Status: Being updated.. slowly (:


18 Year Old Jordan, has been in foster care since she was born.
Jordans ''Jordy'' parents had given her away before she had a chance to live properly.
She is amazing at singing, yet nobody has heard her.
She can play guitar, piano, and tambourine.
18 Year OldJoeseph, has had a loving family since he was born.
Joesephs ''Joe'' parents have kept him safe, and well mannered since he was born.
He is amazing at singing, and the whole world knows.
He can play Guitar, Tamborine, Piano (Im not saying Joe can play piano, not sure:])
What will happen when these two meet? Plenty of drama (:
Jobros Famous :)
  1. Misery Business..
    Jordans POV..
  2. Sister?
    Joes POV.. cause im awesome =)
  3. Oh God..
    Soo, I dont know where im going with this, but enjoy anyways..
  4. Found..
    Joes POV. :D
  5. Hello?
    Well, its late seriously. Im tired, (: Soz if its not good, but i said id post a chapter todayy!
  6. Were Off To See The Wizard...
    :) Jordans POV.
  7. Untouched..
    Joes POV.... Oh yeah:D
  8. You Sing...
    Im Back:) [JordansPov]
  9. Theband
  10. ImLeaving.
    No ones pov.. xD hehe.
  11. Goodbye.
  12. Promise You Wont Tell...?
  13. I miss you.. so much.
  14. Songbook
  15. You dance?