Status: Complete, look for the sequel soon.

I'm Not Your Boyfriend Baby


Nyk scrambled away from me tears dripping down his cheeks. I took some sense of satisfaction that I was causing him pain like he'd caused me. After I'd drank enough to cause even the heaviest of drinkers to pass out Sam had brought me to her house telling me that Arrow and Nyk were here.

They swear I'm fucking crazy there ain't nothing that's gonna save me.

I glared harder at him and advanced slowly.
"Do you see what you've done," I asked my voice cold and emotionless I was back in this state. The one I feared and loved all at the same time. "Do you see what you've done to me," I snarled my temper mounting with every passing second.

Nyk just stared at me, tears slipping down his pale cheeks at an even faster rate. "I fucking hate you," I snarled and some how managed to stumble from that room and down the stairs. Unimaginable pain was ripping through me.

Once I found Arrow and Sam in the kitchen of theirhouse mansion I reached into my back pocket and slipped my fingers into my brass knuckles. I walked up to Arrow and repeatedly slammed them into his ribs and face.
"Have fun with your fuck buddy," I sneered and then turned my attention to Sam.
"If the people I surround myself with aren't good people yours are worse," I said simply and left.

I'd left Arrow a bloody mess and I felt okay for once in a long time. I decided I didn't want to go home just yet. I didn't want to face anyone, not the way I was right now.

I wandered down to the city. The alleys around here let you have some privacy. I crawled into one and pressed my back against the wall. I grabbed fistfuls of my long black hair and tugged hard. I wanted some physical pain to distract me from the emotional pain I was feeling. It was enough to drive me insane. Not like I was sane to begin with.

I whirled around and slammed my fist into the brick wall behind me. I relished the pain as it traveled from my clenched fist and up my arm resonating in my shoulder and chest. I felt some reprise. Drawing back my fist to slam it into the wall again I felt someone grab my arm.
"What the hell are you doing," he asked whirling me around to face him. He had to be no more than five foot three, but his sharp blue eyes kept me from lashing out.
"Why the hell were you doing that," he snapped wrapping my bandanna around my bloody and probably broken fist.
"It keeps everything else from hurting," I mumbled slumping down the wall.

He crouched down in front of me
"Do you have any place you have to go," he asked softly as though he was talking to a wounded animal. I guess he was.
"Why the hell do you care,"
"Because I've been where you are,"
"Yeah and I'm Mary-fucking-Poppins," I scoffed as my hands started shaking. Weather from the cold, the pain, or the blood loss I couldn't be sure.
"Come on get up," the unnamed guy ordered

"Who the fuck you think you are," I slurred everything together. He didn't answer instead he grabbed a hold of me and dragged me to my feet. He caught me as I fell forward and slowly we made it to a nice blacked out car. He pushed me down into the black leather seat and walked around to his side before climbing in and cranking the heater. I hadn't realized I'd been shivering.

The orange yellow street lights cut across the unnamed guys face, highlighting his sharp blue eyes. The bridge of his nose had a black barbell through it, he had snakebites one was silver the other was black. Slowly the alcohol I'd consumed and the blood loss and pain I'd sustained started to take effect and everything became blurry.
"Hey, hang in there okay," worry slipped into his voice as he was shaking my shoulder I jerked my head up and my eyes focused and unfocused.

I felt my eyes grow heavy and once again I dipped down into blissful unconsciousness. Once I wished I could stay in. And for once I hoped I didn't wake up.

Once I came too it was still dark outside, but the light was streaming through the window and caused the room to have a blue tint. The orange lights outside the window lit up the room enough so that I could see, but not enough to wake anyone up.

My head was pounding furiously. It felt like someone took a jackhammer to my skull and then deciding that wasn't enough put it in a trash compactor. My hand felt like it was on fire and a dull ache had settled in my fingers. White medical tape had been wrapped around the hand I'd smashed into the wall.

I groaned and pushed myself up off the gray sheeted bed and stumbled to the door. I turned the handle and stumbled into a main room wincing as the lights cut across my eyes. Suddenly the lights were shut off and my pounding head had one less thing assaulting it. I opened my eyes and glanced up to see the guy from the alley way.
"Didn't expect you to be awake by now," he said, rain was pattering against the windows of the nice sized apartment and I could see him sitting at the counter.

"Do you need anything," he asked getting up and walking closer to me, I was by far taller than he was, but at six two I was taller than most people.
"Yeah, pain killers," I mumbled grabbing my forehead as it started to pound harder against my skull. He chuckled softly and handed me two Aleve and a glass of water I ignored the water and dry swallowed the pills.

I take a swig of the water and turned to the unknown guy.
"Who are you anyway," I asked wary of his answer
"Oh right sorry, I'm Adrien or Rain...I prefer Rain." He smiled, I kinda liked his smile.
"So Rain do you help every drunk, emotional wreck you find in an alley way," I asked leaning against the counter. He smiled slightly shaking his head at me
"You looked pretty out of it, figured I should at least help you out," he said "you hungry," he asked I shook my head no, but my stomach growled in protest.

Rain laughed and moved over to the phone
"Pizza good," he asked I nodded pretty much anything was good after going almost two days without food. A soft laugh escaped his plump lips and he ordered a pizza quickly before hanging up the phone.
"So you're not an easy guy to carry from a car up a flight of stairs, so tell me why you were drunk off your ass in an alley way," he leaned against the counter piercing me with his blue eyes.

I glanced down at the counter and winced as I saw the damage I'd done to my hand.
"No reason...I take it you know who I am since you're not asking the same questions I did," I said hoping to divert him from the conversation we were having.
"I know your name is Sixx Moore and that you're seventeen, you smoke and drink-obviously-and that you go to the high school not far from here," he stated.

Deciding it'd be best not to lie to him I nodded.
"So tell me Sixx why were you drunk in that alley," he pressed again
"I don't wanna talk about it," I said wincing as the reality of everything cut into me. It was then that I realized that everyone I looked up to was really just as fucked up as me.
"Okay I won't push it, but you really should go to the doctor for your hand," he said as the pizza guy buzzed his apartment door. Rain paid the guy and brought the pizza into the kitchen/living room area.

"Kid eat it," he laughed and I picked up a piece eating it quickly. "Judging by how you're eating how long has it been since you ate," he asked concern darkening his crystal blue eyes. I swallowed and balked at the look in his eyes, no one showed concern for me.
"Two-if not three-days I've kinda been living on alcohol," I said cracking my neck. The look on his face was a new one for me. It was pain, but not pain I'd caused, it was pain for me.
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