36 Matt Sanders


Jenn: tell me the story again.

I groaned.

Melly: I've told you a billion times already. We drank and it happened. The end.

Jenn: no sass young lady, you're the one who decided to be slutty.

Melly: once again I was under the influence.

Jenn: you were under something alright.

Melly: you filthy girl.

She smiled.

Jenn: you're the dirty one. Sleeping with strangers.

She shook her head.

Melly: whatever dude. Shit happens.

I went back to sanitizing my tools.

Jenn: you have an appointment coming in about ten minutes.

I gave a nod and she walked off. I took the time to tidy up my work area. Pull out what I might need shears, combs, and what have you.

Melly: Jenn.

She looked up from the desk.

Jenn: yeah dude?

Melly: could you please call the shear guy.

Jenn: ofcourse.

I smiled and went to take a step outside for some fresh air. I leaned against the wall and closed my eyes.

Matt: most people go home to sleep.

I looked at him.

Melly: what are you doing here?

Matt: I come bearing gifts.

Melly: gifts?

Matt: Jimmy bakes...he made a shit load of cookies.

He gave me an unsure smile.

Matt: and I thought...we said we could still be friends.

I nodded.

Melly: we can.

He smiled more assured and held a plate to me.

Melly: Jimmy bakes eh? He any good?

Matt: surprisingly.

I looked at the assortment.

Matt: he made oatmeal raisin, sugar, and the classic chocolate chip.

Melly: awesome.

Matt: the chocolate chip ones are the best.

Melly: they look like it.

Matt: the other night.

Melly: is in the past. No worries. I'm not like that and you're not like that.

Matt: you sure.

Melly: yes. It happens like you said. Unless...

Matt: no. Its last weeks news.

Melly: good no more of that then.

We both gave a nod.

Melly: come in?

Matt: well I've got to say hello to Jenn.

He opened the door for me. Jenn perked her brow when she saw Matt.

Matt: Hi Jenn.

Jenn: hello...

Matt: I brought cookies.

He placed the plate on the counter top.

Jenn: these look homemade.

Matt: Jimmy made them.

Jenn: Jimmy? As in the coolest person on Earth?

He smiled.

Matt: yes.

Jenn: he bakes?

Matt: only when stuff happens. Or he's really happy. Or one of the guys is upset.

Jenn: that's so awesome that he bakes.

Matt: and holidays.

Jenn: basically anytime then.

Matt: yeah.

Jenn: cool.

I grabbed one of the cookies and took a bite.

Melly: dude these really are good. Tell him I said thank you.

Jenn: and to call me, so I can make an appointment for him.

Matt: why don't you call him?

Jenn: I never got his number.

Matt: I'll tell him then.

Melly: well I've got an guest coming in so I'm going to make sure I'm all set up. Thanks for the cookies.

Matt: no problem.

I walked off. My guest came in and I started. It was fun. A girl about fifteen getting a new hair style. With some color. She was rad and very cool to talk to. It took me most of the afternoon. I'd prefer working on people than doing paper work. It allows me to work with my hands which I love. When it was done she gave me a big hug and promised to tell all her friends about the salon. That made me smile. Knowing she was happy.

Melly: I'm pooped.

Jenn: me too.

She took a bite of a cookie.

Melly: give me one of those.

Jenn: these are so good.

Melly: I know. Home boy can bake.

She nodded.

Jenn: any man that can bake is a good friend.

Melly: very true.

Jenn: Matt came here to bring us cookies?

Melly: me and Matt are friends.

Jenn: friends?

Melly: yes we are friends. Just like you and him are.

Jenn: who said I wanted to be friends with Dr. Hottie?

I laughed.

Melly: fine he's not your friend. He is my friend though.

Jenn: uh huh.

Melly: that is the truth.

Jenn: right. I guess its fine if he brings more cookies.

I shook my head.

Melly: maybe not sugar cookies. Those are gross.

