Sequel: A Taste of Hogwarts
Status: <3 The story is coming to a close, a couple of more chapters :D and I shall' be done. There will be a squeal. It will be in an entirely different prose and concept to "A Taste of Mudbloods" <3

A Taste of Mudbloods

Chapter Two - Gum Scrapers

Tory No-LastName P.O.V:
Woosh! The door, slammed in my face! That ignorant son of a bitch! He thinks he can get away that easily? Oh no, he so isn’t getting away with that attitude sonny boy! I walked out of the room swiftly and slammed the door shut with an angry rage teething out of my veins.
“Oi, you...Draco!” I yelled down the hall, one hand on my hip and my hand pointing accusingly at him, he whipped round in a flash, anger also flaring out of his eyes.
“What do you want princess” He smirked, but his eyes leaked hell.
“I want you to apologise for your abominable actions”
“You think your long words and stuck up prose over powers me?” He snickered with false protease.
“Well it doesn’t!” He shouted moving three inches from my face; he pushed my shoulders harshly to the wall, his body leaning dangerously close to my own. I quivered, un-sure of what he would do next...
“See, you’re scared now...” He laughed; “You dirty...dirty...pig!” He mounted over me, his nails digging into my shoulder blades, tears fell from my eyes slowly, and I bowed my head to the ground, I squirmed from his grasp, tears still falling from my eyes.
“You son of a bitch! Don’t touch me!” I shouted, running in the opposite direction, but as I was trying to get away, I ran into something hard and fell to the ground, Draco behind me, obviously he was trying to run after me, but stopped impatiently when he looked up to the figure.
I soon looked up after a mounting of curiosity explored my brain, and as they say, curiosity killed the cat.
I looked up to find the head master looking at us with an angry glare, oh lord, this ain’t gonna be pretty.
“Tory!” He bellowed in my ear, that’s going to sting later...
“Ye...Yes” I quivered, looking up to him, still sat upon the floor.
“Get up you insolent girl!” He shrieked, I stood up fast, brushing myself off, and bowed my head, so I didn’t have to make eye contact with...him.
“Both of you, detention, tonight!” He bellowed; “Now back to your lessons you disgraceful children!”
We skittered to our lesson, not making a squeak.
Ok, so my day hasn’t gone great so far, firstly, I’ve made an enemy on the first term back, secondly I have detention, and thirdly, I’m stuck with Draco Malfoy all day, I’m supposed to be ‘helping him’; as if it could ever get that far, he’s just an ignorant bastard that need a lesson or two. I sat back in my chair in English class, biting the end of my pencil and staring into space, I looked at the clock every now and then, watching the slow time go by in the pace of a snail. Seriously, what is it with today! I think god was watching me, intently. The lesson soon moved from drooling lectures, to me just hearing the clock ‘tick tocking’
“...And so the definition of the conveying subject...”
“...May as well show us the reality of love and hatred...”
My teacher continued to slobber on in that monotone voice of his, I rubbed my temples in frustration, what the duck was taking so long! Oh lord, why are you treating me like this ?!
I saw Draco move in the corner of my eye, then heard a clutter upon the floor...something rolling. I felt a soft thud against my shoe, I looked down to a silver lined pencil laying limply before me.
“Oi...” Someone whispered beside me, but I didn’t turn, I was so memorized by this pencil...
“Oi!” Someone nudged me, their lips pressing my ear drums, I looked to my right, blushing slightly; But it was only that arse Draco.
“What do you want!” I mouthed; He pointed to his pencil near my foot, I looked down and blinked in surprise, for frik sake! He did that on purpose!
I bend down under my table and retrieved the pencil, throwing it at him, he just caught it and continued to write. And the lesson went on as it did, droopingly boring.
When I heard the sweet and alarming sounds of the bell ringing through the hall, I jumped with joy, my face gleaming as I stood up out of the stuffy chair, and stretched in delight...But someone ruined my moment of blissful happiness, no it wasn’t that chap Draco, Nah it was my dumb arse English teacher.
“Tory and Draco stay behind, I want a word” He murmured as people rushed out of their seats, I stared in shock at the teacher, how the fuck can he be so abhorrent!
I whistled and waited until the last person left, he closed the door and motioned for us to take a seat at the two desks in front of him.
“Now as I am aware, you two should know you have detention tonight...”He cleared off, how the fuck did I forget about frikking detention! I moaned in annoyance, to be honest, I could quiet happy kill my self.
“...So the headmaster has decided you two, to pick chewing gum of under the seats and tables of every one in this classroom” He finished, watching me as my face concluded a pale aroma.
“Take these...” He said, giving us a scraper each “...And I will have to lock the door, I’m going to come back in three hours, there’s a bucket over there” He pointed to a scruffy bucket in the corner.
He was about to turn and leave, when I stopped him abruptly; “Wait!” I shouted, my eyes becoming scared, he turned around and looked at me expectantly.
“What if there’s a fire?” I asked, panic in my tone.
“There’s a fire exit through the window over there” He pointed into the far corner, and then he locked the door, leaving us two with two scrapers and a bucket, shit, this was about to get messy.
Chapter Three
Tory No-Last-Name’s P.O.V:
My mind whirled as we stared at each other, not making a movement stood on separate sides of the bucket, as if our fate had actually collided with one another, I thought about how strange and abnormal the situation was, and how our actions portrayed certain aspects in our features, how his eyes blazed a icy blue, and my hair seemed to whip around my shoulders without any actual wind.
