Sequel: A Taste of Hogwarts
Status: <3 The story is coming to a close, a couple of more chapters :D and I shall' be done. There will be a squeal. It will be in an entirely different prose and concept to "A Taste of Mudbloods" <3

A Taste of Mudbloods

Chapter One - Changes

Mr.M.D’s Interpretation:

The sun glistened over my pale skin like a blanket as I stared out upon the rustic castle window, I lay back upon my bed sighing in frustration; I was waiting for the Dark Lord to finish his un-finished business as usual. I rubbed my temples in agony; I mean what the fuck was taking so long? I have places to go and people to see. I glanced over at the French styled clock that balanced upon my wall, the anger was slowly building up inside the pit of my stomach.

7:36 PM


I whipped my head around quickly, to find my scrawny and fugly house elf stooped in the corner; “What the fuck do you want?” I shouted fiercely standing up, I walked over to my book corner and fingered the dust of lightly, screwing my face up in distaste.

“Master Malfoy, the Dark Lord requests your presence downstairs, sir!” The house elf quivered in one of those annoyingly squeaky tones, then Crack-ed! The hell out of there. I wonder what The Dark Lord wanted with me?

I quietly made my way into the “meeting room” as they called it and presented myself;

“Dark Lord”

“Father” I clearly pronounced with raised eyebrows.

“Draco...” My father drifted, making his way over to me, a fake smiled plastered upon his gaunt, pale face, the idiot! “...The Dark Lord would like a quick word with you” He muffled, and placed both of his hands upon my shoulders, I just glanced between him and the Dark Lord.

“Alone! Lucifer” The heavily cloaked figure pronounced from the corner, my father’s face dropped and he backed from the room slowly, bowing his head, and shutting the doors behind him.

The cloaked figure glided ‘it’s’ way over to me in a heavy mist, I took several paces back in alarm; “It’s time Draco” The voice dripped into my soul, I felt my body floating closer to him. Wait, floating? What the fuck dude?

I saw a pale and bone like hand protruding from the cloak and making its way for my head, I just stared in awe, when the flesh touched my forehead a huge pain flooded all throughout my body, my nerves and veins swelling, I let a huge cry of pain escape my lips as the sweat upon my forehead poured, then everything blacked out...

Butterflies surrounded my air, essence and soul, I looked at the multicoloured sky dazzling before me, when a small figure ahead caught my eyes a beautiful glittering aura about the figure with long red hair shattered my dreams...


I felt the soft rays of sunshine dance around my closed eyes, I awoke in a groggy state, my eyes sore, my hair dishevelled and, fuck, I have no clothes on! I looked around the room with curiosity, what the fuck is happening? Where am I? I searched and searched for something that I tried to recognise, but all that stared back at me was the brown wall paper, the oak wooden floor boards and the simple oak furniture that surrounded me, a double bed, a wardrobe and a set of drawers, no decoration, nothing; I looked out of the blinded window and saw a couple of ordinary kids walking about the grounds, But... There was something...odd? About them, they didn’t seem normal to me, yet they were to everyone else, what? Shit, I can’t be dealing with this!

I opened the door and look right and left, to find identical doors surrounding me; I left the room and walked around in my underwear, looking for somewhere that was to be of help of me. I just strutted around, scratching my head every now and then, when I bumped into something hard and fell upon the floor; “Ow! You need to look the fuck where you’re...” I trailed off, because it was Snape standing above me, with a frown etched upon his face. I quickly stood up, brushing myself of slightly.

“I’m so sorry Snapey, I didn’t realize it was you” I whispered, bowing my head slightly; “No time Draco, What I have to tell you, I need to do fast, and then get out of here” He quickened his pace and grabbed me by the shoulders. Sheesh.

“The Dark Lord has placed you in this all American, non-magical human High school, don’t ask questions and do the tasks as I tell you...I am your mentor from here forth” He said dangerously, his grip tightening; “...You must act like you know nothing about the magical world, pretend to make friends and fit in, I expect you to complete his mission, it’s only me you, and The Dark Lord that know about this...” He drifted off, his hands clawing my shoulders harshly.

