Sequel: A Taste of Hogwarts
Status: <3 The story is coming to a close, a couple of more chapters :D and I shall' be done. There will be a squeal. It will be in an entirely different prose and concept to "A Taste of Mudbloods" <3

A Taste of Mudbloods

Chapter Four - Announcements

Mr. M. D’s Interpretation:
So I admit it, by Lunch time I was in a ecstatic mood. No Potter, winding up mud bloods and rule breaking all the way baby, literally I had it all, except magic, that is, but I didn’t really need it at this moment, right? Right! Oh I’m totally kidding myself dude! I couldn’t last without magic! Fuck! This is going to be hard! I guess I’ll just have fun to forget, hmm...
But what to do?
I walked into the school cafeteria, strutting in like I was an all important person, I saw a few girls looking curiously at me, but I ignored them, All I saw was Tory, I mean her hair was really eye catching, right? That’s why I noticed her! And I’ve also already met her, so it isn’t so shit bastard bad that I noticed her first. But as I looked further, I noticed her with a...a Boy? Huh? Oh yeah, must be her boy friend, hmm. I lined up at the long Queue, but I became very impatient; I mean what the hell happened to the food appearing upon the tables? Making us line up like fucking servants! Well I wasn’t taking this shit! I pushed in front of this skinny looking boy and held out my tray to a woman with a weird net thing on her head, weirdo! What’s with the uniform? She raised her eyebrows at me and slumped a brown mush on my plate with green dots in it...wait are they...peas? This just says it filthy these mud bloods really are! I coughed and looked at her expectantly; “Scoot boy!” she barked, fuck that was scary! He face looked like one of those French bull dogs, deep lines etched upon her face, urgh! If it’s any consolation for her, she should defiantly try surgery! Well I was starving by now, not like it’s not edible, Right? Wrong! Fuck I can’t eat this! I made my way over to where Tory was sitting and sat down opposite her, smirking. This was really going to peeve her off, I pushed my tray down and rolled up my sleeves, it was a table full of...athletes of some kind?
“Sup guys!” I pronounced happily, pouring in a mouthful of brown...stuff. I got a couple of ‘Sup’s’ back and then Tory turned to face me, ‘her man’ slumped around her, so she fitted in snugly, he had a slight skater boy look to him.
“Oh gawd” She groaned, putting a hand to her forehead’ “Draco, what the fuck you doing on my table? I thought I made it clear...” she began to say, but I soon interrupted; “But babe!” I began, placing my hand on top of hers; “I thought you enjoyed my company last night, you know in my bedroom and all...especially the morning surprise I had for you, babe” I said innocently, silently mocking her, I took a carrot of her plate and chopped it shrugging. This is so much fucking fun! It should be illegal!
“What!” her boyfriend jumped out of his seat with raised arms, almost as if touching her could be an infestation. “Babe!” She tried to pull him back down; “I didn’t sleep in his crummy bead!” She said giving me a really dirty look, almost murderous; “I slept on his cranky floor” She finished, he boyfriend gave her a weird look I smirked tightly. “The girls dorms were closed...and, well...his was a really last resort!” she pleaded.
“But why didn’t you come to mine?” He asked, becoming more distant from her; by now the whole school flashed eyes between Him and Tory, completely forgetting who the shit stirrer was.
“Because you know why, baby!” She said, staring intensely into his eyes, even myself was feeling the pull of intensity, almost as if...nah, can’t be. “Oh yeah! Tore, I know exactly what you mean!” and he winked at her, putting his arm more protectively around her this time and taking his rightfully seat next to her, he glared slightly in my direction for a second then looked away and started to kiss Tory’s neck slowly, what the fuck dude! NO matter how much I told myself not to be, but I was...was this jealousy? What I wouldn’t do to do....
I soon drifted back to reality; she is a filthy mudblood, no match for me. She soon slowly pushed him away and stood up, requiring everyone’s attention. I started at her. Intently.

Tory No-Last-Name’s P.O.V:
“Ok, So, Like dudes…I have an announcement to make” I shouted across the sea of students in the hall, everyone turned their faces to face me with curiosity, I winked at my boy friend, and glared at Draco warningly; clearing my chest, I began; “I am just conducting all of you, to inform you that I shall’ be running for student president, but not only me, also Tom Jauvinéir will be running for student president” I chorused around the hall, as though in symphony. I took a massive heaving breath and shot a warning glance towards Draco, as I carried on, he smirked in a careless manner, oh lord did I hate that boy.
“And so, Will anyone else be competing for student president?” I asked my fellow students, so obviously blocking out Draco. There were a few shakes to the heads of many students, but I saw a soft stirring in the corner of my eyes, I glanced, and there was Draco, standing.
“I will also apply for Student President!” Draco shouted across the room, a few girls looked him up and down hungrily, my best mate, Greta, winked at him, ergh! She’s such a slut, even though she is my best mate. And a couple of claps erupted, I stared him down like an eagle, how dare he! He licked his lips seductively in my direction, what a fucking tit.
Once I dismissed myself, I left the cafeteria in a huff, angry that Draco had decided to compete against me, but also that he contained such an ignorant hold over me, to stop me from slapping his pretty little face. I swept around the deserted corridors in anger, when I heard my name in an audible whisper behind me; I turned, to see the concerned face of Draco. He moved in and closed the severed gap between us, brushing my arm slightly with his cold fingers, the butterflies in my stomach turned, or was it warning signals? There was something about Draco…something not right, like my instincts went all against me to not go near him, yet I so want to just touch his beautiful skin, let myself be free, but I couldn’t. I backed away from his touch, as much as it pained yet relieved me, I couldn’t stand to be being in his presence much longer…
“I’m sorry Draco, you annoy the shit out of me, I’m outta here” I said, turning from him, and leaving him to stand in the middle of the hallway, alone and lifeless. As if he was contemplating something.
I backed off to my room and slid down upon the floor, curled up in a ball and let myself cry myself to sleep, I could not place these unwanted feelings I had for Draco, it was so frustrating yet thrilling.
I awoke to the pounding of rain washing out any possible sunlight from this area; I took a fast shower and applied little make-up, a loud breech knocked upon my door knocking me into consciousness, I strutted over in my pink skinny jeans and green converse and opened the door widely, to reveal nothing, I peeped out the door, looking left and right, but no one, how strange?
As I was about to shut the door, I saw a note upon the floor and picked it up, then taking a seat upon my bed. I laid back and relaxed, opening the letter, it read…
Dear Tory,
I am wondering if you would accompany me to Tyler’s party in two weeks, I’m sure we can have a lot of fun.
P.s ~ I Know your boyfriend isn’t coming, so no excuses.

What the fuck! How did he know this? What a freak, way to end my day, but that wasn’t the only thing on my mind, tomorrow I will have to announce the final speech for student elections, how fucking fun will that be? I lay back down and waited for Saturday to come.