Jenn: there good on certain days.

Melly: no. I don't like them.

We ate silently before she spoke up again.

Jenn: isn't it going to be weird though?

Melly: what?

Jenn: you and Matt.

Melly: its one of those things that only time will tell I guess.

Funny thing is. The only time its ever weird is when me and him are alone. We don't do anything but its there. That unspoken something. Everyone knows. They all do. It doesn't bother me. I'm not sure what he feels because we don't talk about it. We've moved on from that night those weeks ago. Which is fine because despite the few moments of weird, he is a good friend. All those boys are. They've seemed to adopt us into their little group. Its cool. We've got our family sure. They all live in L.A. We're in Huntington. Its nice to have friendly faces close by. Matt and the guys come to the salon. They've come over for dinner. We've gone to their houses. Our place isn't as luxurious as their houses. Its all good though. They don't judge. I'm glad me and Matt didn't linger on that night. Things might have been different. I would have regretted not knowing them. And taking that away from not just myself but Jenn as well. She's been more than my best friend for the longest time and I wouldn't want to fuck things up because of something stupid I did. My eyes closed as I sat at the desk. In a not so good note it has been a slow day at the salon. Slow enough that I sent people home. That's not good.

Jenn: wake up.

Melly: sorry dude. I've just been so tired.

Jenn: yeah well once again none stop working will do that to you.

I nodded and closed my eyes again.

Jenn: maybe you should go home.

Melly: naw. You can go though. If you'd like.

I smiled.

Jenn: no. I'll stay.

Melly: don't worry dude if Brian comes in I'll send him to ya.

She playfully shoved me.

Jenn: shut up.

Melly: you like him.

Jenn: have you seen the faces he makes when he plays? So hot.

My head rested on the counter as she spoke.

Melly: I don't think I've ever felt this tired before.

Jenn: you've been crazy working man. Getting peoples hair did and shit. You've been booked solid the past two weeks. We've even had to double book you. Except today. Today is just slow as fuck.

Melly: I could really use one of Jimmy's cookies...peanut butter! So good.

Jenn: sick! Peanut butter is gross.

Melly: you're just weird. Oh this counter top feels so good.

She laughed at me.

Melly: what?

Jenn: your face is all smooshed and it makes you look funny.

Melly: do I even have any appointments today? I mean its so slow. The past two weeks have been crazy busy and today comes and nothing.

I watched as she looked at the computer.

Jenn: Zacky is coming today.

Melly: yes! Entertainment. I hope he brings cookies.

Jenn: maybe he'll bring Jimmy.

Melly: or Johnny.

Jenn: or better Brian.

She smiled.

Melly: maybe Dr. Hottie.

Jenn: he needs a different name.

Melly: I think Dr. Hottie is funny.

Jenn: it is.

I sat up properly and wiped the sleep from my eyes.

Zacky: hola!

Melly: mi amor!

I ran around the desk and wrapped my arms around him.

Jenn: woo.

She said unexcited.

Jenn: you're early for once.

Zacky: I'm always on time.

Jenn: hey did you see that sick ass murdered out Range Rover out there?

Zacky: yeah.

Jenn: yeah? That's mine! All mine bitch.

He chuckled a bit.

Zacky: it is pretty amazing.

Jenn: no not pretty. Sick. Dope. Fucking murdered out.

Zacky: I am early...because of this.

He pulled out some papers. I cringed.

Melly: ewww. Paper work. That's all Jenn.

Jenn: as the owner its your job to look at it.

Zacky: its for the deal sexies.

Jenn: sexies?

Zacky: yes. Now just look it over, not now when you've got time, and sign it.

He shrugged.

Melly: is this for Fuck Cancer?

Zacky: duh. What other deal do we have? Other than you two in my bed at the same time.

Jenn: not going to happen slick.

Zacky: got to keep living the dream.

Melly: you keep living that wet dream.

He smiled.

Zacky: I will.
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