Locked Heart

Chapter Nine - Caleb - Part One

Once upon a time...a little bird told me that I updated as slow as a turtle. I suppose this is true, but that is mostly because I'm taking my time writing. You see, my dear friends at Mibba, writing is an art. And like every other art, literary or not, it cannot be rushed. And therefore, I take my time.

But to sustain my dear readers, I'll put up the first part of Chapter Nine. The other half will hopefully be up sometime this weekend, or the week after. I'd have it before then, but I have a bunch of essays and projects this week so I don't have much time D'x

With that final note, I bid you farewell, until next time, at least. Au revior!


Caleb sat on the couch, practically leaping into Gregory’s lap. Both him and her grandmother were sitting there quietly.
“So, tell me what happened again.” Greg said.
“We’ve told you five times!” Caleb sighed, scooting closer to him again and glancing at the still closed window.
“Well, I just want to make sure.” Gregory sighed, glancing around the living room. Her grandmother was shaking her head slightly.
“All that matters is that everyone is fine.” The woman said.
I’m not! I’m not fine! Caleb screamed in her head. But she only swallowed down her fear and confusion and nodded dumbly. Greg patted her knee, and she jumped slightly, then settled down again.
“I have to make a phone call…” He said, standing up.
“There’s a phone in the k-“ Caleb began, but he cut her off.
“Yes, I know. Thanks.” He muttered, walking out. He left a strong presence in the room, but also left a void space. The feeling made Caleb dizzy.
“Caleb, deary, if only my leg wasn’t broken.” Her granny sighed. “I would show you so much. But, alas, we must wait. You can be patient, can’t you, Callie?” Caleb simply nodded again. Her tongue felt pasted to the back of her mouth, leaving her unable to speak.
“I’m going to take a shower.” She mumbled, not even sure if she was understood, but standing up any ways and started out. She met Greg halfway down the hall.
“Your parents want me to stay here and keep close watch over you.” He told her. She blinked in surprise, then, despite herself, smiled. He was not only being open and honest with her, but he was staying here. She’d be able to sleep tonight (as she suspected she wouldn’t be able to).
“Do you want me to show you to a guest room?” She asked. He shook his head, smiling.
“I know my way around quite well, actually. I will explain later.” Callie just shook her head. Everything was being explained later. But would she even have a later?
“If you need anything, I’m always here. Er…well, not always, but…” She cringed, smiled, then started up the steps. She glanced back to see Greg going back into the living room. With a heaved sigh, she went the rest of the way up the staircase and into the large bathroom. She’d sink into the warm, soapy water, and never come out again.
If only I could. She thought miserably as she turned the faucet on. She didn’t like the nightmare, the fantasy novel, that her life was becoming.

To be continued....