Sequel: A Taste of Hogwarts
Status: <3 The story is coming to a close, a couple of more chapters :D and I shall' be done. There will be a squeal. It will be in an entirely different prose and concept to "A Taste of Mudbloods" <3

A Taste of Mudbloods

Chapter Five - No Prescene

Tory No-Last-Name’s P.O.V:
The weekend was a bore, homework, projects and no Draco, what did you expect? Monday soon came around and so did my Student President speech, I had everything ready, I mean I was popular, a smart popular that studies? What is the world coming to, ehh?
Anywhoodle, I strutted my stuff, deciding to wear a tight black jumpsuit and a pair of plain white converse, I walked up to the stage as Tom Jauvinéir finished his boring and dull speech that almost sent me flying, but I soon came around and walked carefully up to the stand. I adjusted my papers and put on a huge smile, batting my thick black eyelashes.
“So, like guys, who all thinks I should be student president?!?” I shouted, roars of cheering were sent my way, I glanced at Draco who was staring at me intently, a little smirk playing upon his lips, I stared for a bit to long, as I haltered, but something was telling me he was dangerous, don’t go near him, don’t even look at him. But my body reacted differently, it was his danger and cockiness which attracted me, the dark aroma that seemed to erupt from him, I looked back upon the crowd and smiled nervously, what was I saying? Something about there being alcohol in the common room? Oh shit, the teacher/headmaster, a.k.a worst nightmare in the world didn’t look to happy, what the fuck was I saying, I gain a few grins from the crowd and many cheers. Ahhh gherkin fiddlesticks…
“Well don’t just stand there, say something!” Draco shouted from across the room, how fucking rude, I went bright red and glared in his direction; “Well you fucking say something then jerk!” I half-shouted back to him, he really did not want to push my limits today!
“Ok then smart arse” He smiled, strutting over in a smart shirt and black jeans, then nudging me out of the way so he was now in front of the speaker, he motioned the microphone to his mouth and fake beamed to everyone, almost disgustingly; “Hey everyone, my name is Draco Mal…” He half-permitted, because I nudged him back out of the way; “Don’t you fucking dare push me of during my speech you prat!” I squealed.
“Now, Now! Kids…Calm yourselves” The headmaster shouted at the chaos of the students that was happening beneath us. But me and Draco only saw one another in our rage of an argument.
“What if I want to” He said dangerously, growling slightly, my stomach flipped and he moved closer to me, looking down upon me in a glare, I gulped, my confidence disappearing.; “You’re a bloody prat, PRAT” I shouted pathetically; The headmaster stood in the middle of all the chaos happening around him, he was completely and utterly helpless.
“Ok, voting’s on, go vote!” He shouted, everyone rushed to the voting booths to vote, the one speech they did hear, once everyone lined up and calmed down, he walked over to the two of us; “You two better go out side and calm down” He said suggestively with raised eyebrows, and watched us leave.
“Draco, why the fuck did you fucking halter of my chances of becoming president, you don’t know how much I want this!” I shouted, close to tears, exiting the hall, he also close on my tail.
“You don’t always get what you want” He replied with his eyes lowered.
“Yeah and you would know what it’s like to not get what you want?”
“It’s none of your fucking business what I get and what I don’t get!” He glowered, no fun this time, and he slammed my back into the lockers, leaning into to me.
“You don’t know what it’s like…to be controlled” He said, closing in to tears; “Oh yes I do” I replied faintly, staring into his cold icy blue eyes, he then looked at me with wonder , My stomach twisted as he leaned a bit closer, I could smell the danger that erupted from him, but I didn’t care I wanted to kiss those bad ass lips of his, there and then; I wetted my lips and leaned in, to let the tingling feeling errupt, but then…
“What the fuck are you doing?” Someone said from the doorway of the hall, remorse and grit in their tone.
Who the fuck is that? Oh no.
Mr. M. D’s Interpretation:
I had Tory pinned against the lockers, I could feel her small body trembling beneath me, but then her eyes found mine, I stared into her earthy brown orbs and leaned in, I couldn’t contain my feelings for her any longer, I just wanted to kiss those nervous lips of hers and engulf in her scent, just have something that I wanted for once, but as always, I never get what I want.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Asked a shocked voice form behind us, I moved away from her like lightening, rubbing the back of my neck and looking at Tory, I turned around to see Greta’s angry face, I bowed my head in shame, I could never have Tory, she’s a mudblood, What have I got myself into this time? Draco?
Tory No-Last-Name
As Draco shot from our forced embrace, I stared at Greta’s shocked face, she moved her eyes from me to him, then grabbed my hand; “Ever fucking touch her again you creep, you will get this” She motioned with her fist in his face, then stormed of, dragging me with her, I looked back to him and I saw a glint of tears sliding down his face; but I was harshly pulled around the corner and into the girls dormitories, Greta pushed me upon her bed forcefully and locked her door.
“Ok spill” She taunted, folding her arms and looking down upon me.
“Spill what?”
“You know what Tory!”
“Look, I have nothing to tell...” I drifted off, putting my head in my hands in frustration.
“No one’s dumb Tory, we can all see that connection you have with this new boy ‘Draco’; and what the fuck was all that back there?”
“It was nothing ok, just believe me, we just got caught up in the moment”
“You know your boyfriend won’t be too happy at all, if he knew...” She shook her head.
“Don’t you fucking dare Greta? Don’t tell him, me and Draco have nothing, we haven’t even kissed yet, let alone had sex, so what’s the problem?”
“Hmm, yes well, I’m just warning you” She shook her finger at me, then sat next to me and engulfed me in a tight hug.
“I’m just worried Tory, you know I have a feeling he’s bad, like he’s a murderer or something”
“I know...” I breathed in the scent of her hair and sobbed “...I know, I get the very same feeling Greta” Although Greta was the schools slut, I still love her, she was my best mate, and that would never change.
“Come on, let’s go into town and get our nails and hair done” She jumped up happily; I let her take me where ever like a little doll. We went into a hair salon, she chose my hair style, my red hair to be dyed a honey blonde, but I requested the blue streaks to go in. Then she took me for my nails to be done, blue to match my streaked hair. I had a really good time, people were shocked with my new appearance, but I didn’t take any notice, because the rest of the week, Draco was nowhere to be seen, the last time we had seen each other, we nearly kissed, and that wasn’t good.
The two weeks soon closed to a shutter, Tyler’s party on the brink, it was the day before Tyler’s party on the Friday that I eventually saw Draco and he look angry.
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