Status: I'm taking a break, ya'll! I have another story rolling and...a novel to fix....and.... The end of the semester is coming up! Also, that plot bunny keeps escaping me! Grrrrrr.....bunnies.....


I Really Am Sorry..

“Tori?” Carrie asked. She was curled up like a cat in the far corner of my room, under my window. The brilliant men who designed our apartment had placed the vent there, so in the early spring like this, when the world was still thawing, the air around the vent was the only warmth in the room. All possible heat immediately escaped out of the insulation around the glass. As a ghost, Carrie could feel warmth, but only when it was strong. Therefore, she hogged the vent. I didn’t mind.

“Hmm…” I was on my bed, lying on my stomach, reading a book, only half paying attention.

“When I left you that second time…When you came back to your room and I was gone…”

I looked up, my attention grabbed.

“I’d gone to visit my mom. She was crying… I…sorta punished her for being narrow-minded. I mean, I scolded her pretty bad. Anyway…I just wanted to tell you where I went, because…” She hesitated.

“Why?” I asked, narrowing my eyes.

She took a deep breath, closing her eyes for a moment. Steeling herself, she opened her eyes and said. “Tristan. I want to see Tristan.”

I sat up quickly. “No.”

“But why not?” she whined, her voice sounding faintly pathetic. I wasn’t fooled. Her eyes radiated anger.

“He’s a fucking idiot! That’s why!” I snapped, slamming my book shut. It was a hardcover, and therefore made a pretty impressive thud.

“But, Tori—“

“No. You can do without him. Carrie, you can do so much better without him!”

“But I’m not leaving you!” She sat up on her haunches, ready to jump to her feet at any moment. “Just because I’m seeing him for a few minutes, doesn’t mean I’m leaving you to go running to him! You’ll even be with me!”

Well, fuck. She knew what was going on in my head better than I did.

I ignored that.

“Well then, hell no! I am not going to visit him! I fucking hate him! HE KILLED YOU, CARRIE!” My voice came out louder than it was supposed to. We both ducked and glanced toward the door, waiting for my mom to come storming in, throwing around threats and cusswords. She didn’t show.

“Look…Tori…” she started, but it was obvious that she was without words. She had nothing to support her argument, therefore, it was void. “I have to see him.”

“The hell you do.” I plopped back down on my stomach and flipped open the cover of my book. “Now. Shut up.”

Why is it that the people closest to you are the easiest to hurt?

Why is it that the people closest to you are the ones you want to hurt the most?
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you so much for commenting! You have no idea how much it means to me. And, yes, as promised, here are your virtual double fudge cookies. -gives a whole freaking basket-


Note: The next two are in Carrie's point of view. The immediate next one is short, so I'll upload the one after that fairly quickly.

Also, Note: I have the end of this written. (And I absolutely LOVE it.) Unfortunately, I don't have much of the story between now and the end. I have parts of it, but it's missing a major...plot bunny, if you will. I have to go back through and add that little guy, as soon as I have time.

Thanks for reading!