Status: Complete, look for the sequel soon.

I'm Not Your Boyfriend Baby


I groaned, rolling over and grabbed my new phone. The number had remained the same I just had to get a new phone since my old one had been destroyed. The warranty was almost up anyways so it didn’t matter that the phone had been busted into tiny bits.

“Hello?” I asked confused as to who would be calling me. Except for Rain and some of his friends no one called or texted my phone…This had to be a wrong number.

“Sixx,” Nyk’s soft voice sounded pained and tired. Broken almost. This sent a wave of cold harsh reality splashing over my body. The blood in my veins froze and turned to ice.

“What do you want Nyk?” I asked shaking my head to snap myself back into reality. I quickly climbed out of the bed I’d gotten here and pulled on a pair of jeans. Whatever it was, this couldn’t be good.

“I-I…C-can you come get me,” he asked his slight stutter back. I knew pretty much what had gone down by now. Arrow had fucked up. He was gonna die.

“Where are you?” I asked lowly careful not to wake any of the inhabitants of the apartment, Nyk prattled off some address and I memorized it quickly before telling him I’d be there shortly.

I grabbed a long sleeved thermal and threw it over my head, covering the new tattoo I’d gotten. The dragon started at my left shoulder blade and ran over my collar bone to my chest, where its head sat. Almost like it was perched on my shoulder, over looking everything, it hurt like a bitch to get it done. But I did and I got it in one trip. The artist called me a trooper. In reality I just didn’t mind the physical pain.

I bolted out the apartment skipping stairs and taking some a flight at a time. There were really only four stairs each flight, but the jarring thud when I landed was enough to make me wince. My ribs hadn’t really healed from the last fight I’d gotten in, but right now I didn’t care. I quickly unlocked my car and slid into the driver’s seat, not bothering with anything other than putting the car in drive and peeling out of there.

I reached the address Nyk had given me. This was honestly a piece of shit, and that’s saying something coming from me. I climbed out of the sleek black car I’d bought and took long strides to the door. If anyone other than Nyk was there, they were going to get the shit kicked out of them. I pounded knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer. When they did…All hell broke loose.

The girl tried to slam the door shut, but lucky me, I’d been working out. I threw the door open and grabbed Arrow by the throat. Pressing my thumb and forefinger into the space just below his jaw hinge…there was murder in my eyes and I knew it.

“This hold I have you…It cuts off the oxygen supply you’re sucking into your disgusting body. If you move you simply hurt yourself more. Now listen to me very closely you piece of shit.” I spat angrily.

“You’re going to take your little friend over there,” I nodded my head to the trembling mess of a girl on the floor “and you’re going to leave here and never look back. I will know if you ever come back here…Understood?” I snarled angrily. I was done with him. Arrow nodded as best he could, and wound up wincing as he inflicted pain upon himself. I carelessly tossed Arrow down to the floor.

My hazel gold eyes burned angrily and I could feel my blood boil as I thought of what might have happened to Nyk.

“If you hurt him…I will find you and you will die a slow painful death,” I spat watching as the girl’s eyes widened and she whimpered. “What?” I snapped; she looked like she wanted to piss herself.

“I-it was all Arrow,” she whimpered, probably fearing for her life. Rightly so, this place smelled like drugs…and other substances I’d rather not mention. I pushed myself into that place I hated and loved. The place that made me not human anymore.

I walked from the kitchen area into the living room, the long strides I’d already had ate up the small space between the two areas. I found Nyk. He didn’t look like my Nyk. He didn’t look like anything really. He was a hollow empty shell.

I forced myself to remain emotionless and carefully picked him up. His tiny arms wrapped around my neck and he huddled close. He was shaking, but I couldn’t tell from what. I walked back into the kitchen area and snarled at the both of them.

“Get out of town Arrow,” I spat and attempted to keep myself from killing him with some object in the room. I finally just left, still carrying Nyk. God dammit this is not how things were supposed to happen! I slowly put him into the black leather passenger seat of the sedan and quickly went around to the driver’s side myself. I fired up the car and cranked the heat. Glancing at Nyk I did a quick assessment of his outward appearance. He was skinnier than normal, his eyes were dull, his skin was pale and his face was gaunt and hollow. The clothes that had once fit him perfectly were now lose and baggy.

