Bet Your Life I'd Do It Again

Chapter 1

Three women sat out on the veranda of the bar, looking out at the dark beach as flamed torches lit the area, allowing them only to see a few metres ahead of them. They could hear the sound of the waves hitting the sand as they sat drinking cocktails and shots.
Andrea, Rhian and Amber were coming to the end of their week long vacation in Hawaii.
They went on vacation together every year, ever since they were in University together.

The three women had met during their first semester at Berkeley University. They were all taking different majors but had been placed together in the same dorm. They’d formed an instant bond, becoming best friends. They were always there for each other. For the good times and the bad, the fun times and the sad. They stayed together through thick and thin. They were more like family to each other than friends.

After they graduated, Andie as a journalist, Rhian with a major in Psychology and Amber as a lawyer, they moved into a house together in Berkeley.

“Gracias señor” Amber cheered with a drunken smile as the bar tender set down a jug of Sex on the Beach, three fresh glasses and three more shots on their table and removed the abundance of empty glasses.

“Ambs, how many more times, they are not Spanish!” Rhian giggled as she quickly finished the remains of her drink so she could pass the bartender her glass, winking with a smirk as she did so.

Amber turned her head and fake glared at her. “I’m just trying to be polite dear.” She stated. “It never hurts to be polite.”

Andrea rolled her eyes at the exchange between her two best friends and picked up her shot of tequila. “Guy, I think it’s time for another toast.” She said getting their attention. They both picked up their shot glasses, waiting for Andrea’s toast.

“Um, to finally finding a bar with cute bartenders.” She cheered with a smile as she raised her shot glass in the air. All three girls grinned widely as they turned their head to look at the two bar men who’d caught their attention that evening and had resulted in them staying in that bar for the past six hours. They charged their glasses and quickly knocked back the golden liquid.

“If only there was a third.” Rhian muttered as she poured herself a glass of Sex on the Beach.

“Oh honey, I’m sure that guy from the bar we were at last night would be happy to be your holiday romance.” Amber teased with a chuckle as she poured her own cocktail. Rhian glared at Amber as Andrea visibly shuddered.

“God No! We would never allow you to be subjected to even five minutes with that creep.” Andrea assured her with a smile.

“Thanks Hun. The scary thing is that he is actually the best offer I’ve had in the whole time we’ve been here. Actually I’d go one further and say he was the best offer I’ve had since I split up with Steve.” Rhian replied.

“Oh, that’s not true! What about that Jake guy you met the other week?” Amber questioned taking a sip of her drink.

“Ok, so I’ve had two offers.” Rhian replied rolling her eyes.

“That’s more than what I’ve had.” Andie retorted with a smile.

“Do you want to know what your problem with guys is Rhi?” Amber asked topping up each of their glasses.

“Do I have a choice?” she replied with a laugh in her voice. Amber just shook her head as she placed the empty jug back in the centre of the table.

“You’re a Psychiatrist. You analyse everything, including guys.” Amber explained. “You just need to relax more. You know I’m right.” She concluded.

Andie and Rhian looked at each other and rolled their eyes with a laugh as Amber shrugged her shoulders.

“I think we need more shots!” Rhian exclaimed pushing herself up out of her chair and heading to the bar.

“I’m right!” Amber called after her.

“Guilty as charged!” Rhian replied mockingly with a curtsy.


The three girls laughed loudly as they stumbled through the lobby of their hotel, their arms linked for support. They made their way towards the elevators, their heels noisily clicking against the polished floor. They stepped into the elevator and leaned against the walls. Just as Andie was about to lean over to press the button for their floor, a tall, bearded, chubby man stepped into the elevator with them, smiling at each of them with a wink. The three girls glanced at each other, fighting back the urge to burst into more fits of laughter.

“What floor are you girls on?” he asked with a smirk.

“Um, thirty-nine.” Andie replied, trying her best to keep a straight face.

“One up from me, what a shame.” He replied as he leaned across to press both numbers.

As the doors of the elevator closed and it started it’s accent upwards, the three girls avoided eye contact with each other, knowing that if either one of them caught the eye of one of the others they would burst into fits of uncontrollable laughter. The ride was unbearable and seemed to take forever. Finally the doors opened on the thirty-eighth floor and yet again the guy turned to face the girls.

“Room three nine twelve, if either of you want some fun.” He said with a smirk and a wink as he stepped out into the hallway.

With no reply, the girls were grateful when the doors closed again and they were able to let go of all the laughter they’d been holding in. They were still laughing hysterically when the doors re-opened on their floor.

“No, it’s this way….” Rhian said through laughter as she pulled Andie and Amber towards their rooms.

“Oh bless him, he really thought he may have been in with a chance.” Andie giggled as they walked through the corridor towards their room.

“I think we should stick with the bar men.” Amber replied, also through giggles as Rhian began to rummage through her purse for her key card.

