Would you join Mad Hatter for Tea?

Watch thy blood stained lips

You wake up feeling like lead. Your head throbs in an angrey fashjon as you sit up. You cant rememebr ever haveing to put that much effort into sitting up.
As you walk towards teh oor you pause. Mad Hatter and the 'gang' werent there. You wonder where theyve gotten to.

The cuts down your arms burn and you groan in protest. The halls are empty except for a young gir. The black annoying hands on the clock say its around midnight.

"Hello?" you ask softly,
"Hey.." she amswers smiling at you, her white teeth winking up to you. She walks over to you and puts an arm on your shoulder, "Howd ya manage that one ay?" she said touching the burning red lines down your arms.

"I can't really remember." you whisper looking with astonishment at the cuts in your skin. How did they get there? She smiles at you again.

"The memory loss is natural after they give you that mediction. I would know. But hay at least all teh people are gone."

people? what people? What medication? What the hell is she talking about?

"You know ive been watching you for a few days and i thought you were really cute.." She said softly, "But you were always talking to A Queenie and and Alice so i never came over to talk to you. How are you feeling?" She said in a consant girly monotone.

"Um im confused...And why would i be talking to alice in wonderland charicters?" She shrugged at this and smiled, i guess you like the movie."

"Book, and yes i did but i know its just fiction." you say.

A nurse comes uo to the both of you and hands you a plastic cup full of little colourful pills. Youd be stoked if you were crazy but your not.

"So Jake ready for another memory loss?"

"What are you talken about?"

"The meds," she sighs and swallows hers down in one go. I look at mine and hand them to her. "You want them im not taking mine."

"You have to Jake or you might hurt yourself again." She said in a pushy voice.

"Nope, I wont take them," She laughed as i crossed my hands.

"Stubborn little shit you are." She said softly.

I saw someone sitting two feet away staring at us with a bemused smirk across her face. You know Mad Hatter Would be very dissapointed if he knew that youd taken the pills Jake, He would curd thy name against his blood stained lips." She said.


mnm She said with a small snort. "You really are a beice of work jake."

Your confused. Your memory slowly leaking back you stand up and putthe cup of pills in your mouth and sit next to the phsco girl for a little longer. You stand up and wallk to your room and spit out the disolving pills.

I can't believe you let them drug you."

"I didnt let tehm , they tied me up and injected gink in me! Look what Mad Hatter did!"

You do know why Mad is in front of his name dont you Jake

"Hes a fucking lunititic!"

"humm but at least the police have gone away. He is a smrat loony."

"Well when he gets back...!"

"Watch thy blood stained lips Jake or youll end up with thy bones splintered."Said a cold edgy voice.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry i decided to re-write this chapter enjoy XD

Id like to dedicte this chapter to LookingForWonderland cuase she is freaking brilliant

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