Remember To Learn To Forget


My eyes were hard as some form of laugh ripped through my throat. Gloria looked at me like I had lost it, and quite honestly I was thinking the same. “Go back to him. Their YOUR friends, remember? Leave me the hell alone.”

With that, I was down the sidewalk again, now breaking into a sprint. Had to get out of here. HAD to.

My feet pounded against the ground, deaf to Gloria’s pleas to come back. No, they were her friends Christian, you had to let her learn. Maybe if she didn’t run away all the fucking time she wouldn’t be so fucking naive.

Just like you? All you fucking do is RUN Christian!

Screaming and holding my head, I tried to block out the voice that was fighting with me. I needed to get out of this fucking town and the fuck away from Gloria!

I did the bitchest move I’ve ever done---I grabbed a train and left Jingletown, my heart set on Oakland, California.
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