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All I Have Left


After the dance, Adie and I left the school Gym, hand-in-hand. I was truly smiling and I was probably the happiest man on the Earth right now. Just being here with Adele right here, right now, and right this very second… everything just felt so right. If I had a remote control which controlled the world, I’d probably relive this moment everyday, or just put it all on pause.But I know I’d have to face Mother and Father again soon.


“Let me see your schedule again,” Adie said, holding her hand out. I patted my hands on my pockets, feeling for the folded paper I stuffed in my jeans. It was in my back pocket. I handed it to her and watched as she scanned the paper.

We were sitting on one of the many marble tables in the middle of the school, near the cafeteria. The only table available happened to be in the center of all the tables, only fit for four people. Too bad Adele and I occupied most of the space on the table. I was sitting directly in front of her on the table and she was sitting on the seat.

I folded my arms over my lap and leaned on them, staring at the back of my schedule. What is it about this girl, whom I’ve met not even a week ago, that made me fall for her so hard? I’ve never had this much fun back at the palace, and I was really enjoying it.

Even when Mother and Father set me up with other “women,” none of them were as appealing to me as Adele was. If only I met her a long time ago… maybe my life would have been much more enjoyable. Maybe if she was a vampire, we could be happy together.

But she isn’t. Unless I---

“Riley?” Adie sang, waving her hand in front of my face.

I snapped out of my thoughts and smiled sheepishly at her. "Yes, milady?" I asked, smirking a bit. I leaned back on the table, the sun shining directly on me, making my brown hair look shinier and my eyes a lighter shade of grey. My hair fell just a bit in front of my eyes and I couldn't help but notice most of the girls staring at me and most of the guys glaring at me.

"Dude, you're hot," Adie said, checking me out.

I smiled and waved at a bunch of drooling girls. They all blushed and turned around to scream. I chuckled. I always had this effect on people. Not to be a cocky bastard, or anything. "Take a picture; it'll last longer." I said, a bit louder than necessary.

Adie rolled her eyes while some girls actually pulled out their phones and cameras to take a picture of me. I was surprised some of them actually took my offer seriously... And now I feel uncomfortable. Greaat.

"Paparazzi, much?" Adele asked, chuckling.

I smirked. "Well, you know the press," I lifted her hand and kissed it gently, "They never leave you alone." I pulled her up from her seat and hugged her waist, burying my face in her brown locks. She stood there, her hands on either side of me, immobilized. She was so tense.

"Relax," I whispered, kissing her forehead.

"You're causing a scene!" Adie hissed, trying to break away from my embrace. I let her.

I pouted and folded my legs on the marble table, hanging my head so that I could look up at her through my bangs. "You're mean."

Adie laughed and ruffled my hair. "You're so cute. Like a lost little boy."

I stuck my tongue at her childishly. "I'm not a little boy. I'm a big boy," I whined.

She shook her head. "Prove it."

I raised an eyebrow and pointed "down there." Her eyes widened for a bit, then narrowed her eyes and shook her head. "You sick, sick boy!" She thwacked me on the head. "That is not cool man." Then her eye twitched, "AH! MENTAL IMAGE!"

I laughed at her reaction, clutching my stomach. "Did---You---See---Your---Face?!" I almost fell off the table from laughing. It was very amusing. "You looked---So---Mortified!" I kept laughing, and it was hard to stop. I probably looked like a mad man right about now, so I tried to conceal my laughter my burying my face in my thighs.

"Haha, very funny," Adele said sarcastically.

"Oh, my dear, it was." I ruffled her hair and grabbed my bag and schedule from her grasp. "I'm gonna go ahead now, the bell's ringing soon. See you soon." I slung my bag over my shoulder and started walking towards my next class; Italian with Mr. Below.

The bell rang and the students shuffled their way through the halls to get to their next class. I had no idea who I'd have in my Italian class because I didn't really socialize with anyone else in my classes. Only Mirabelle, Calvin, and Adele.

I opened the door to Mr. Below's classroom and stepped into the air-conditioned room. This room looked pretty much like Ms. Ave's room, except in the front of the room. There was a big wooden desk with Mr. Below's name plate on it.

"Um, hey, I'm the new student?" I said, though it sounded more like a question. I don't know why, but this old man seems intimidating. He stood at a tall 6'8" tall, his white hair was combed back, his eyes reminded me of an eagle dead-set on its prey, and his serious expression plastered on his face... Intimidating.

"Why yes, I believe you are," He said. "I'm Mr. Below. Now be-low, but bell-low. Many students confuse my name as the word below. It's quite annoying."

I nodded. "Uh, yes sir."

"Do you know any Italian?"

"Yes sir," I answered.

"Good." He walked around his desk and to the front of the room. "You can sit beside Mr. Lake," He said, pointing at Calvin.

I quickly walked to the seat next to Calvin and sat down. "Sup," He said.

"Yo," I replied.

"Now class," Mr. Below said in fluent Italian, "Today we'll be learning the simple phrases like 'Where is the restroom?' and 'no thank you, but that you for asking.'"

The students looked at him like he spoke in Alienese. "Can anyone translate that?" He asked.

No one spoke up.

"You said we'd be learning simple phrases," I said simply.

Mr. Below narrowed his eyes. "Yes, thank you. But next time, I'd appreciate it if you raise you hand before speaking." I nodded. "Are we clear?" He asked sternly.

"Yes sir," I said.

Mr. Below kept drowning on, though I wasn't paying much attention. I could already speak fluent Italian. I learned it a long time ago, though it is not the language of my people.

“Finish these worksheets and place them on my desk when you’re done.” He instructed, passing out papers.

“Dude,” Calvin whispered, “Don’t take what Mr. Below said personally in the beginning of class. He’s pretty much like that to all his students.”

I nodded and shook my head, trying to get my hair out of my eyes. “Sure,” I said. I finished the paper in less than five minutes, not even breaking a sweat, though all the other kids were. I decided I’d wait to turn my paper in.

To pass some time, I tapped my pencil’s eraser against the desk to match the beat of every other second. After about fifteen minutes since the paper was passed out, I stood up from my seat and placed the completed worksheet on his desk.

“Finished already, Mister,” Mr. Below glanced at my name on the worksheet, “Valieri?”

I nodded. “I took Italian Language classes before.”

He nodded, “I see.”

I walked back to my seat and leaned back, relaxing.

This class couldn’t end any sooner.
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't even think I got ONE comment!
Wtf man?!
Then ending of this chapter sucked.
I just want comments D;
is that so hard to do?
if i don't get at LEAST 3 comments, i won't update.
at all.
until next time,
bye ~