Look Closer

Chapter Two

Jack pushed open the door to the suite in the hotel where Alex and Cassie were staying. As he stepped into the room, he was greeted by an open hand connecting with his cheek.

"What the fuck was that for?" he shouted, bringing his hand up to his face.

"You just left that poor girl alone in some sketchy Vegas hotel room!" Cassie shouted back, "Fucking jackass."

Jack breathed in and stepped further into the room. Chelley followed him in without a word and headed straight for the couch.

"I didn't leave her. She's right there!" he said, motioning in the direction she had gone.

"You did leave her," Cassie argued, hitting the boy upside the head, "She followed you. You're a jackass."

Jack frowned and looked at Alex, "Why did you have to find a girl who is so much like your mother? Fuck," he said, rubbing the back of his head.

Alex laughed, "Well, you have to admit, my mom's a pretty awesome lady," he said. "She keeps my ass in check."

"But," Jack whined, "She hit me and I'm hungover as a motherfucker!"

Cassie simply rolled her eyes and wandered over to Chelley. The boys followed, talking quietly amongst themselves.

"So, I hear congratulations are in order," Cassie said, taking a seat on the couch next to the smaller girl, "Let me see the ring."

Chelley held her hand out, "We're not," she began, only to be cut off.

"Oh, Jacko, this is a piece of shit. This won't do. You'd better be planning on getting her something much nicer. Her finger is starting to turn green already!" Cassie exclaimed, "I would've kicked your ass if I was her."

"What?" Jack asked, cutting off Chelley as she opened her mouth to speak again.

"She deserves a better ring," Cassie said.

"We're not staying married!" Chelley blurted out.

Cassie faced her, a confused look spreading across her face, "Why not?" she asked.

"That's exactly what I asked her!" Jack exclaimed.

"Are you all crazy?" Chelley asked, rubbing her forehead.

"Yes," all three answered seriously in unison.

Chelley sighed, "This is not how you do it. First you date. Then, if it works out well, you get engaged. And then you set a date and plan a nice wedding. And then you get married. You don't date someone, get cheated on, break up, start liking his friend, get drunk and get married before you even know each other all that well," she said.

"Why not?" Cassie asked.

"Because that's just not how it works!" Chelley said.

"Why not?" Cassie repeated, "If Alex and I had gotten wasted and gotten married in Vegas before I knew him all that well, I would've stayed married to him," she said, "And I didn't even really like him at first."

"That was all it would've taken?" Alex asked.

Cassie turned to look at him, "Yes, now shut up. No one was talking to you," she said and turned back to Chelley, "I mean, you never know when something will work out. And if it doesn't, what have you really lost? Nothing if you were going to get divorced anyway."

"I can't believe you're sitting there seriously telling me that staying married is a good idea. Getting married in the first place was a terrible idea. It would've never happened if I hadn't been wasted out of my mind," Chelley said.

"Drunk minds speak sober thoughts," Cassie said.

"No," Chelley said, "Drunk minds make bad choices. I don't even know Jack that well!"

"And what better chance to get to know him? You don't have to move in together and start having kids or anything like that. But you can spend time together and go out and all that, just like if you were dating. The only difference is that some piece of paper says you're legally married. Big whoop," Cassie said.

Chelley shook her head, "No. It's not happening. We're not staying married. It's a bad idea. A terrible idea. Worst idea ever," she said, "Second to marrying Jack in the first place."

Jack's expression fell, "Thanks a lot. It's good to know how you really feel, Chelle," he said.

"I didn't mean it that way, Jack," she said quietly. "It would've been a bad idea if I had married anyone last night."

"Whatever," he said, "Let's just go get this shit taken care of. And after we get back to LA, you won't have to see me again. Don't worry."

"I didn't mean that either!" she said, growing frustrated, "I never said I didn't want to be your friend and even possibly date you in the future. I just said I don't want to be married to you because I don't know you that well."

"It just doesn't make sense that we can't take the rings off, forget about the marriage license and go about getting to know each other the way we would've had we not gotten married," he said.

"Jack, it makes plenty of sense," she said, "No other rational, sane person would be making the argument that you're making."

"Oh, so now I'm insane and irrational!" he said, "Fine, you know what, I don't want to be married to you anyway. Fuck it. This isn't worth the fight."

Chelley sighed, "Why is being married such a big deal to you?"

"It's not, Chelley! I should probably be freaking out right now. But it's the principle of the matter, in this case. I'm trying to help you by getting you to see that life doesn't have to be done in steps. Mix shit up. Live a little and have some fucking fun!"

She sighed again and stood up, "Look, I'm sorry Jack. I am who I am. And I have things planned out. I can't do this," she said.

Alex looked up from his laptop that he had pulled out in the midst of their argument, "Well, you're going to have to for now," he said, "You can't file for an annulment since neither of you live in this county. You gotta wait until we get back to Los Angeles."

"Can we go then?" Chelley asked.

"Anxious, aren't we?" Alex asked, "And no, we can't. The guys wanted to stay for a day or two and hang out. And I know Jack told you that when he invited you."

She sighed, "Oh, that's right," she said, "He did say that."

"Can I just ask you both something?" Alex said, "Can you please just agree to disagree on this matter, because I really don't want to listen to you argue around in circles for the next two days like I just did."

Jack and Chelley both nodded, but Jack was only half paying attention. This minor set back could work to his advantage. He now had at least one day to try to get Chelley to loosen up and see things his way.
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Hi! I'm so so sorry this took so long. I've been highly unmotivated and unfocused lately. I will try to do better.