Status: Complete, look for the sequel soon.

I'm Not Your Boyfriend Baby


After Nyk left with Arrow and Sam I laid my pounding head on the old and creaky table.

“Dear god someone shoot me now,” I mumbled under my breath while pulling out my T-mobile Sidekick.

’Ryder I need weed and to get laid NOW’ I texted probably one of the only other people I could stand.
’Alright there’s a party tonight so meet me up there and we’ll get you whatever you need’ was the response I got. Really that’s the only answer I needed from Ryder he’s got what I want and I’m going to get it. Deciding that I’d much rather spend my time being bitched at for skipping by my Aunt and Uncle than dealing with the people here. I left.

Slipping out of the school I lit up a cigarette and started walking; where I didn’t know, but I figured where ever I wound up would be better than any place I had been. I took a few more drags off my cigarette before throwing it onto the ground and putting it out with the sole of my combat boot. I kept walking till I wound up at Krystal’s house. An ex of mine…I have a few, but she was one of the more memorable ones. I knocked on the front door and Krystal’s mother opened it smiling. She was always very smiley; kinda creeped me out.

“Oh hey Sixx…I’ll go get Krystal,” she smiled; her mother always did like me god knows why I gave her no reason too.

I felt that all too familiar jolt of electricity run through my veins as Krystal walked up and smiled. She unlike her mother wasn’t always smiling.

“Hey Sixx; what’s up,” she asked crossing her arms over her chest and leaning against the doorframe.

“Not much Nyk left with some kids and they annoyed the fuck outta me,” I grumbled she smiled and grabbed a hold of my arm dragging me into the house.

“Awwe did you’re wittle Nikkie leave you,” she said in a childish manner I chuckled and pulled her back to my front.

“Maybe…you wanna kiss it and make it better,”

“Babe if we did that we’d be right back where we started,” she sighed I rolled my eyes. Yes Krystal and I dated; yes I do still care about her, and yes we will occasionally sleep with each other.

“Besides I have a boyfriend,” she sighed I couldn’t tell if she was annoyed at me or at her boyfriend.

“Yeah you do, but you and I both know that it’s only a matter of time before we wind up where we started,” I said before letting her go. Krystal nodded and turned to face me

“So who are these kids that Nyk’s hanging out with; obviously you fucked something up he never leaves you,” she arched an eyebrow at me and placed her hands on her hips.

“I didn’t do shit; he knows they annoy the shit outta me and he left with them anyway,” I scowled.

“And their names are Samantha—Sam—and Arrow…seriously who names their kid Arrow,” I grumbled the last part to myself.

“Your name is Sixx,” Krys pointed out

“Yeah, but I changed my name, his was given to him at birth…and that Sam chick she’s eyeing me like I’m a piece of fucking meat.” I growled Krys laughed and looked me up and down.

“Sixx honey I hate to say it but you’re not that subdued people are bound to notice you,” Krystal muttered and handed me a glass of something. If I had to guess just by looking at it would be Vodka, but again Krystal surprises you in a lot of ways.

“I know I’m not, but she was like eye raping me…it was creepy and I’m king of creepy,” I grumbled taking a sip of whatever it was in the glass. Yeah I was right…Vodka.

“You trying to get me wasted,” I asked sarcastically Krystal laughed and sat down on the couch putting her small feet in my lap.

“So you going to Galen’s party,” Krystal asked flipping through the channels on the TV. I nodded

“Duh I need sex and weed, and I need it bad,” I sighed leaning my head back on to the back of the couch.

Three hours later I was ready to leave for the party at which my saviors would be waiting.

“Come on Sixx lets motor,” Krystal laughed as she skipped out her front door. Why is she skipping? I was right we did wind up there…again. I looped an arm around her waist she was wearing a pair of acid washed skinny jeans with multicolored Nikes on her feet. Her bleached blonde hair was teased to stand up in the ‘scene’ style. Her top was rainbow zebra print and she wore a hello kitty necklace with a giant diamond outline one. She had a hot pink headband with a small bow on it worn like a hippie headband. Her grey blue eyes were outlined in black eyeliner and her snakebite hoops were black instead of their normal silver.

I on the other hand was a complete opposite of Krystal. I wore black skinny jeans tucked into my black combat boots I had on a long sleeved dark grey thermal with a silver tribal design running up the sleeves. Over top of that I wore a black Bring Me The Horizon tee shirt. My hazel gold eyes were ringed with black eyeliner. I’d put in my silver Monroe stud, my snakebite studs, and my black and purple tongue ring. I didn’t feel like putting in my hip piercings because then I’d have to sag my skinnys. Once we got to the party we met up with Ryder and Andy; Andy was the one girl I’d never slept with. Mainly because I didn’t want to fuck with Ryder…you mess with Ryder and you’re done. He’s a mean little fucker. And he’s not that little; he’s about six one with brown hair and silver eyes. The other reason I don’t mess with Ryder is because he supplies everything I need…well besides the people I sleep with.

I lit up a blunt and finally relaxed…oh yeah tonight is looking so much better.
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Sorry about the wait for the update. Hey that rhymed. just met Krystal and in the next few chapters you'll meet the other two mysterious Ryder, and Andy...yes Andy is a girl. Anyways Comment, subscribe, tell people about this story. You know the drill. I'd like to take a minute and thank those of you guys who've commented so thank you:

MakeXLoveXNotXWar (she's my co-author but the first to comment)
Dango X_x

Thank you guys for commenting =)

Peace, Shade.