Status: Complete, look for the sequel soon.

I'm Not Your Boyfriend Baby


Arrow’s lips met my bare skin with rushed kisses, my moans filling the comfortable air. It felt like it had been years since we had last kissed or even touched each other like this. “I love you so much.” He purred his finger raking up and down my chest exploring the pale flesh.

I smirked, my teeth sinking into my swollen lips. I didn’t really say anything. I just let him touch me, my eyes closing in pleasure. We didn’t really get this close much but I didn’t mind. It made it all the more amazing when we actually did ever venture out.

“I love you too.”

I moaned against his lips, straddling his hips with a dark blush. I ran my fingers through his hair grinding my hips against his with a pleasured moan. Too caught up with those plump lips against my own I didn’t pay much mind to the front door slamming and the stumbling up stairs.

It was probably Sam, but I was only half right.

“What the hell?” I was startled by the new voice and instantly pulled back. That voice did not at all sound like Sam in fact...With a soft whimper I pulled back from those lips I loved and looked towards the door my lower lip quivering.


Why was he here? I could tell he was drunk, hell I could practically smell the alcohol radiating off of him and it frightened me. He looked so angry. As Sixx’s long fingers nested in the back of my hair he gave me a hard tug, pulling me off the half-naked boy under me.

My eyes searched Arrow’s desperately silently praying he might help, but he only gathered his clothes and left me to deal with my own problems. You think that would have been my first clue that he would never be my prince charming.

“How the fuck could you do that?” Sixx ranted his foot connecting with my bare side causing to curl up in pain. I never too violence well; I was too sensitive. Even though my side was probably bruised the only thing I could think about was how my boyfriend just left me like this.

“Sixx…” I started but I didn’t know where to finish. How could I explain this to my drunken best friend? He probably didn’t want to hear any of what I had to say. Hell right now he probably hated me. Sixx merely shook his head his fist connecting with my cheek bone. “You were my best fucking friend and you left me for him! F-For some little whore…he’s changed you and you don’t even care.”

The words hit me hard, almost harder than the blows he was throwing at me with every passing second. I didn’t quite understand this all. We hadn’t talked in ages and now he just shows up and does this to me! I wiped the blood from my split lips and watched him with a pool of fear evident in my wide eyes. I knew that Sixx got angry but he was never angry with me.

I didn’t like it at all.
♠ ♠ ♠
god my writing was/is terrible.
edited 1 / 22 / 12.