All I Wanted Was You


Mikayla managed to make it into the bathroom stall just before retching into the toilet. Her palms collided with the back wall as she hovered there, peering over the porcelain bowl and emptying her anxious stomach. She gasped for a breath before a second tight contraction tugged at her stomach muscles like the ties of a corset, sending the foamy burning sensation up her throat.

Collapsing to her knees and wiping her mouth, Mikayla hastily discarded her bag. Its cluttered contents spilled to litter the floor, collecting grime off of the pink and white tiles.

She hadn’t had breakfast that morning, which didn’t leave her body much to purge. So now that her physical reaction seemed to have concluded, Mikayla began to hyperventilate on the floor. Her cheeks turned a puffy red and her lips parted around frantic gasps of breath.

Mikayla took five advanced placement classes and ran usually on about three hours sleep on weekdays. She was an obsessive perfectionist with anxiety issues; so when her history teacher reminded the class that morning that an assignment she’d let slip, forgotten, to the very bottom of her to-do list was due the next day she panicked.

The small nervous breakdown that morning held a lot of previously unacknowledged force behind it – the stresses of maintaining a nearly perfect GPA despite her unusually rigorous class-load and of going to school every day with nothing but a few casual acquaintances to share any friendly exchanges with since her best friend dumped her. Mikayla was totally isolated.

“Oh, are you okay?” a redhead asked upon walking into the bathroom and finding Mikayla and all her things on the floor. It was Leah, a girl from the biology class she should already have shown up to – instead of submitting to tears in the girls’ room.


“Sure, okay,” she scoffed. Leah leaned down and started picking up Mikayla’s things, being uncharacteristically friendly and accommodating to someone she hardly knew at all outside of period two biology. “So what’s wrong?”

Mikayla opened her mouth to answer but paused, contorting her body around to aim her last round of retching into the toilet bowl.
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for the sake of this story, Frank is only 25 (meaning, he joined MCR when he was 15 - but whatever artistic license haha)
my main character, Mikayla, is 17
this is strictly a complete-nonsense-based-in-fantasy-land-for-fun-fanfiction
don't judge it as anything of literary merit cause this is just goofing off haha