Status: Complete, look for the sequel soon.

I'm Not Your Boyfriend Baby


I didn’t know when I let things get so bad. I did not exactly know what was happening to me right now. I didn’t know much. I just knew my head was pounding, my stomach was empty, and some stranger was injecting something into my veins. I hated this feeling. How could Arrow do this to me?

He always told me he loved me, but now I’m here and he’s causing it. Well his friend was, but he was giving him the orders. I don’t know how long the poked and prodded my bare body and I didn’t quite care anymore. I was just so numb and tired I let them. I let them take over my body and what seemed like years later they dressed, spat on me, and left the room.

I laid there in their filth and my own just wanting to die. It had to be almost twenty minutes before I got the strength to pull myself up my shaking fingers fumbling through my abandon pants pockets. I needed to get out, but I didn’t know where to go. Sam wouldn’t help me. Why would she?

There was always Sixx, but of course Sixx wouldn’t help either. Not that Nyk blamed him. Things ended awfully between the two. He closed his eyes and whimpered the silence eating at his broken soul. He shook his head and dialed the familiar number, his teeth gnawing at the inside of his lower lip. It took long enough but finally there was an answer.

“Sixx…I need you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
so short.
edited 1 / 22 / 12.