‹ Prequel: Testing Trouble
Sequel: Testing Trouble 3

Testing Trouble 2

Testing Trouble 2

The thing me and Shay had was..... special. Well, i thought it was special. Then it turned out to

be nothing. He treated me so well, until she came along, his before- me best friend. She just

comes up one day and BAM! It was like everything with me never happened, but it did and he

knew it. He just wasn't going to let it stop him. Devin Leighton. His best girl bud, and

ex-girlfriend, who he secretly still loved, even though it wasn't much of a secret. They were

together for a while, and she moved on. Too bad he didn't. And she used that to her advantage.

He was like her puppy in a way. When they ended things he became depressed but then he

met me. We had 5th period together and he annoyed the shit out of me for the whole year. I

became his new best friend, although i could never replace Devin. Anyway, we talked, IM'd,

texted, and were like, inseperable, maybe even like brother and sister. When it was all over,

i blamed Devin and everyone else who dissapproved from the start. Some of it was

probably their fault, after all. I mean, Shay had a crush on me before i liked him, so i dont

think i was trying to push him into something he wasnt ready for. I knew he liked me

because he told me he did, then a year later i guess i felt the same way towards him. I

eventually told my friends, and someone let it slip. I let him play the guessing game till he

got it right. After a while, he got it. We stayed just friends for a while and then he asked. I

was at home, watching TV and i got his text. I called him, and told him i needed to think.

Looking back on that, i realize it was a bad idea. The next day we were official. It was great

for about two weeks, thats when things started to go wrong.
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Chapter two, hope its good!!