Status: Complete, look for the sequel soon.

I'm Not Your Boyfriend Baby


“Sixx,” Krys giggles; she’s drunk, I’m drunk I’m also a lot of other things, but those I can’t repeat. We walked here because…well we knew there’d be rather a lot of alcohol involved in tonight’s activities. Why? Mainly because I fucked things up with Nyk and Krys knows this. Hell most of the people I’ve run into at this party know this. Then there’s them oh hells yes they showed up! But guess what? They’re not alone; oh nope they’ve brought Nyk with them. He can’t stand these fucking parties and yet here he is. With them.
I’m going to kill them

‘oh shut up, no you won’t’

fucking try me I snarl at the voice in my head. Yes I do have one and sometimes he gets a British accent. Don’t ask me why I’m not his care taker…Well maybe I am; only a little bit.

Finally I’ve decided I’ve had enough; Arrow and Sam have just entered World War III…And believe me I have the whole school on my side. They’re not safe anymore…And they won’t be, they fuck with Nyk they fuck with me and I don’t like being fucked with.
“I’m going to pound their fucking faces in,” I snarl I’m not so wasted that I can’t function properly it’s just that special kinda drunk where I get really, really pissed and I start fights. I’m a violent, volatile drunk.

Krystal grabs my arm and yanks me back down on the couch
“You do that and Nyk will never ever forgive you,” she stressed the ‘ever’ part.
“What the fuck difference does it make, he already hates me,” I grumbled leaning my head on her shoulder. When I’m drunk and high at the same time my emotions tend to swing out of control. One minute I’m a pissy asshole, the next I’m a hard ass, for all I know the next emotion is weepy bitch.

“Where the fuck is Ryder,” I mumble Krystal grabs her phone and obviously texts Ryder to come meet us. I need something anything to take my mind of Nyk and those fuckers. Ten minutes later Ryder is standing in front of us
“What do you need,” he asks looking specifically at me
“Something to forget, the vodka isn’t doing it,” I mumble Ryder nods and glances over his shoulder before handing me a bag of small red pills. I don’t know what they are, but I tend not to question anything when I’m like this. I dry swallow them and Ryder looks at me as if I’ve lost my mind, maybe I have. Maybe that’s why I have a voice with a British accent in my head.

“Dude…You weren’t supposed to take them all,” Ryder’s eyes about bug out of his head
“Well then don’t hand me the bag,” I smile, I can feel them…What ever they were start to kick in.
“Oh shit, this is really not good,” those words are the last thing I hear before I slip off to unconsciousness.

Andy’s POV

I jog over to Ryder and Krystal; obviously Sixx has had just a little too much to drink because he’s out cold.
“Hey, what’s up,” I ask smiling at Ryder who looks a little more than horrified.
“Everybody clear the fuck out!” He yells and picks Sixx up. I’ve never thought anyone could do that without getting their ass kicked.
“What the hell is going on!” Krystal screams her eyes are wild and I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone look so freaked out.
“Look I gave him the bag yes, but he wasn’t supposed to take them all,” Ryder growls before lying Sixx on the ground on his back. I’m beginning to wonder what’s going on.
“Okay someone explain,” I snap a kid who looks to be about fifteen grabs his cell and starts to dial I snatch it out of his hands and glare.
“No cops,”

Krystal’s POV

I’m crouching next to Ryder who’s attempting to get Sixx to empty the contents of his stomach. That seems to be the only way he’s going to not die. Well obviously, but I’m not really sure what’s going on.
“What the…” I glance up and see Nyk I can’t tell what emotions he’s feeling, but the main two I’m seeing are anger and fear.
“I knew it, I knew I shouldn’t have kept my mouth shut,” he snarls glaring at Ryder. I’m confused.
“What the hell are you talking about,” I ask the music that was once pumping through the house has been turned off. The entire place is dead silent.
“Oh god,” Nyk moans as though he’s in agony.
“Nyk what is going on,” I snap as Ryder finally gets Sixx to empty his stomach.

Nyk the ever shy, quite non violent boy actually lunges at Ryder who easily catches him and restrains him.
“You need to calm the fuck down Nykkie,” he murmurs using the nick name only Sixx has ever used.
“This is the second time, Ryder, the second,” Nyk hisses wrenching himself free from Ryder. The glare he’s had on his face upon seeing Sixx on the floor unconscious hasn’t left and it doesn’t look like it’s taking a vacation anytime soon.
“Look Nyk, he was hurting and pissed off this isn’t Ryder’s fault,” I say attempting to mediate the fight I’m guessing is about to break out. Where’s Sixx when you need him? Oh yeah that’s right he’s unconscious on the floor. Nyk doesn’t say anything; I don’t think he’s capable of forming words at this point.

