
Save me, from what I've become...

Oh wait, its all that I can take
And every single day

"I'm sick of you going off without warning, sneaking off behind your friend's backs!" Pansy cries. A loud echo floods the Slytherin common room as I just stands there with such solitude. We both were just standing in complete silence. We just stood there, staring at eachother. Pansy with tearful doughy, brown eyes which showed hurt and pain, but also love. I was staring back with my signature cold stare, trying to show no emotion.
"I'm...sorry..." I muttered, but Pansy quipped in before I could say anything else.
"DON'T SAY YOU'RE SORRY! IT'S OVER, DRACO, OVER!" she shouted in an almost roar. The words crept through my mind slowly as I got a sharp pang in my heart from the words that just escaped from her lips. I've now lost the only person I could really rely on now, the only friend who I thought would stick by me no matter what.
Pansy gives me one more hard glare and storms out of the room, crying. I tried to hold my tears, but one secretly poured out of my eye and swerved down my cheek.

A part of my soul is fading
But now, by letting go somehow

I stands alone in the common room, looking at the fireplace with a solum stare. Sad memories flash through my brain realizing, I was slowly fading. My soul was disappearing. I was becoming weak. Terrified at the task I was given by my master. I did not want more of it. I was done with it all. I had lost too many friends. I just wanted to be the cold-hearted Draco Malfoy I used to be with no worries in the world. But no, this is what I've become, and nothing can change it. As I tried to focus on the task I was given, the small pang in my heart kept on creeping up on me, this feeling I cannot let go of. Rejection, lost, Pansy's bold statement kept running through my mind now, with her heartbroken face staring at me sadly. Who have I become?

Unshackled and unbound
I'm calling out your name, I'm fading

'I bet you no one would care if I just died right now' I thought to myself. Though, I looked dead already to most people. My sunken cheeks with my porcelain, white skin and dark, sunken eyes kind of give it away that I am not really here, I'm really just fading away, slowly. All my old friends, now glare at me in hate. Goyle, Crabbe, Blaise and Pansy. Oh Pansy. Her glare was the most painful to see. You could still sense hurt in them, which made me feel awful and want to hug her like we used to. Kiss her with such passion. I miss the smell of her hair. Smelt of sweet honey. I miss the look of love in her eyes which she used to give me. But now, they're just hurt.

So save me from what I've become

Help me, Pansy, save me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wrote this in about 20 minutes. I kind of wanted to write another short story, but not make it happy. Hope I did alright and I hope you enjoyed.