“I suggest you get changed, Oh and I made you Head Boy, I’ll come to you, do NOT try and contact me” He finished, zapping out of there with a flick of his fingers, what the fuck? How the hell was I supposed to act normal? Shit, I guess I’m stuck here...

I made my way back to “my room” and decided to get cleaned up a bit, shower, clothes, yah know. I looked through the drawers to my clothes and found un-familiar clothes staring back at me, I decided to act safe and shove on a white shirt, livi jeans, black blazer and a pair of converse. I grabbed the side bag I had and left, trying to lock the door with my wand. Where’s my wand? Oh shit, how am I...Oh I forgot I can do it with my hands, I focused upon locking the door, but nothing came...nothing! Oh my sweet Jesus Lord! He took my fucking powers, well looks like I’m going to have to leave it wide open.

I just ran out of there before I would die of claustrophobia, it was all too hot and annoying, when someone behind me called my name, what?

“Draco?” Said a short girl behind me; “Is that your name...Draco?” She asked in an American accent, her nose buried in a piece of paper; “...Yes? Why?” I asked confused; “Come with me” she said, stalking of, I looked at her in confusion when I realized she was miles in front of me, I ran after her as she leaded the way. I soon found myself in front of a huge set of plain double doors, like everything else in this shit hole.

She pushed open one of the doors and stood aside to let me through, I gave her a dirty look and walked in with a grim face, I soon realized I was stood in a rather large room with a massive round table, and you can guess it! Yes oak! There were thirteen chairs situated around the table in modest quantity.

“So you’re the new boy?” a red haired girl interrupted my thoughts, she said it as a statement rather than a question. I gave her a dirty up and down look as if to say; “what the fuck you looking at?” and as my eyes adjusted to her more, I realized straight away that her hair wasn’t a dull red, but an electric red, almost...un-natural, well for a being with no magical powers, whatever, she probably dyed it, actually she rather looked like the lead singer from Paramore, the wizard band... But I soon replied; “Yes, I’m the new kid” I said in a cocky tone and took a seat, slumped slightly in an ‘I don’t care I’m here’ attitude. She just rolled her eyes and looked away from me with an empathetic strain, as if she was trying to contain her anger. “Anyways, as I was saying, before I was rudely interrupted...” She shouted across the table at her fellow students and waved a lazy hand in my direction, she continued; “...Our economics throughout the school curriculum, has dropped by 13.4%...” She was saying, but I didn’t hear the rest of her blabbing, because what she had just said about me processed through my brain, ‘Interrupted?’, and ‘Rude?’ Oh she so wasn’t getting away with this, the little mudblood!

“What did you say about me?” I angrily protested, standing up from my chair and looking dangerously into her eyes, she just stared at me for a moment, her mouth hanging open slightly and her breath caught in mid sentence, after her pause she frowned slightly, and also stood up out of her chair, pushing it backwards angrily,; “I said, I was interrupted by an ignorant bastard!” she shouted, her face reddening, to match her hair, she took several steps closer to me so we were several inches apart.

“Look here bitch, I know exactly your type, you think everything is so damn perfect, you thrive power and have no friends, well news flash for you, looks like I ain’t the one who’s an ignorant prick!” I dropped my voice at the end, just as though we were sharing a secret, to anger her further, our bodies were slightly touching as I moved a couple of inches forward.

“Yeah! Well...**** ***, *** ******* *******” but her voice got drowned out by the loud bell ringing the hallways, sounding the start of lessons. We moved apart, and I grabbed my time table from the round meeting table in a hurry, I mean, who the fuck does she think she is? She’s going to pay for what she said! Big time! And I slammed the door in her face.

By Yasmin. R
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Hey don't worry guys, it's all the chapters that you've read up to, but a little edited in parts, but you don't have to read as nothing will change future events.