Curse of Curves


I wanted to giggle. I wanted to squeal. I wanted to do everything an obsessed high school girl wanted to do, because Ethan doesn’t hate me!

Oh yeah, beat that world! Ethan. Doesn’t. Hate. Me! He doesn’t think I’m the leader of a cult and he found my stunt with the frogs, fairly amusing.

I skipped down the halls with a grin on my face and a rant in my head. Want to know what the rant is? Ethan doesn’t hate me! Ethan doesn’t hate me!

Of course he said that we aren’t friends either, but that means that we can be more then friends. I cackled, it’s truly amazing how I can turn things against people. Maybe I should be a lawyer when I get older?

Nah, too much work I’ll stick with being a hobo, its so much easier.

My day went by rather quickly after that and I found myself, two hours later, walking about the grocery store with my mother. I was pushing the buggy while singing some Mayday Parade. My mother looked back at me and smiled. She always liked my singing, which is why I did it when she was having a bad day and today was bad since I got in trouble at school.

She went and grabbed some spaghetti sauce because I was in the mood for spaghetti this week before she led us to the meats. The two of us stood there, looking down at our choices, and contemplating what we wanted. Just as I was about to say I wanted steak I heard laughing beside me.

I raised an eyebrow when I looked over to see some woman with brown hair hugging my mother and giggling.

“Carol Lynn!”


“It’s so nice to see you again,” my mother laughed as she pulled away from ‘Carol Lynn’.

“It’s been so long…when did you move here?” Carol Lynn gasps as she inspects my mother from head to toe.

“Not too long ago,” my mom answers. “I didn’t know you lived here.”

“Yeah, I moved here with my husband when I had my little boy.”

“Really? Wow, what a coincidence.”

I felt awkward as I listened to the ‘friends’ talk. My mother and ‘Carol Lynn’ decided to walk around and shop together, living me confused and out of the circle. Not that I really minded though, they were talking about older women things, like work and children.


“How about you and Arrow come over for dinner?” Carol Lynn asks with a sweet smile. I perked up at the sound of my name.

“Oh that will be wonderful!” My mother giggles before looking back at me. “Won’t it Arrow?”

“Uh,” I answered. I honestly don’t think it’ll be ‘wonderful’…at least I didn’t think it would until Carol Lynn spoke again…

“Don’t worry sweetie, I have a boy back home that is your age. His name is Ethan.”

My frown turned into a devilish smirk at the sound of the boys’ name. Grinning I nod my head enthusiastically before saying, “Yeah, it’ll be awesome!”

Trust me…it will be.

And as the two made up plans for us to come over I stood behind them with a grin. I honestly didn’t care about the dinner. All I cared about was getting to Ethan’s house, where I know I’ll stay after dinner because obviously these two have some catching up to do.

I held in my cackles. I didn’t want to look suspicious or anything…like my smirk wasn’t suspicious enough.


I was panicking. I ran about my room, grabbing jean after jean, shirt after shirt, shoe after shoe, trying to find something, anything that might impress Ethan just a little bit.

He was a perfect child right? So that probably meant he’d want somebody whose clean and polished looking…right? But there’s a problem…I don’t own anything like that.

All my jeans are tight, they hug my hips and shows off the amazing body that I know I have. All my shirts are band tee’s or inappropriate and are also tight…so what the hell can I wear?

I growl as I go to grab my hair but quickly decide not to because it’ll mess it up and I want to impress Ethan. I sighed as I decided I’d grab the most decent looking thing I had, which was some light blue skinny jeans along with a red t-shirt with a ninja on it that read ‘In touch with my inner ninja.’

My mother was shouting for me downstairs when I was checking myself in the mirror. I sighed before running down the stairs and out the front door. I jumped into the passenger seat and say, “Kay, ready to go when you are.”

She pulls out of the drive way and I make sure to memorize where we were going. After all, we are going to Ethan’s house and I know there’s no way in hell he’ll tell me his address. So I’ll just have to memorize it right now…hopefully he isn’t too far.

I was squirming in my seat with excitement after only a few seconds of the ride. My mother was too busy chatting about her high school years with Carol Lynn to notice, which I was thankful for. She’d definitely know something was up if she noticed the way I was acting…

Thankfully, the ride wasn’t that long and we soon pulled into the drive way of a cute two-story house much like our own. The two of us jumped out and ascended the stairs onto the porch. The door opened to show Carol Lynn with a huge smile on her face.

“You two are early!” She giggles as she pulls my mother then me into a hug. “I’m glad though. Hannah this is my son Ethan, Ethan this is my high school friend Hannah and her son, Arrow.”

“Hey Ethan,” I say with a smirk that only Ethan would understand. It pretty much screamed mischievous intent. “Nice to see you again.”

Ethan stared at me with wide eyes. I watched as he forced himself to swallow and his hands shook at his side. I didn’t know if that was a good or a bad thing, but I thought the way he was panicking was pretty damn cute.

“Hello,” Ethan says to me before looking at my mother. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Aw,” my mother giggles before hugging him. “He’s such a cutie Carol. Why don’t you two go do whatever you teenagers do these days while we go finish the dinner?”

“Sounds good to me,” I chirp before grabbing Ethan’s hand. The boy’s cheeks immediately tinted a dark red, but I was already pulling him up the stairs before anyone else but I could notice. “Call us when dinner is done mommy!”
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