36 Matt Sanders

Gary and Kim

I stuffed cookies in my mouth. Jimmy had made me some bite sized cookies. Which is fantastic because I can eat like three at one time.

Jenn: geeze fatass. Slow down.

Melly: can't. Super hungry today.

Jenn: you're always super hungry.

Melly: but I'm super duper hungry today. Like super hero hungry.

Jenn: beware cookies! Pregozilla will eat you alive.

We laughed.

Melly: did I mention he has books?

Jenn: many times. He just wants to be fully prepared.

She said casually. I rested my head on the desk and stuffed another cookie in my mouth.

Jenn: so when are you going to tell your mom and dad?

Melly: ugh! Please. I have a heart attack every time I think about it. I'm going to be disowned is the bottom line.

Jenn: they aren't going to disown you.

Melly: I'm pregnant with a random mans kid.

Jenn: you're twenty fuckin' three...and he's your boyfriend.

She shrugged. My boyfriend. It sounded strange. Matt Sanders aka M. Shadows, is my boyfriend. This is like a dream, maybe a nightmare? Is he my boyfriend? Do I see him as my boyfriend?

Jenn: you make it sound like you don't have a job and you still live at home.

Melly: fuck.

Jenn: calm down. It will all work out in the end.

I looked down at my stomach.

Jenn: when do you get to meet his parents?

Melly: when ever he sets it up. You know he offered to pay to have my parents fly out here.

Jenn: damn girl he really likes you.

I made a face.

Melly: I've got to figure something out.

Jenn: I'm telling you vacation.

Melly: going home is hardly a vacation.

Jenn: true but it would be nice to see the family.

Melly: yes. Cookie?

She grabbed a few. We sat in a silence. Eating cookies. I wish cookies could be used as money. I'd be rich with as many cookies Jimmy is always giving us.

Jenn: Matt.

Melly: what about him.

Jenn: he's walking through the door.

I stood up quickly. Straightening my shirt out and wiping my mouth. He had a cute smile on that face as he walked in.

Jenn: Dr. Hottie, what do we owe this visit? More cookies for pregozilla over here?

He chuckled a bit.

Matt: no Jimmy is making cakes right now.

Melly: mmm...what kind?

Matt: any kind.

He came up to me and pecked my lips. It threw me off a bit. Usually we just hug.

Matt: how are you feeling today?

He rested a hand on my stomach so carefully.

Melly: hungry.

He smiled.

Jenn: she's been eating cookies non-stop.

Matt: how are you today Jenn?

Jenn: tired of watching fatass over here stuff her face.

Matt: you know on the way in here I saw this sick looking ride.

Jenn: oh! Was it that doped out Range Rover.

He never failed. It made me smile. Boyfriend. I could do that. He's so cute.

Jenn: Mine!

She said excitedly and it brought me back to reality.

Matt: sick ride Jenn. Sick ride.

She gave him a toothy grin.

Matt: Melly.

Melly: yes sweetheart.

Matt: you busy tonight?

Melly: no I don't think so.

Matt: good.

Melly: why?

Matt: dinner...at my parents.

We walked up to the door. My arm was linked with his and I'm feeling gross. Not sick. More nervous I think. Who knows.

Matt: not to worry. It'll be fine.

I followed him into the house. Nice place. Somehow that wasn't surprising.

Matt: Hello?

I stayed silent for the moment. I shook my head.

Matt: calm down.

Calm down. So easily said. We're about to tell his parents that me, Ms. Random, is having their sons baby. Oh yeah calm down. An older womans voice filled the next room. She sounded cheery and sweet.

Matt: mom?

We met in the doorway of the rooms. She had a happy smile on her face. Her and Matt exchanged their hellos. Hugs and kisses.

Matt: mom this is-

Mom: Melly. Hello sweetie. Look at you. My my Matthew...I'm Kim.

Melly: nice to meet you Mrs. Sanders. You have a nice home. Its very welcoming.

I held my hand out.

Mom: very polite. And call me Kim. None of the boys call me Mrs. Sanders.

I nodded. Matt kept his hand on the small of my back as we followed his mom. I looked at him with a smile.

