Curse of Curves


I sat there, stunned. Ethan was sitting there staring at me. His teeth nibbling on his lip as he waited for an answer. His eyes searched my own as if he was looking for something. He looked confused, distressed…

What was I supposed to say?

Yes, it’s fine to like my kiss because it’s just a kiss, although most people would call us cock-sucking faggots and shun us from society because of it. Yeah, my kisses are ok.

At the same time though I really did want to say it was ok, because honestly it is ok. Just people are ignorant but still why should we care about them? Like I said before, our only obligation in life is to keep us happy and if you’re happy when a person of the same sex, opposite sex, or whatever makes you happy then go ahead and do it.

Sighing, I answer, “Yeah…it’s fine.”

Ethan searched my eyes again as I leaned a little closer to him. I was going slowly just in case he didn’t want it, but as I got closer he simply sat there and waited. His eyes slowly started to close when our breath mingled and finally after what felt like an eternity our lips touched.

It was soft and much longer then the first time. I lifted my hand to rest it on his cheek and applied more pressure to the kiss and I was happy to say that he applied just as much back. When my lungs burned for air I pulled away, but only enough to breathe before I crashed our lips back together.

There was that cliché tingling in my lips and the warm feeling in my veins. Sometimes I wondered how just a little kiss could have an affect on me like that, but then I realize there’s a lot of strange things in life that don’t have an explanation. A kiss just seems to be one of them.

“Boys! Dinner is ready!”

The two of us pulled away quick with a soft ‘pop.’ At first our heads snapped back towards the door in fear that someone had walked in, but once we both realized we were safe we looked back at each other.

I smirked when I saw the dark tint on Ethan’s cheeks and I couldn’t help but feel proud at the fact that I put it there. Grinning I stroke his cheek, bringing his attention back to me, before pecking his lips again and saying, “Come on sexy, it’s time to go eat.”

Ethan nods nervously before following me out of the room. I sat across from him at the dinner table and we had our own conversation as our mother’s had theirs. Not even an hour and a half later my mother was saying goodbye to Carol.

I watched as the two enveloped themselves in a car. I smirked before wrapping an arm around Ethan’s waist and pulling him into my chest. His cheeks heated up as I pressed my lips against his in a chaste kiss before pulling away. “Bye babe.”

Ethan didn’t have time to react as my mother and I walked out the door. I took a seat on the passenger side and sighed in relief. We had “made up” and damn it felt good knowing that everything was all right between us.

I smirked as my mother spoke to me about something that I honestly didn’t care about. If it wasn’t about Ethan I don’t want to hear it.

I said goodnight to my mom before running upstairs. I took a showerand I swear I wasn’t thinking about Ethan the entire time. When I finished I walked to my room and slipped under the covers and with a last sigh of relief I fell into a blissful sleep.


The next morning I ran around the house trying to make sure I looked ok. Damn, I sound like a girl. I’ll make a mental note to yell at Ethan for that later, because we all know that it is his fault. I mean, why else would I be making sure my hair looked perfect and my eyeliner wasn’t smudged?

Yeah, we all know its Ethan. He’s the cause for global warming too…

I grabbed my iPod before walking out of the house, shutting and locking the door behind me. My walk to school seemed quicker than usual maybe because I was happy that Ethan and I were talking again, although Ethan normally didn’t talk to me at school, but that’s beside the point.

I walked into the school building and noticed that everyone was staring at me, as usual. I shrugged it off though as I got to my locker, throwing my things inside and slamming it shut.

I turned around to run into some girl. She squeaked in fear before running off down the hall. I laughed at her as she tripped over he own feet and scrambled to get around the corner.

Shaking my head, I walked towards Ethan’s locker where he was currently getting his things. Grinning I place my hands on either side of him. The brunette jumps before turning around fast, his eyes looking straight up at me in curiosity.

I smirked as I brought my hand down to trace his bottom lip. His cheeks changed colors in a matter of nanoseconds and it only darkened when I spoke, “Can I take a picture of you? I want Santa to know exactly what I want for Christmas.”

Ethan looked down at his feet before stuttering, “T-There’s no such t-t-thing as Santa.”

I gasped as I brought my hand to my heart and shrieked, “What’d you say? Take that back you non-believer! Santa is totally real, well technically he was real and now he is the spirit of Christmas and don’t you dare deny it buddy!”

Ethan looked up at me, a soft smile playing on his lips as he whispers, “Whatever you say.”

“Damn straight whatever I say,” I scoffed as I followed Ethan to our child development class.

The two of us walked in and I noticed a few people staring not only at me, but Ethan’s new hairstyle. I grinned, as I looked it over. He used to slick it back and make it look “perfect.” Now it’s just a cute mess on his head making him look even betterif that’s possible.

“Hey Ethan,” I whisper as he and I take a seat.

Ethan sends me a curious glance over his shoulder as I lean up close. I brushed my ear against the hollow of his neck, placing a soft kiss on the warm skin as I whispered, “You have something on your ass…and it’s my eyes.”

Ethan’s cheeks light up like a Christmas tree. I laughed out loud as I pulled away fast since the warning bell had rung and the kids were piling in now. Ethan had moved his fringe to cover his cheeks, but that didn’t stop me from laughing until the teacher walked in and began to teach.

Every now and then I’d reach out and play with Ethan’s hair. I can’t help it ok, it’s super soft, like silk only better. I don’t know if I annoyed him or not, but I honestly don’t care because I liked the way it felt between my fingers.

When the bell rang I followed Ethan out of the classroom and to his locker where I spun around on my tiptoes. Ethan stared at me like I was an idiot, but I ignored that. I had more important things to do, like dance on my tiptoes and embarrass Ethan all the way to second period.

Ah yes, I love life.
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