Status: One-shot complete

The rain

The Rain

I’d loved the rain for as long as I could remember. It always made me feel as peace. It helped me think through my problems. But mainly, it made me happy when he was away.

I skipped out into the garden; the sun had long gone, being covered with dark rain clouds. After watching the rain beat onto the tarmac outside of my bedroom window for nearly an hour, I pulled on my shoes and pulled my hair into a ponytail before skipping down the stairs and ending up here now, in the garden.

The rain pelted down onto my skin as I twirled round and round. I’d been out first thing in the morning, when the sun was shining bright in the early September sky, to a brunch being held in the garden of my grandparent’s home. My gran of course had been trying to set me up with the neighbour’s grandson who was just graduated from college and was getting ready to go off to university. So, being my Gran’s garden party, id been made to wear a summer dress, so I was now dancing around in my garden in the rain in a summer dress.

I smiled as I splashed around in the forming puddles and twirled, my dress flowing around me. Singing to the music I could hear still playing from my open bedroom window, I failed to hear the back gate open and close. I failed to hear the splashing footsteps as they got closer to me and I failed to hear his amazing voice laugh as I tried to reach that one last high note in the song that I could never get.

His strong arms wrapped around my waist without a moment’s hesitation while I screamed slightly from shock. Turning around, I slapped his chest gently as he smirked down at me.

“Hello.” I said politely, smiling up into his dark brown eyes.

“Hello.” He smiled down at me, his good 3 inches more than me in height making him look like a giant.

“It's been a long time.” He said after a while of silence.

“It has.” I noted, looking away from him and up at the sky and its dark crying clouds.

“What is it with you and the rain? For as long as I can remember you’ve always been obsessed.”

“One reason. I love the rain.”

“Just like I’ve loved you for all these years.” He smiled before leaning down and pressing his lips to mine.

That was the day I learnt my love for rain would never be as close as my love for him.