Let's Be Realistic


She liked to go to the meadow outside town to get away from everything. It was always peaceful there. Of course, she had worn her favorite red jacket this time, to shield her tiny frame from the strong breeze that rippled the long grass around her. On either side of her, marigolds were blooming, dotting the field with yellow. She sat in the very center of the meadow, and let out a long, contented sigh, leaning back to lay down.

It wasn’t long before she got to her feet, stiff from being in one position for the entire time. Once she had loosened up, she began walking home. It would be a long walk, but all the more time to think. Exiting the beloved meadow, she found herself emerging onto cracked concrete. Cracked and broken it was, as a result of the insanity this world had come to. At least she was sane. Maneuvering around the various potholes, she visibly winced at the sound of nearby gunfire. Men in military uniforms raced past her, their speed causing her blue sweater to ruffle.

She passed burned buildings. She passed wounded soldiers, and bystanders. She could see the deepest corners of town lit up with fire, and hear the sharp cracks of guns being fired. This world was mad. The soldiers had lost their mind, and were going to being the world down around their ears. She wouldn’t do that, oh no. She hadn’t lost her mind. Perhaps … Perhaps she was the only one who hadn’t in this place.

Finally arriving home, she pushed open her door wit downcast eyes. The house next door had been bombed, she had seen the wreckage coming up the block. Slipping inside and shutting the door behind her, she looked around. In the kitchen, she could hear her parents arguing. Their screams echoed down the hall to where the living room was. She could see her little brother lying on the old sofa in there, a pillow pressed over his head. Tears were running down his cheeks. With a scowl, she turned and stomped up the stairs.

Storming into her room, she ignored the yells carrying from downstairs and the discord of blasts and explosions from outside. They were all insane! Every last one of them! Her parents had lost their mind and the soldiers were crazy in ruining the world. She was the only one who left who had not lost it, the only person on this earth that was sane. The only one. The thought of this bore into her mind, making her eyes widen. And she screamed a never ending scream.

Jerking upright, she gazed around with wide eyes. A strong breeze blew in the meadow, creating a wave-like effect on the long grass around her. The marigolds danced in the wind, and no noise was to be heard. Slowly getting to her feet, she hugged her red jacket closer to her as the wind picked up. Blinking, she made her way to the edge of the meadow. Stepping onto the cracked pavement, she looked down … And stopped.