My Heart Beats on, but I Don't Care



Dear Tomi,
I can't go on like this. I know you don't understand - I doubt if you ever will. I feel more disconnected than ever. I have to leave. I'm sorry that I've let you and everyone else down. Maybe I'll see you again one day.
- Your little brother,

It has been thirteen months, two weeks, and four days since I found that note on our kitchen table. Thirteen months, two weeks, and four days since I've been separated from my other half, my twin. Thirteen months, two weeks, and four days of pure hell, torture, and chaos.

I've lost the only other person in the world who truly understood me.

But somehow, I didn't understand him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello all! I have decided to start writing again, after taking a much needed break.
I don't know where the inspiration came from for this story, but I'm very excited to write it.
I hope you are excited to read it.
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