Locked Heart

Chapter Eight - Legend

Legend’s eyes fluttered open, and the first thing he sensed was the taste in his mouth; the sweet, familiar taste of blood. He swallowed it away, before inhaling deeply. What had he done? He couldn’t remember. He did, however, know he had been furious at Caleb. The thought of her made anger bubble up in him again, but he pushed it down. No. He wouldn’t fight with anger. He would fight with knowledge. He’d have to see the Wise today, ask their advice, even if they mock him. And he’d have to make sure he had covered up his tracks around…well, around whoever he had killed. He really didn’t care too much about who it was.

Sitting up slowly, he slid out of bed and sank into a chair at the kitchen table, turning his laptop on. He sighed, rubbing his eyes and reaching over to grab a water bottle from the cooler, than turning back as the computer beeped on. ‘You’ve got mail’ came up on the screen. Unhappily, he clicked the message. Five messages. Joy. Two were from the the Wise. Not good. They didn’t message him unless they needed something. Of course it couldn’t be too bad, because they hadn’t come to see him themselves. He sighed slightly, clicking on the first one by them.

You have been given a mission to get the locket. There will be a man to help you, sooner or later, once he’s finished with his current mission.

Pfft, I don’t need help. Legend thought, smirking, then scanning through the rest of the email. Something about a knife, more information on the locket (which they probably already told him five million times), and…more crap. He deleted the email and went back to his inbox. The next oldest one was from Legacy. Like he needed to read that. He deleted it. Next was junk. Deleted.

The fourth one was from a person he didn’t know, which he normally would have passed by, but the title was ‘The Locket’. Frowning, he clicked it.

Hello Legend,
I’m glad you decided to read this email. The locket is in safe keeping. You won’t find it, nor will anyone let you find it. Your mission is pointless, the Wise know it as well. Ask the Goddess, she will tell you. I hope you have a good day.

Legend clenched his teeth, narrowing his eyes and deleting the message. Yeah right. The Wise wouldn’t send him on a pointless quest, no matter how bad he was at them. Even they weren’t that mean. Yet the email irked him. Exhaling slowly, he closed the top of his laptop without bothering to check the Wise’s last email. Then he stood up, stretched, grabbed his coat, and started out to cover up any evidence he might have left.