I was grateful this car heated up as quickly as it did. Nyk seemed to stop shaking so violently and his eyes drifted around instead of being glued wide open and staring blankly. Then he lunged wrapping his arms around my neck tightly and pulling me sideways…damn for a skinny kid he had some strength. Though I’m sure that was mostly just adrenaline. I could feel my gear shifter digging into my sternum but I ignored it and wrapped my arms around Nyk’s tiny torso as he spewed out random words all strung together.

“I’msorryI’msorryI’msorry,” was pretty much the only thing he seemed capable of saying. And he just repeated it over, and over, and over. Finally my back started to hurt so I lifted him up and pulled him into my lap.

“Nyk…Shh,” I groaned as he continued to mumble random words and apologies. That didn’t succeed in shutting him up so I quickly silenced him by placing my lips over his chapped ones. It wasn’t like fireworks were going off behind my eyes, but I felt like some part of me had just cemented its self back together. And okay I felt something warm and fuzzy was filling my veins. Nyk’s fingers were tangled in my hair, leaving me only a small amount of space to pull back.

“Are you going to shut up,” I asked him lowly.

“If you continue to do that, nope I’m gonna keep apologizing,” he grinned…it was a small one, but for a fleeting second my Nyk was back. “Where did you go?” He asked his voice barely above a whisper, he sounded…sad that I hadn’t been around.

“I had to go sort some stuff out…” I sighed softly as he laid his head against my shoulder and collar bone.

“You scared everyone…” he whispered, his tone told me he wasn’t lying. I shook my head softly and lifted his frail form back into the passenger seat. I glanced over my shoulder before running my seatbelt across my chest and whipping out of the parking lot after Nyk had placed his on his body. I quickly made my way through the rain slicked streets of our town and pulled up to the apartment I’d been living in for the past few months. I didn’t trust Nyk to be able to walk let alone move so I walked around to the side of the car and picked him up easily. He wasn’t a heavy person to being with, but the weight he was at now, honestly scared me a little. And I wasn’t used to feeling scared about anything.

The apartment was no longer silent like I’d left it. Now it was lit up and people were moving around at a frantic pace. Setting Nyk down on the soft leather couch I arched an eyebrow at Rain and his ’friend’.

You, in so much trouble,” Rain pointed at me…Though he kinda lost train of thought when he spotted Nyk. “Explain,” he asked of me. It was a simple request, so I told him the shortened version of the story…I left out the parts about me threatening Arrow’s pathetic life and kissing Nyk. Rain’s friend grinned and winked at me. I simply arched an eyebrow and sent him a glare that clearly stated he’d lose an important limb if he kept that up.

“This is where you went?” Nyk asked softly, I sighed and nodded.

“Not so much where I went, but where I was forced to be,” I chuckled lowly. Nyk nodded and accepted the glass of water Rain had handed him. After a small conversation with Rain he whole heartedly agreed that Nyk should stay here until he was feeling better. I don’t know what was weirder: the fact Rain agreed or the fact he said Nyk was going to be staying with me. Though he probably thought this would stop me from bringing random strangers here. In truth it probably wouldn’t.

Tomorrow was Monday and so Nyk was heading back to school, then back here. I had officially left the high school and had no intentions of going back. I was now at school with Andy who had freaked out when she first saw me. Ryder was still a close friend of mine and I’d often wind up crashing there after a hard night’s party.

Somehow this was going to be the best and worst thing that had ever happened to me.
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So sorry about not updating, I just wasn't feeling it, but tonight, I finally sat down and updated since I'd had one person comment saying they wanted me too. Thanks for doing so it got me motivated to update. See I like when people comment on stuff, makes me happy. Anyways to make up for not updating for who knows how long I made it kinda long and it was a nice chapter. COMMENT! You'll get a cookie! ^.^
Thanks to everyone who HAS commented in the past, I enjoy going over and looking at what you've written, though none of you seem to like Rain...Why not?? I lurves him! xD But that's just me. So people who are looking for an update, my coauthor is currently not on Mibba, so I'm looking to start a new co-written slash. Message me up if you'd like to write one, I'm up for anything, except it has to be OF since I don't do fan fic slashes.
Peace, Shade.