Status: On hiatus for a bit.

The Only Rule Is That There Are No Rules

I Love You, Douche Bag.

Lolah's POV

I sighed deeply as I rolled over in my bed, hearing the chime of my cell phone text message alert. I reached over to my night stand, eyes still closed. I picked my phone up, half tempted to throw it across the room. Who the fuck was texting me this early? Not that it really mattered, I wasn't sleeping all that well anyway. But I was in that cross part where you're between awake and dead asleep. I used my index finger and pressed on the text message icon on the bottom of the screen. Not even bothering to see who send it, I read the message.

Lolah, she broke up with me. You can do it. Give me your "I told you so". I don't even care. I have no idea what to do with myself. Dusty, Nick and Zack are all asleep. I have nobody to talk to. If you're awake, will you please come pick me up? My car is in the shop. All i know is I can't handle this house much longer. Xoxo.

I sighed again and sat up in bed. I didn't even need to look at the name. The message said exactly who it was. My best friend, Tyler. Or to most of the world, he's known as Telle Smith of The Word Alive. That boy is constantly getting his heart broken by stupid fucking Myspace whores who couldn't give a fuck less about anybody but their fucking selves. Yes, that's about as blunt as I'm going to put it. I tapped my finger on the bottom of the screen of my iPhone to send him a reply.

Tyler, Tyler. I tell ya, love. Fuck all those lame ass bitches. Ugh. Despite the fact that it's one in the fucking morning, I'll be there in twenty. I love you, douche bag. <3

I'm frequently a bitch to him. Simply because I'm allowed to be. I sacrifice a lot for being his best friend. All of his girlfriends think i'm fucking him. NUH-UH! He's more of a brother to me than anything. My mom swears i need to marry him. But, we both agree that we're better off as best friends. Nothing more. Nothing less.

I slid my glasses up my nose and put my feet on the floor. It's official. I'm awake. Once my feet touch the cold, hardwood floor of my bedroom, I'm awake for the morning. I walked into the livingroom and stuffed the traditional shit in my purse. My wallet, keys, cell phone, cigarettes, and lighter. I slung my purse over my shoulder and looked at the corner of my purple couch.

"Buzz! Woody! Wake up!" both of their ears shot up as they turned their heads to me in a careless manner. "You boys wanna go for a ride?" I faked enthusiasm as they both jumped off the couch and pulled themselves over to my feet. Buzz is my baby boy. My little blonde pomeranian. That dog has been my sidekick since I moved out into my own apartment when I was eighteen. That was the first resonsibility I decided to give myself. Telle adopted Woody last Christmas for me from the SPCA. He said that every Buzz needs a Woody. So, they were a perfect little duo! Woody is a dark brown Daschund wih big honey brown eyes. I love my little boys!

After I opened the front door, they walked out of it hesitantly. They beat me over to my car, where they were both sitting by the passanger seat door. "It's early, I know. But we gots to go pick Uncle Telle up. His slut ass girlfriend broke up with him." I picked them both up and sat them on the seat, closing the door quietly. My neighbors have been bitching lately. Saying that I'm too noisy. It isn't my fault that all my friends come over and decide to throw raging parties when i'm out of town on business for my photography company. Not to mention, I live in a gated community. A fountain in the middle and the whole nine yards. It was an upper-class apartment complex here in Peoria, Arizona. I moved here when I was 20. Wanted to get away from California and all it's bullshit drama. So, I found an apartment and left. Ended up back in Arizona.

When I was walking back over to the drivers seat, I took a deep breath of air. 65 degrees out tonight. "Typical October weather!" I sang to myself as I hopped into the drivers seat. I lit up my cigarette, smiled at Buzz and Woody, and put the car into reverse. On my way to Phoenix to rescue my best friend from his own personal, lonely Hell.
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WHOOP-WHOOP! First chapter to mah soon-to-be BADASS Tony A. fic!! mhmmm. I agree with what I put! Telle seems to always be getting his heart broken by these girls who are famous on myspace and nowhere else. Hmmmm. lol. But, as of now, I'm gonna leave it up to you to picture what Lolah looks like. Later on, I'll have either Tony A. or Telle explain what she looks like. But, leave that to your imagination, for now.;)

For the love of TWA, JUST FUCKING DO IT!!<3