Locked Heart

Chapter Three - Legend

Legend couldn’t believe he had actually gotten the girl to come with him. He glanced sideways at her, having to look up slightly. She had seemed shorter from far away. Legend couldn’t say he was the tallest boy, but he just made the normal height list. This girl seemed to tower over him. She had shoulder length dark brown hair, and it seemed to bounce and sway with every step, no matter how small that step happened to be.

As they started talking, he blurted out the first thing that came to his mind of how he knew her.

“Yeah, we went to school together when we were kids. I recognized you immediately.” He said, then put on the best grin he could to hide his lie. She smiled back, and pride rippled through him. He was doing it! This was so much easier than he had thought!

“No, in fact, I don’t remember a Legend Thomas. I’m not sure you have the right person; I would have remembered a strange name like that. No offense, I mean.” Legend shrugged. He stabbed into his mind for a random name.

“None taken. But I don’t think I’m mistaken, ma’am. Cassie, right?” He asked.
“Caleb…but close enough.” Legend held his smile, but he wanted to shout out in joy. Cassie, Caleb, it was close! Now she had to believe him! He couldn’t believe his luck. This was going too well. Oh, if only his older brother could see him now!

When they got to Caleb’s house, he simply glanced up at it. It was large, at least larger than the other homes he saw in this town. It was quite ugly, in his eyes- a dusky brown. It reminded him of tree trunks.

He turned his attention back to her when she asked him out to a drink. Legend accepted, of course, and then they shook hands. At that instant his eyes caught something shining on her neck. His gaze snapped to the golden chain, then traveled down it to view the slight lump underneath her shirt, resting on her chest. When Caleb touched it, he quickly turned away without saying anything and hurried down the sidewalk.

He was so close. All he had to do was get the girl to trust him. And then he could pull her into his trap. The female seemed almost too gullible. Too easy, too easy.

Inside the old mobile home, Legend kicked off his sneakers and plopped down at the small kitchen table, in front of his laptop. He pressed a button, and the screen lit up. ‘You’ve got mail’ appeared on the screen, and he sighed, deleting it away before clicking on his notepad and typing himself a quick note.

Caleb – 2mrw – 4. He sighed, then closed the top of the lid and stood up again, stretching his arms up and yawning. The afternoon was simmering in heat, and he didn’t want to do anything other than sleep. But he had planning to do for the next day.

With a deep sigh he sank onto the cold, stiff mattress and stared out the window. His home was in the shadows of the woods, overlooking a small yard, with dead leaves scattered over it. He had the spot rented to him from an old couple who were retired now and just needed some money.

He sensed the presence before the person even knocked on the door. Quickly, he jumped up to get it. “Legacy.” He growled as soon as he opened the door. His brother smirked and pushed past him into the “kitchen”.

“So this is where you live, Bro?” He laughed. “Kind of…”

“I’m blending in. Stop mocking me.” Legend scoffed, sitting back down on the bed and crossing his arms with a huff. “This is where most of the kids live. Either this, or a small house with their parents.”

“Found anything yet?” Legacy sat next to Legend, tugging on his brother’s hair. Legend swiped his hand away.

“No…” He said slowly. “Not much. A girl, who looks like she might be promising. But that’s about it.”

“You…well, good luck with that.” His brother said, smiling slightly to himself. Legend knew that Legacy didn’t think he had anything.

You’re wrong, Brother. You’ll see how wrong you are soon.

“Even if you have the smarts,” Legacy began, “you still have to be able to fight.” He punched his chest, as if showing off how jacked he was. Legend swallowed.
“Fight?” He whispered. He had heard nothing of fighting.

“Yeah! What, do you think they’ll just hand the locket over?” Legacy laughed out loud, standing up and slapping his brother on the back, making Legend lurch forward slightly. “Good luck, Little Bro.” He turned and walked out. Legend watched his retreating form as it walked farther away, down the road. When he couldn’t see it any more, he laid back on his bed and stared at the slightly yellow, originally white, ceiling. Caleb seemed oblivious of him. She would know what he was after and would have fought him from the beginning, right when she saw him. So either the girl was playing a very tricky game, or she was the wrong person. He groaned inwardly and closed his eyes.