior in the alley way,” he muttered. I rolled my eyes
“Great I’m now trapped here with a stranger,”a hot stranger…I didn’t just think that.
♠ ♠ ♠
Too damn lazy to do a polyvore, comment people.

if someone wants to make a banner for the story we'd love that :)

Peace, Shade.