We stayed in this monotone presence for a while, until I bent down and picked up a scraper, fluttering past him, my shoulder nudging into his ribs slightly, I went to move a swift pace forward, but something slammed into my shoulder blade harshly, causing me to crash against the wall, I cried out in pain wincing, my eyes stinging tears. Draco’s body moved dangerously close to mine, our noses slightly touching as he stared precariously into my fiery brown eyes. I was starting to become quiet uncomfortable and shifted under his weight, my shoulder now throbbing painfully, but I couldn’t care less about the pain, the glance that he set me under had me completely transfixed.
“Where do you think you’re going? You little minx” He growled critically, why the fuck was it any of his business? He wasn’t my ducking pathetic excuse of my father! Was he?
I pushed so hard, that his weight shifted of me slightly, he eventually stood aback of me and took a few paces back, his eyes scanning me up and down, I rubbed my sore shoulder and stood up straight, brushing myself of.
“None of your beeswax, where the fuck do you think I’m going? To milk the cows?” I said sarcastically.
“What’s Cows?” He asked with a twist of emotion upon his face.
“Yes cows”
“What are cows?”
“What are you such a royal pain that you don’t know what a cow is” I rolled my eyes.
“Forget it!” He half-shouted, throwing me a scathing look then picking up a scraper. He threw it in the air and caught it with one hand, casting me a stubborn smirk, I just smiled lightly, bowing my head as to not show it.
He smiled back, then looking back to the scraper; “So, Tory? How do you use these...things?” He asked with a cloud of befuddlement upon his face.
“Look...” I started, walking over to him and grabbing the scrapper from his hands, our skin brushing together ever so slightly, I felt him shiver and blushed, but nevertheless, carried on with my explanation; “...all you have to do is scrape the chewing gum...” I motioned with my hand, bent down slightly and showed him the chewing gum on the scraper; “...then just scoop it into the bucket” I finished, scooping the last of the hard chewing gum into the old and mutated bucket.
He ducked his head in shame and mumbled a ‘thanks’ or something like that, he then ducked down under the table and lay on his back without a word and got to work, what a boring old fart he was, right? I followed his lead and laid down one aisle along, my legs bent upright, as my face frowned in concentration.
Mr. M. D’s Interpretation:
Me and Tory circled the bucket in unison, me stepping right, she stepping left, I swiftly grabbed one of the scrapers and smirked; “You ready for this Tory?” I asked, balancing the scraper perfectly in grasp.
“Ready as ever” She smirked back, a glossy overlay of twinkle in her eyes. I bent down and started my work, I sure didn’t want another detention, especially with Tory of all people. I couldn’t see myself catching out, that she really isn’t a filthy mudblood, when she really was. It was hard being around her, almost as if she caught me in a trance. But as all these un-named thoughts and feelings were whirling around my head, I gripped the scraper tighter and ducked under the desk, edging the bucket closer to me. Tory just stared at me in bewilderment, then also followed my lead, laying down under the desk next to me, I shot her a look and decided to play my bad boy charm, would it work?
I let my hand slide up her leg, and then looked cheekily out of the corner of my eye, she looked back at me, but her eyes were flaring with fire, dude, I was only flirting, was that such a crime?
“If you fucking touch me again, you will regret it” She whispered dangerously in my ear, I took my hand back and rubbed it almost as if it had been burned, then glanced at her with a sad look in my eyes; She looked sympathetically back at me, then grabbed my hand and rubbed it slowly.
“I’m sorry, it’s just that you need my permission” She said kindly, then let go of my hand, she turned back to the chewing gum un-picking. I stared at the wooden bin mischievously and smirked, it was already half full with gum and my eyes gleamed with excitement, I grabbed the bucket and tapped Tory on the back; “Oi, Tory!” I said, she turned around slowly with a look of question upon her face, I grabbed a handful of chewing gum and threw it at her, getting up and running behind a desk, she screamed and stood up, her hair really whipping violently around her now.
“What the fuck!” She screamed as the chewing gum melted in her hair slightly, weird...
She also grabbed a handful of chewing gum and threw it my way, I ducked, yet some of it still managed to find me, it stuck to my hair in a hot pressure, shit that wasn’t going to come out easily.
We continued our little chewing gum fight, me ducking and she was throwing, the chewing gum now spread all over the walls, the tables, but more on our selves, it was like chewing gum mania in this ducking classroom! This wasn’t good, we both panted out of breath, when she stormed over to me, pointing her finger accusingly at me, this is how I knew I had got to her, I mean it was no fun with a boring old fart of a girl, right?
Her hair was a mass of frizz and her face screwed up in frustration, she edged closer to me, her finger still pointing my way.
“You little shit! How fucking dare you!” She shouted.
“I only wanted a little bit of fun” I shrugged.
“Yeah, well you had more than that!”
“Want another go?” I asked suggestively with my eyebrows raised.
“No, I fucking do not, you twat!”
“Rightio” I shrugged; “I just thought that you needed to let your hair down a little, that’s all...” I started, drifting off slightly, and picking my nails.
All of a sudden, out of the blue she started laughing and couldn’t stop herself, I smirked and rolled my eyes, I picked up another handful of chewing gum and threw it at her, she giggled and threw some my way, then we started the whole chewing gum banter thing again, but a lot more fun, we laughed and ducked in and the around tables, running so fast, that we ended up colliding into one another, she on top of me, I felt her small frame squirm slightly, then look me in the eyes with a gleam upon her face, our faces grew closer, and then I put a hand to her cheek to draw her in for a kiss...
I pursed a finger to her lips and whispered in her ear slightly.
“Detention finished....too bad” And I moved from under her, then looking all around me...the chewing gum, it was all in the bucket...
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