Status: Complete, look for the sequel soon.

I'm Not Your Boyfriend Baby


It had been weeks since the last time I had spoken to Sixx; a record. Inwardly I felt like I was dying without my best friend but I wouldn’t say anything. Besides…Arrow was feeling the void – he wasn’t Sixx though. No one could ever take Sixx’s place. I should not be feeling like this. I should have known that Sixx and I’s friendship wouldn’t last. We were too different, but still…

A voice whispered softly from behind me. I raised an eyebrow before turning an adorable grin settling on my full lips. I practically threw my body at the other male circling my thin arms around his neck while his arms took their place at my petite waist. I hadn’t seen him since last Friday. I had been grounded for the weekend that meant no leaving the house, no phone, no computer, and no Arrow.

“Arrow, I have missed you so much!”

I squealed pressing my body up against his. I heard a snort from behind the tall frame and slowly peeked over his shoulder my porcelain cheeks turning a dark shade of pink when I saw who it was. Sam…I didn’t know she was there. I would have pulled away to hug her too but Arrow’s grip on my delicate waist was strong so I just gave her a small smile a pout making it’s way to my lips when Arrow forced me to stare back at him. I opened my mouth to whine but his finger was pressed to my lower lip. My eyes crossed down the middle before tilting my head looking up at him normally. What was he doing? My curious eyes searched his for any sign to cure my curiosity but found nothing. A smirk tugged across the older male’s lips, obviously amused by my actions, before finally licking over his lips as they parted.

“I have been wanting to ask this for weeks…”

Arrow started but paused to press a lingering kiss to my forehead causing my cheeks flush but I was quick to poke at his chest. He needed to continue. Nyk was too eager to hear the male’s little ‘confession.’ How couldn’t he be? He always listened to what Arrow had to say and now that he had something directed at him he was excited; his little heard beating like an 8-0-8 drum. In return to my poking he smirked and rolled his eyes before continuing.

“We haven’t know each other that long, but…I really like you. Everything is just so amazing. Your smile, your voice, that bubbly personality of your’s, and oh god your captivating eyes. Just everything about you means the world to me and I need to you to know…I need you to know that I’m falling – I’m falling hard for you. Will you be my boyfriend?”

My eyes widened at his little confession. That’s not at all what I had expected. I was expecting something lame that he always gave me, but this is different. My cheeks hinted a dark red as I kind of just stood there keeping my body close to his. Oh my…Why me? Why now? All these questions filled my head but only one stuck out. What about Sixx? Did he matter now? Why was he even in this collage of questions? I looked up at Arrow whose eyes were bright with curiosity. Yes or no…Just as I opened my mouth to let out the spew of awkwardness I knew my answer would be I was cut off by another voice; a harsher voice.

“Fuck, you are such a little slut!”

The voice snapped followed by a slam of a locker door. My high went down as I stared at my friend in pure confusion. You’d think he’d be happy for me, right? You’d think he wouldn’t care? You’d think he’d congratulate me, but no…He calls me a slut. Did he not know how much it hurt to hear him say that? Even though we had our little spat I still cared about what he thought; I hated the mere thought of him being mad at me. Though soon his sadness was replaced with anger. Who was he to insult him like that? Anger; it was an emotion I wasn’t used to…It slightly scared me.

Before I could stop myself I pressed Sixx against the lockers, not noticing the smirk on Arrow’s face, my stormy eyes narrowed to slits as I stared at my ex-friend.

“Like you can talk, Alexander. That is all you do is have sex with anything with a pulse.”

My glare slowly began to soften the longer I stared at the male. I couldn’t stay mad at him. He meant everything to me for a long time…I couldn’t just be mad at him like this. No matter what he had done In his life I hadn’t been mad at him. I turned away quickly hoping to wash away the guilt. My eyes searched Arrow’s face before pressing my lips to his quickly.

“I would love to be your boyfriend.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Edited 7 / 6 / 11.