36 Matt Sanders

The Best Thing You Could Ever Pee On

I stared it. At them. All of them. They all told me the same thing. The same fucking thing.

Jenn: I mean it could be wrong...

Melly: all of them?

Jenn: sure.

Melly: all twenty of them?

Jenn: maybe?

I shook my head. Only a day ago I didn't have it on my mind. Until she brought it up.

Jenn: the way to find out officially is to go to the Doctor.

Melly: I went to a Doctor already and look what happened.

Jenn: I'm talking about a real Doctor.

Melly: this can't be happening. Sick. I could of handled being sick. I don't know what to do.

I looked at my bestfriend for an answer. We both had panic written on our foreheads.

Jenn: the doctor...you have to tell him?

Melly: how could this happen?

Jenn: well you drank. A lot and you banged him and ta da.

I sighed. Stress filled me.

Jenn: at least it was the best thing you ever pissed on.

I laughed at her tone. She smiled a little.

Jenn: its not going to be easy but it doesn't have to be hard. I'm here whatever your choice.

I nodded. Her words comforted me.

Jenn: the only thing I'm going to really suggest you do is tell him. The rest is...

Melly: tomorrow I can tell him. I'll invite him to lunch or something. And I guess I'll schedule a doctors appointment. I've no idea what I'm doing Jenn.

Jenn: no one really knows what they're doing.

The sun was extra hot this morning. It didn't make puking any better. My car roared through the street. Calming oddly enough. I parked behind the salon and sat there for a moment. Today at noon...ish I'd be telling Matt the news. My forehead rested on the steering wheel.

Melly: don't worry it will be all good.

I got out and started opening the salon for the day. Jenn would be here in few minutes. First thing first music goes on.

Melly: there's nothing like Burn Halo in the morning.

My hands fumbled around. As concerned as I was about telling Matt, cookies were more important. Cookies. Jimmy's cookies. I could almost call Jimmy and ask him to make me some.

Jenn: feeling better?

Melly: I want cookies.

Jenn: ok not the exact response I was expecting but its good to know you're hungry.

Melly: I guess.

Jenn: better than puking right?

Melly: fuck yes.

The stylists started coming in. Guests began showing up. I kept my mind at ease working on guests. It also made time go by that much faster. I stood by the desk. Waiting for Matt.

Jenn: Johnny called.

Melly: oh yeah?

Jenn: he wants his her did gir.

Melly: whens he coming in?

Jenn: he said as soon as possible and when its best for you.

Melly: what's the day look like tomorrow?

Jenn: you're booked.

Melly: the day after?

Jenn: might be workable.

Melly: I want to be able to give him the time he deserves no rushing.

She nodded. I walked to the back for a water bottle. Matt was talking with Jenn. I smiled a little.

Melly: hey Dr. Hottie.

Matt: hey.

Melly: ready?

Matt: absolutely. Ladies first. See you Jenn.

Jenn: bye. Call me if you need anything Melly.

Melly: I will.

Outside the sun warmed my already hot face. I drank some water.

Matt: are you feeling better?

Melly: yes a bit.

Matt: that's good.

We walked to a near by little restaurant. It was a quiet place. Me and Jenn ate here a lot when we first opened the salon. Its cheap but really good. Matt sat across from me.

Matt: I'm glad you asked to have lunch...I've been trying to ask if you wanted to, just me and you, go out...

He said awkwardly. It made me smile.

Melly: go out...

Matt: yeah, just you know, so we could talk or whatever. Friends. Because we're friends.

He scratched his arm being awkwardly shy. I stared at my cup of water.

Matt: sorry to make you uncomfortable.

Melly: what? Oh no sweetheart. I'm just.

I made a face.

Matt: you look nervous.

Melly: I am.

Matt: about what?

Melly: I invited you to lunch to tell you something that you don't want to hear.

He made a face.

Matt: now I'm nervous.

I took a deep breath. This sucks. I'm about to lose a good friend. I bit my lip.

Matt: I'm sure its not anything Melly.

Melly: I'm sure it is.

Matt: I'll understand. I'm Dr. Hottie.

He smiled.

Matt: tell me what's wrong.

He grabbed my hand. His eyes were thoughtful. As if it couldn't be harder.

Melly: I'm pregnant. For the past eight months I've been here you're the only man I've slept with and...

His hand didn't let go of mine.

Melly: I told you, you wouldn't want to hear it.

Matt: I wore a condom...I think.

He searched his mind.

Melly: its ok Matt. Either way I'm cooking something and its-

Matt: I've got...

Melly: to go?

Matt: yes.

Melly: I figured that.

I shrugged and looked out the window. He hesitated a moment. When he left I called Jenn. She came to the little restaurant and sat with me.

Jenn: maybe he needs time to think.

Melly: yeah...think of a way to hide. I expected it though.

Jenn: you shouldn't rush to conclusions. I'm going to kick his ass.

Melly: why?

Jenn: because he was a dick. He just left.

Melly: I'd run too if someone crazy told me she was prego with my baby.

Jenn: I'm still going to beat him.

She crossed her arms. Back at work things felt ehh. I felt really lethargic. My guests noticed which wasn't good. If I couldn't be my best then I'm not doing my job. I'm half assing it. Which to me is unacceptable.

Melly: maybe we should close early.

Jenn: if you want.

Melly: will you come to the doctors with me?

Jenn: ofcourse.

Melly: thanks. I can't do it alone.

Jenn: you aren't alone.

I smiled. She will always have my back and I will always have hers. I'm choosing to keep it. I don't have the heart for the other option. And everyone has their choice. Plus there is adoption which is a likely path for me. I sighed.

Jenn: go home. I'll close and get some dinner for us.

Melly: ok...

I didn't fight it. This sucked. I lost a friend. A good friend I thought. I hope it didn't fuck things up between Jenn and the guys. That would make me feel like more shit. The car ride was quiet. The house was quiet. I curled up on the couch and stared at the television. Some how I knew that one night would come back and bite me in the ass. It could be worse I suppose. My phone singing out woke me.

Melly: hello?

I asked sleepily. Wiping my eyes as I sat up.

Melly: Matt?

Matt: yes...Melly...

Melly: I understand Matt. You don't want-

Matt: Melly I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left like that. It was rude and inconsiderate.

Melly: its fine.

Matt: no its not. I'm not irresponsible. Not that you are. I'm just...it surprised me.

Melly: I could have softened the blow I guess but it...

Matt: I know. Well I don't know. I could try to know. If you let me...whatever you choose to do. I'll be there. Anything. I'm here. For you and the-the baby.

Melly: really?

I whispered.

Matt: yes. Just let me know things I'm new to this.

I smiled a little.

Melly: I'm new to this too.

Matt: should I come over? Or?

Melly: if you'd like...
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Don't make me Salt you BITCH!!!