Status: I'm taking a break, ya'll! I have another story rolling and...a novel to fix....and.... The end of the semester is coming up! Also, that plot bunny keeps escaping me! Grrrrrr.....bunnies.....


It's All About...

“You know what bothers me?” I asked as Tori shoved half a burrito into her mouth.

“Uh, that I can eat fast-food Tex-Mex and you can’t?” She swallowed loudly and gave an exaggerated sigh, patting her stomach.

“Yes.” I shot her a jealous glare. “Plus, I realized something.”

“Hm?” She poked a pile of cheese-covered tater tots with a fork, not looking at me.


She looked up, caution written all over her face.

I ignored her. “Tristan was one of the main causes of the accident. He was there. He was the one with the idea. You…you were nowhere near. Yet, my parents let him into my funeral, let him come to my burial. But you were kicked out.”

She rolled her eyes and went back to her brunch. “You realize this now?”

I sighed, staring at my hands and through them to the design on the bedspread. “No. It just…bothers me.”

“Yeah, well. You’re mom’s an idiot. …I think it’s a mother thing. It must be in the job requirement.” Finishing the burrito, she balled up the wrapper and lobbed it in the general direction of the trash can, missing by several feet. “Damn.” But she didn’t bother getting up to throw it away.

I made a face. “I know. It’s nothing new. I dunno why I brought it up. Maybe I was on the verge of an epiphany.”

“You’re weird.”

“People are so shallow. It’s all about the faces.”

“Amen, girl. Amen.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Nyah. Short, I know. I really was on the verge of an epiphany when I wrote it, but by the time I got to the end, the epiphany was gone.