Matt: what?

Melly: she totally called you Matthew.

I whispered. He smirked. When we reached the backyard the smell of grilled meat filled my nose. It made my mouth water.

Kim: Gary, Matthew is here, with his friend.

Oh great. I'm just his friend. Gary, whom I assumed his dad, turned from the grill and smiled.

Gary: Matt.

Matt: dad.

He came over and gave his son a hug.

Gary: Melly.

These people just know who I am?

Gary: he talks a lot about you hun. Don't think we're mind readers. I'm pretty sure you two are a little more than friends.

He winked and I smiled. We shook hands.

Melly: its nice to meet you.

Gary: like wise.

Matt: yeah these are my parents Melly.

I smiled. It felt a little awkward. I think it has a lot to do with the situation.

Kim: Matthew tells us you've only been here about eight months.

Melly: yes. I own a salon downtown. Its small.

Kim: I've seen it. Its a very nice looking place.

Melly: thank you.

Matt held my hand as we sat and talked. Slowly I felt less nervous.

Gary: how long have you two been casually, as Matt puts it, dating?

Matt: its not casual anymore. She's my girlfriend.

He kissed my hand. His parents are kind. Sweet and a little funny. As parents always are. I can see where he gets his manners from. His mother. And where he gets his dorky side. His father. And his overall caring sweet personality. Both. It made me smile.

Kim: I'm going to go make a quick salad.

Melly: would you like help?

I stood quickly. She gave me a small smile.

Kim: so polite this one. I think I'll be fine though.

Melly: you sure? I'd like to help.

Kim: its a bagged salad dear. Nothing to extravagant.

She nodded and walked into the house.

Gary: Melly how do you like your steak?

Matt: actually she doesn't like-

Melly: I like my beef dead.

His dad chuckled a bit.

Gary: no pink?

Melly: none. It grosses me out.

He nodded a bit.

Matt: you don't have to-

Melly: two things Matthew...

I smiled at the use of his full name.

Melly: I'm not going to be rude and two steak sounds sooooo good right now.

Matt: its not rude to say you don't like it.

Melly: it sounds delicious though. Believe me.

Matt: oh.

He said understanding. Kim came back out with a giant bowl of salad.

Melly: do you want me to help bring plates out?

Kim: now that I wouldn't mind.

I followed her into the house. She handed me some white plates. They had a flower in the center of them.

Kim: do you work a lot?

Melly: yes.

She nodded.

Melly: but I've been slowing down a bit. Eating and resting more. I had really bad eating habits when we first opened. I hardly slept.

Kim: its not easy running a business.

Melly: no. I didn't realize how tired I was until recently.

Kim: it catches up with you.

Melly: it sure does.

We walked back outside and started setting the table.

Kim: Matthew, this girl is fantastic. She's sweet, polite, willing to help your mother.

Melly: Kim that's to nice, you hardly know me.

Kim: a mother knows things. These type of things.

My eyes went a bit wide. Oh shit.

Melly: what do you mean by that?

Kim: we just know. Hasn't your mother ever said that?

I breathed with relief.

Melly: yes, she has.

We took our seats again.

Kim: anyways Matthew, she is very nice.

Matt: I know mom.

He grabbed my hand once again.

Gary: and she takes good care of your hair.

Melly: you guys should come in. See the salon and get something done. Haircut or scalp treatment.

Kim: that sounds like fun.

Gary: steaks are done.

He set a plate down and we all took our share. It smelled good.

Melly: this is really good.

Gary: no pink just like you ordered it.

Melly: its delicious.

To my surprise I ate the entire steak.

Gary: any woman that can eat a steak like that is a keeper Matt.

They chuckled a bit.

Kim: you've got a good appetite.

Melly: its more of a recent development. I don't usually eat this much.

Once again Matt's hand found mine.

Melly: I'm not anorexic or belimic or yeah...

I felt awkward again.

Matt: Mom and Dad...

They both perked a brow at his slightly serious tone.

Matt: there's something we need to talk about...
♠ ♠ ♠
SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....Millionare don't tell him I think he's hot...I'm Still mad at him