Status: Complete, look for the sequel soon.

I'm Not Your Boyfriend Baby


I didn’t quite understand why Sixx had to be crude to everyone he met; once upon a time he was even rude…beyond rude to me actually, but we patched it up and now I’m rarely away from him…except when he went to those damned parties. I didn’t understand how he could stay out all night just…doing nothing; well something but I didn’t like to dwell on those thoughts. I however was probably one of the nicest guys in the school. I liked meeting new people; that’s why as soon as I saw him Arrow had sparked my attention. I thought Sixx might like him so I thought it’d be a good thing to bring him to lunch with me. No big deal, right? You’d think I’d know Sixx by now.

“This is Arrow and well you know Samantha already…”

I said with a small smile the silence that hung in the air getting to me. I wasn’t a fan of silence; it annoyed me to no end. “Who’s your friend?” Arrow pretty much giggled as he curled against me causing me to tense. I wasn’t all that touchy feely, wasn’t actually used to it. “Well, that’s my best friend Sixx….” I said softly avoiding Sixx’s gaze.

“If I wanted your friend to know my fucking name I would’ve told him, Nyk.” I flinched slightly when he snapped at me. I wasn’t used to it, but I had it coming. “Calm down, Sixx.” I soothed softly as I picked at the garbage they called ‘food’ here. I would’ve reached out to touch his hand or something but decided against it.

“Nykkie, it’s rude to play with your food.” Arrow faked scolded causing Sam to giggle loudly. Arrow shot her look before lacing his large hands with mine while his free hand reached across and grabbed my apple, the only good thing on my plate; all I did was stare in shock.

He took the only good thing off of my tray. For a moment I pouted before deciding to speak up. “That was mine…” I whined softly watching in horror as he throw his own apple on my tray said apple landing straight smack into my green peas. Did I mention it didn’t at all look as good as my apple? Butthole.

I stared disgustedly as Sam reached across and poked on of the many squishy spots only to squeal and wipe it on Sixx’s jacket. I do believe the girl had a death wish.

“Don’t fucking touch me!” Sixx was quick to snap practically pushing Sam to the side his glare moving to the girl his fist banging down on the creaky table. I was surprised the darn thing didn’t collapse then and there it was so fragile looking.

I let out a soft squeak when Arrow jumped to his feet his green eyes narrowing to little slits. “What crawled up your ass and die?” He hissed. My eyes nervously darted between the two hoping to god they wouldn’t fight. I would be out of there. Violence was not my friend.

“You and your stupid friend Sam!” Sixx hissed back with just as much hatred, but he didn’t stand; I was only slightly thankful. “Well we can go you know.” Arrow countered as he grabbed Sam’s arm and tugging her towards him causing her to stumble but she didn’t say anything. She just remained quiet.

“Good, go.”

I gasped softly when my hand was grabbed and my small body was tugged up. “Fine, we’re going.” I raised my eyebrow. I agreed to go? I stumbled along behind them, but was stopped by Sixx’s voice.

“Nyk you don’t have to go…”

I turned to say something frowning a bit. I didn’t exactly want to go…I loved my new friends but that was Sixx. I looked between the three but before I could say anything Arrow spoke for me.

“He wants to.” With that last sentence I was dragged out of the crowded cafeteria feeling guilty for leaving my best friend there.
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Edited : 5/1/2011.