My Heart Beats on, but I Don't Care

Maybe He Was Right


The familiar music of the generic entertainment show filledmy our living room. I sighed as the daily pop culture news was handed to me.

"And, since it is September 1, a happy birthday goes to Bill and Tom Kaulitz, of the recently disbanded Tokio Hotel, who both turn 20 today. Happy birthday Bill and Tom," the blonde exclaimed from the television.

I groaned. How could I forget about this?My Our twentieth birthday. The first birthday we had ever spent apart. Why does this have to be so hard? Why can't we just go back to being younger kids, when everything was easier? Before all of this drama, everything.

I shut the television off using the remote, then out of frustration, chucked it across the room. I didn't usually get violent, but I think I was permitted giving the circumstances.

"I know you don't understand - I doubt if you ever will."

I wish I knew what he meant when he wrote that. Maybe he was right.

Maybe I will never understand my twin brother.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello all.
I have a feeling that most of the chapters in this story are going to be fairly short, so I hope you don't mind. :]
Anyways, thanks for reading! Please drop by and leave a comment. :D