“Look I let it go once Ryder, but I can’t a second time,” Nyk growls I feel my face drain of color.
“Nyk, Sixx is fine…Really he’s okay,” I say placing my hands on his shoulders trying to break the death glare he was sending Ryder. Andy had a look of horror on her face and Sam and Arrow looked…Smug?
“Nyk I know you’re worried about him, but you’re the one that left,” I say in retrospect it probably wasn’t the best idea, I may have just dug Sixx a deeper hole, but Nyk needed to see the light. Not that he would until Sixx woke up probably, but that’s not important. What is important is the fact that my ex boyfriend most likely over dosed and is now laying prone on the floor. His best friend is pissed off, Ryder saved Sixx’s life, but Nyk can’t see that, Andy’s freaked out that her (secret) boyfriend might be going to jail. And all in all it’s been a shitty night.

Sixx’s POV

I woke up to something cool on my forehead. I was more than disoriented, I was down right pissed. My throat felt like someone had stuck steel wool down it and scrubbed then forced me to swallow acid. My chest ached and my head was pounding. I felt clammy and cold all at the same time.

I groaned and rolled over until I hit the cool wooden ground. I didn’t have wood floors. Nyk did, but I didn’t. My eyes shot open and sat up a little too quickly for my bodies liking obviously. I moaned in agony before gripping my pounding head. I felt like I was about to vomit and the world was spinning. I don’t know what the fuck I took last night, but I don’t like the side effects. I can’t remember anything after seeing Nyk with Sam and Arrow. That I remember clearly and that’s what pissed me off, but I can’t remember anything. What. The. Hell? I pushed myself to stand when all I wanted to do was lie down and sleep until I didn’t feel like I was about to vomit.

“What the fuck happened last night,” I groan it’s not a question I have to ask myself very often, but right now it seemed like a logical question. I really can’t remember and it’s starting to twitch me out. I mean usually I can’t remember much, but I at least remember the main details. Today I can’t remember why I even wanted to go to that party. I can’t remember why I’m pissed all I know is I am.

I hear the door open and Nyk walks in, and the look on his face tells me what ever is going down isn’t good. I groan and lie back down on the cold floor.
“Get up Sixx,” for once his voice isn’t quite or soft, this isn’t the Nyk I’m used to.
“Why the fuck should I,” I snap back; I’m in pain and I tend to lash out when I am.
“Because you over dosed and almost died, you scared the living piss out of everyone and I at least want an explanation from you,” he sighed. I rolled my eyes and scoff
“Go the fuck away Nyk I don’t want to fucking talk to you and I sure as hell don’t want to be around you.” I growl before pushing myself so that I can stand and move past him.

“You almost died Sixx; this is the second time,” I laugh
“No it’s not, look I took too much of whatever it was that the guy gave me and wound up here, how I don’t know, but I did,” I laugh. I actually can’t remember who gave me what I took and I don’t remember how much I took nor do I know what I took. Nyk gives me a look that’s a cross between sadness and regret.

“Stop fucking acting Nyk; go fuck Arrow or something because I’m done go depend on them.” I snap and leave the room and a very shocked Nyk behind me.
‘Oh you lost your cool and now you lost the only person who could ever fucking stand you’ the voice in my head taunts.
I don’t need anyone to give a fuck about me I snap back although I know it’s true; I really do need Nyk more than I admit. I slam the front door behind me and don’t bother to respond when Mr. Martin yells at me. It’s the last time I’ll ever hear him so I just flick him off and keep walking. Why doesn’t it feel good anymore? Why doesn’t it feel liberating to tell someone to go fuck themselves? Why do I feel like there’s this huge assed hole in my chest?
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so long...I had writers block and I started one too many stories now I'm playing catch up. Hope the update makes up for not updating, it probably doesn't, but still. I personally like this one; it shows a little bit about Sixx and Ryder's relationship. When Nyk started to say something in the first chapter the whole overdoes thing was what he was going to say. But he didn't because he told Andy he wouldn't. Woops cats outta the bag now.

Peace, Shade.