Look Closer

Chapter Seven

"What the hell is his problem?" Chelley exclaimed as she burst through Cassie and Angie's front door without so much as a knock, an action that was highly out of character for her.

"Chelle?" Alex asked from the living room.

"Yeah," she said, parading into the room to be met by curious faces. "What? I'm not allowed to get angry?" she asked.

"No, no. Go right ahead and be angry," Cassie said, "We would just like to know why before we try to respond to any questions you might ask us. You know, for fear of being the next ones to incur your wrath."

Alex and Rian both tried their hardest to keep straight faces, but as it goes, boys will be boys and neither succeeded. And even though Cassie wasn't trying to be funny, her statement seemed ridiculous as it was directed at one of the most mild mannered people any of them had ever come in contact with.

Without hesitation, Chelley picked up a soft cover book that was on the end table beside her and launched it at her ex. It nailed him directly in the stomach, eliciting a disgruntled oof from the young man as it made contact.

Unable to keep her amusement to herself, Cassie let out a giggle. "Maybe you should be around more often so I don't have to be the one to always keep him in line," she said. "You have impeccable aim, by the way."

"Thank you," she said, her calm demeanor returning, "I was a shortstop on my high school softball team."

"Really?" Cassie asked, "I had no idea. Angie and I used to play on a recreational team a couple years ago."

Chelley's face perked up, "You did? What positions?"

"Left field," Cassie said.

"First base," Angie said, "Occasionally catcher."

The younger girl nodded, "Why did you stop playing?" she asked

"We had a really busy traveling schedule for work. And we considered playing again when it slowed down, but the fact is that we never know if we'll just have to go catch a plane to do an interview." Cassie shrugged, "It would be nice to play again."

"We should join a team," Chelley said, "None of my friends are really into it."

"Are you three seriously bonding over softball right now?" Alex interjected before turning his attention to Chelley. "Weren't you just pissed a minute ago?"

At his mention of it, Chelley felt her frustration return and frowned, "Yes. What the hell is Jack's problem?"

Alex looked at Rian and both boys shrugged, "We're not sure what you're referring to. None of us have talked to him today," Alex said, "Have you?"

She nodded, "He's in Baltimore."

"What?" Rian said, "No he's not."

"Oh yes he is," Chelley said, "I called him and he was being a complete dick to me. I mean, I understand his frustration because I've been kind of avoiding him. But in all fairness, I told him I needed some time. Regardless of all that, he was out of line when he hung up on me."

Cassie sighed and looked at Alex. It was obvious that they were thinking the same thing. So obvious, in fact, that everyone else noticed. While Angie knew what it was that was playing through their minds, Rian and Chelley were left in the dark.

"Ohh boy."

"What?" Chelley asked.

Cassie hesitated for a moment before she replied. "This sounds exactly like battles Alex and I had before we started dating," she said. "And while dating, actually."

"So?" Chelley said.

"It's bad," Rian and Angie said at the same time. "Don't do it." Angie continued. "Call Jack right now and tell him you're sorry and that you want to just get things taken care of. Please Chelley, for everybody's sake, listen to us."

Though Cassie wanted to say something, she didn't get the chance. Chelley sighed. "I can't. He doesn't want to talk to me. He said he would call me when he was ready."

Rian shook his head, "He'll answer if you call. It doesn't matter what he said, Jack's not that kind of guy. He's just bummed right now, which doesn't excuse the attitude he had with you, but it kind of explains it."

"I don't know," Chelley said.

Angie jumped up from her seat and grabbed Chelley's arms, "This won't solve itself. And waiting for Jack to stop being a whiny emo shit would be like waiting for Alex to stop being a jackass; it's bound to happen at some point but your window of opportunity would be incredibly small. Don't get me wrong, we all love Jack. He's a nice, fun loving guy but he's also immature. And if you don't make the effort to nip this in the bud, it will get drawn out so far that it would be next to impossible to salvage any kind of relationship from the wreckage."

The sound of clapping broke through the silence once Angie had finished her speech. Everyone turned and looked at Cassie, who, in spite of the seriousness of Angie's tone, was giving her friend a round of applause.

"That was beautiful," she said.

"Oh, fuck you," Angie said, releasing her hold on Chelley and shooting a dirty look across the room.

Cassie laughed, "I'm serious. That was very eloquent, Ang. Of the two of us, no one would guess that I'm the writer," she said and looked past her at Chelley, "She's being a little over dramatic, however. I mean, she makes a good point but Jack will come to his senses. He's not quite as hard headed as the rest of us."

"No," Angie said, "Do not listen to Cassie. She doesn't know her head from her ass most days."

"That explains a lot," Chelley said, looking from Cassie to Alex. "I think I should go. Sorry for just bursting in like I did."

Turning on her heel, she made her way out of the house and to her car. Once inside of it, she stuck the key in the ignition but didn't turn the car on. Instead she reached for her phone, pressing the green call button twice and listened to the ringing.


She sighed very softly, "Hey Jack," she said, "Can we talk?"