“Shit!” Amber yelled suddenly as her heel seemed to stick in the carpet beneath her, her foot twisting as she stumbled to the floor, taking a screaming Andie with her.

“Oh my god!” Rhian yelled. “What on earth happened? Are you ok?” she asked, watching as Andie stood back up while Amber sat on the floor laughing.

“My heel caught –“ Amber began but was interrupted as the door behind her opened.

“What the fuck! You know some people are trying to sleep around here!” a very muscular, tattooed, familiar looking man yelled as he stood in the doorway in a pair of cargo shorts. His head was shaved and his hazel eyes stared unhappily at the three girls.

“Sorry, we, we were-“ Andie tried to apologise through laughter.

“What’s going on out here?” another male voice boomed causing the girls to turn to face the man stood in the doorway to the left. He too seemed somewhat familiar to the girls in their drunken state. He was tall, but not quite as tall as the first guy and not as muscular either, although he was toned and his arms were also covered in colourful tattoos. His short black hair stuck out randomly, in a mess from where he seemingly had been sleeping and his dark coffee eyes glared at the scene in front of him.

From where she was still sat on the floor, Amber didn’t miss the way Rhian’s eyes wandered over the man’s body and how she licked her lips and gulped as her eyes lingered, obviously noticing how his boxers sat low on his narrow hips.

“Do you girls mind keeping the noise down, people are trying to sleep you know!” he continued as Andie offered her hand to Amber to help her up, with Rhian still staring at the man in front of her.

“We’re sorry-“ Andie began to apologise, still having trouble keeping a straight face.

“Yeah, it sounds like it.” The first guy retorted glaring between the three girls.

“Hey, lighten up, we’re sorry ok?” Amber retorted with a glare of her own.

“Lighten up? I’m surprised you haven’t woken up half the hotel with the amount of screaming you three were doing!” the second guy replied taking a step forward, allowing his door to close shut behind him. As the door clicked shut he turned on his heels, his hand reaching out to grab the handle.

“Fuck!” he yelled frantically turning the knob in his hand.

“Now look what you’ve made me do!” he yelled turning back to glare at the three girls who were all trying hard not to laugh.

“Hey, that was all your doing!” Andie yelled.

“You could always come back to my room.” Rhian offered with a sly smile as she again ran her eyes over his body. He turned to face her and glared. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Andie and Amber giggling to themselves.

“Please.” He retorted with a mutter, rolling his eyes and turning his gaze away from her with a look of disgust on his face.

“Hey! I was only offering!” Rhian retorted crossing her arms over her chest.

“Whatever.” He muttered with another roll of his brown eyes. “All I wanted to do was have a good night’s sleep for the first time in months and you girls have ruined it!”

“Oh, we’re so sorry for being on holiday and trying to have a bit of fun!” Andie replied as she too crossed her arms over her chest.

“Yeah, this is a hotel you know.” Amber began also crossing her arms across her chest. “You picked the wrong hotel if you wanted peace and quiet and we are not going to apologise for having fun on our holiday. We’ve come here for a good time and we’re not going to let you two miserable guys spoil it for us!” she concluded.

The two guys stared at her for a brief moment, apparently at a loss for words. Three identical smirks crept onto the girls faces as they watched the guys trying to come up with a retort.

“Come on girls, let’s get back to our rooms, leave these two gentlemen figure out how to get back into his room.” Andie said, stepping forwards and joining her arm with Amber, who joined her other arm with Rhian, as all three girls kept their eyes on the guys, their smiles growing at the looks of disgust on both of their faces.

“Dude, come on, let’s go ring down to reception to get a key sent up.” the first guy said as the girls turned to head across the corridor towards their rooms.

“If I ever see those girls again it’ll be too soon.” They heard the second guy mutter before they heard the sound of a door closing.

“Well that was an eventful end to the evening.” Andie commented as she stopped outside her room and placed her key card in the slot.

“Yeah, it’s a shame that the two best looking guys we’ve found on this holiday now hate our guts.” Amber replied watching the small light on her door turn green so she could open it.

“Yeah, they were both fine specimens weren’t they.” Rhian replied with a dazed smirk on her lips. Both Andie and Amber laughed.

“Yeah, there’s a wet patch on the carpet outside his room from all the drool.” Andie replied with a laugh. Rhian replied with a simple poking out of her tongue.

“Night girlies. Breakfast in the morning?” Amber asked pushing her door open.

“Brunch.” Andie and Rhian replied jointly.

“Fine, brunch.” Amber replied with a roll of her eyes as they all stepped into their rooms laughing again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, so this is an idea that Amber (clemsongirl26) came up with a few weeks ago.
Each of us have written a chapter, and Andie and Amber will be posting soon!

So please let us know what you think and don't forget to subscribe :)
