Survivor: Sent off to Boarding School Because of a Dumbarse Mom

Chapter 10: Past Pretenses

Chapter 10: Past Pretenses

I walked into my room, and hadn’t even taken a step inside before someone was on top of me. The next second I heard Harry screaming at Paul to get off me. I was slowly awakening from my fuzziness caused by booze and drugs, and though I was really tired, I wanted a shower, bad.

I needed a way to wash away it all. I felt almost as bad as what had happened two years earlier, almost but not quite, the day my world changed, and awkward girl met crazy world. I watched only long enough to see Harry push Paul towards his bed. I walked to the closet grabbed shorts, a grey shirt and then went to take a shower.

A little while later I stepped out of the shower, dried, dressed quickly and put my hair up into a sloppy bun. The bathroom forced me to walk past the kitchen, which made my stomach rumble, lunch seemed so far away from now, and the small bit of popcorn at the movie did nothing to satisfy my hunger.

Harry was looking at me oddly for one reason or another and I turned my gaze to the fridge, wanting to see if it was filled with someone’s most likely Paul’s things. I would feel rude taking his food but he seemed like the type of person that would understand. I opened the door and there sat coca cola, red bull, and that squeezable yogurt.

I pulled it out, ate it slowly knowing I was being watched then I found the trash, and went to my bed. There was one overhead light on and I sighed about to get it.

“Its fine Aine, you need your sleep,” Harry said turning the light off.
I don’t know when I fell asleep but I was thinking a lot which sometimes happens after I do things against my once pristine morals, but I was almost sure I felt someone stroke my hand, it made me uncomfortable, and I was hoping it only to be a dream.

Morning came at 11:41am, and way too early, thank goodness it was Sunday or I would’ve been screwed. I got up and looked around, Paul was sitting on his bed holding his head, and Harry was no where in sight. I still remembered last night and didn't know what to do, I was hungry, but I didn't want to ask Paul to come with me.

I jumped off my bed, and made enough noise for Paul to look, oh well, he had a small frown on his face. “I don’t really remember last night, but I have a few fuzzy images, erm sorry.”

I really didn't want to do this, “It’s cool really,” I fake smiled, “you want to come with me to get some lunch?”

He looked at me then with an intense look, forcing me to look away, “Sure, um and Harry said to go on he’ll meet up with us later, and your mom wants you to go to her house after lunch.”

I nodded, dreading going to see her, and lunch, and everything in general. I started walking to my closet to grab some clothes.

“Something about that step-brother of yours,”

I froze. I was going to turn around and ask if he knew more, but thought better, and continued to my closet. I threw on some jeans and a Sublime (ç love that band A.N.) shirt, put all my dirty clothes in a hamper, and slipped on some flip flops.

Paul was waiting for me, and he had a small smile on his face “Aine there is something your mother probably hasn’t told you about this school, it’s sort of an after juvie thing, usually for the richer criminals, once you leave there you go to one of these ‘art’ schools, and then if they’re lucky enough off to college.”

Is he telling me not only am I surrounded by boys, but I’m surrounded by bad boys; lovely.

“Um,” I said not really sure what to say.

“Petty theft if you’re wondering, three months state prison.”

“Yea, no worse than my sister, no wonder Betsy started this school.”

“I think that’s honestly the most I’ve ever heard you say,”

I blushed, but then was curious as to what innocent Jeremy had done to get in here or if it was all a mistake.

“So what made you so shy? Or are you naturally shy? Or what, cause no offense you seem more erm full of life when your you know.”

Drunk, yes I did know, “I’m going to go with the oh so caring mother.”

“You know you talk more when you use sarcasm, and sometime you’re gonna have to tell us your story everyone here has one.”

I don’t know why but after Paul said this I took a step back and really looked at him, on the bottom of his wrist was a tattoo of some weird serpent thing, and his height was matched with slightly toned arms and broad shoulders, on one of which was another tattoo of a pyramid with an eye.

Not many people knew this but tattoos were an instant turn on to me, and even a few were enough to get me going, these thoughts made me blush and I turned forward opening our door.

I heard Paul chuckle and knew I had been caught. “Can we take the stairs?” I asked.

He became silent and I turned to see him locking our door luckily the key was in my bag, along with my phone and IPod and such.

“Err sure, I guess that’s cool, just be careful okay?”

“Of course,” And it was then that everyone had once again stopped what they were doing and most were frozen.

I saw the door in which I had been pulled into it was slightly ajar, as if ready for me, and I felt myself shudder, hoping we’d be good. Paul saw the direction I was looking towards, and I heard him make a noise almost a growl. He placed an arm protectively around my shoulders pulling me towards him on the side so when we passed the door he’d be closer.

“Sorry about everything,” he said in a hushed tone.

I was confused what he was apologizing about this time.

We walked past the door and inside I saw it was dark, but in the darkness was light from what seemed a phone or something, and the door moved, as we went by. I kept expecting to be jumped, instead I heard people following us.

We walked into the stairway and it was the standard hotel, big building one. Grey walls, pipes, funny smells. I had a feeling this was a bad idea and I was proven right when the lights turned off. I heard Paul mutter ‘shit’, and then I was unattached from him and pulled into someone else’s arms.