Status: Active

The Host

Chapter 1

So quiet, to quiet for my liking. As I crouch behind the very large oak tree that was planted in the monsters garden with my brown hair hanging annoyingly by my bright blue eyes that most likely looked black in the limited light.

Since everyone that I have ever known are now monsters (In other words a human body with a worm type thing in the backs of their head and then being named the worms so called Hosts, for the person whose body it was to never live in it again) my two brothers Ian and Kyle and I are the only humans I know to be somewhat alive.

Now back to my hiding and spying. I hate doing it, being out of the safeness of the cave that for now we occupy, but I know we have to and how else are we going to eat. I knew that the monsters where out, I had been watching them for awhile now. I also know that they have a full fridge, which is what I need most the food for not just me but my brothers as well. I just need a little food at least to last us about a week and then the three of us can move on to a new place -we don’t feel safe staying in one place for to long- so we don’t get caught by the monsters so called seekers that look for the humans that are still human and then put one of then inside our heads.

I slowly emerge from behind the tree still crouching slightly and breathing more heavy as the seconds past with my heart beating like it was going to burst out of my chest. With my empty sack over my shoulder I carefully open the back door and it was easy to open since the monsters never lock any of their doors, –they trust every one of their own kind and they are always caring and kind to everyone- so it is easy to get in and out the house.
I open the fridge door and start to place the contents of it into my sack. After the fridge was done and empty I move on to the cupboards and empted them, then last of all I turn on the kitchen sinks tap and place my parched, dry mouth under the delicious, cool water and then I filled up my canteen ready for my next long journey. I can now finally leave this terrible place and I will never wish to come back until hopefully someday all this will be over and everything will be back to normal.
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i now boring first chapter but it will get better so comment and subscribe please

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