Locked Heart

Chapter One - Legend

“Look for anyone suspicious and…Legend, for the love of the gods, don’t mess up this time.” Legend kept the words of the Wise in his head as he glanced around the busy lot. The old wooden bench he was sitting on was conveniently tucked into the shadows of a small tree grove. Not only that, but it was facing the front door, and he could see anyone who walked in and out of it.

Any one suspicious? What did that mean? Look for a tall, dark person in a large trench coat and wide brim hat? Even Legend was smart enough to know that no one would dare walk out into the streets wearing that. It was a fashion crime.

Nothing had happened so far, and Legend was just about to begin staring at the ground and spacing out when a movement caught his eye. He glanced up to see a girl step out of the building. She glanced around, pulled her wind jacket tighter around her, and hurried off to the right.

Well, if that wasn’t suspicious behavior, Legend wasn’t sure what was. Coming out into a deserted parking lot, glancing around to make sure no one is watching you, then hurrying to get wherever you are going? Definitely suspicious.

Legend stared after her for a second before standing up and following several yards behind. He stayed in the shadows, though the girl never once looked back. Still, better safe than sorry.

She walked into an old country store, and Legend paused outside, trying to look casual, before pushing open the door and walking inside. The sharp smell of oranges smacked him in the face, and he gagged slightly before going into a coughing fit. Damn country stores. He thought as he trudged farther inside and glanced around, still covering his mouth. He spotted the girl over by the dairy products, and as she leaned down, something swung forward and dangled in the air around her neck.

The necklace! He grinned. Gotcha. Silently now, he slunk forward past the old wooden shelves filled with bread and other pastry items. He couldn’t even smell the orange any more. He had found the One! The Wise were going to be ecstatic! He had proved them wrong. He could find the One. Now all he had to do was lure her back to his place. He watched as she quickly tucked the necklace back into her shirt, then grabbed a half gallon milk jug and headed for the register. He followed.

It wouldn’t be long now.