Curse of Curves


Right now, I was both beyond angry and beyond elated. Why?

Okay, first, Arrow and I kissed… quite a few times, really, which makes me happy. I’m pretty sure he likes me, but God damn it! He hasn’t asked me out yet and that’s what was making me well… pissed off.

I mean, that’s what people do when they kiss right? And he said he was being serious when he kissed me, so I can’t doubt that he doesn’t like me. And well, I like him too, right? Even if I have problems admitting it, that was the truth.

So, what does that make us? A couple? A not couple? Did he want to be a couple?

I sighed and leaned forward at the dinner table. “Pass the salad, Honey?” Mom asked across from me. I did so before asking if I could be excused.

But Dad looked at me funny and then asked, “Why are you always leaving so early? The past few nights you’ve been doing this.”

“I’m just not that hungry today,” I replied, shaking my head a little bit. He sighed and waved dismissively at me before I left my spot and went upstairs to my room.

Of course, I still needed to keep my grades up to keep my parents’ from suspecting that anything was wrong. Too bad all these heavy workloads were really getting to mebecause what I really wanted to do was spend time with Arrow.


The next morning I got to school, still in a not-very-good-mood-at-all kind of mood since Arrow hasn’t asked me out yet. I mean, I thought that was the normal thing to do if you liked someone and they liked you back was to ask them out.

If you ask me, the way Arrow thinks is very backwards.

Speaking of dark presences, there was one that just happened to collide with me, wrapping its arms around me and the turning us around so that I was the direction he came from. “Save me!” He cried.

It took me only a second to spot the very angry-looking teacher and I sighed exasperatedly. What did he do this time?

“Hold it, right there!” The teacher yelled at the boy behind me. “Thank you, my boy, for catching this trouble-making heathen.”

Okay, so maybe Arrow was a trouble-maker, but I wasn’t about to let someone else call him that. “I’m sure you’re overreacting. Now, please calmly state just what Arrow’s done,” I said, mustering up the cold, distant tone that I normally used.

I wasn’t afraid of the teachers because, let’s face it, I was their smartest and most promising student, so there was no way they were going to condemn me and bring the school’s state ranking just because of that.

“He…” He trailed off, trying to come up with an excuse.

I just sighed and turned back to my locker, twirling the combination on the lock as the teacher walked away.

Arrow hadn’t detached his arms from me, but instead buried his face into the crook of my neck from the side, which is actually very awkward for both parties.

“You know Ethan, just for that, I wish I was a Pidgeotto so I could Gust your pants off, baby,” he chuckled, pressing his lips to my cheek before pulling away, leaving a red blush to spread across my face as I bit my lip nervously.

I just stared up at him with a pout on my face. Not at the pick-up line (I was used to those), but because it’s been three days now and he hasn’t asked me out.

“Huh? What’s wrong? Mad that I made you into a human shield?” He asked, grinning.

I turned away from him in silence to lead over to the child development class.

“Ethan, what’s wrong?” He repeated, grabbing my arm.

He couldn’t be leading me on, could he? He spun me around to face him. I put on a sincere face and said, “Nothing, I’m fine.”

He sighed, obviously unconvinced, but he let it go.

He was going to have to figure this out on his own. Besides, it wasn’t like I was going to admit that I wanted him to ask me out. That would be a weird thing for me to do, not mention completely out-of-character.

I took my seat and Arrow took the seat behind me and started playing with my hair like he just recently started to do.

And this is where I was torn. Because I didn’t want him messing with me like this if he wasn’t going to ask me out, but I liked him so I wanted him to do that.

Why are these things so complicated?


After school ended, I let Arrow follow me home (because he was being a persistent bastard).

Mom, of course was delighted that I was getting along so well with her friend’s son. Not that she had any idea of how ‘well’ we were ‘getting along’. But, hey, she didn’t have to know.

Immediately, I sat down at my desk and started on the homework I had for the day as Arrow curled up on my bed.

“Don’t be going to sleep,” I stated, sighing at him.

“Aww… I couldn’t sleep on your bed if I tried; it’s like a rock, remember?” He said, laughing a bit. “Why were you so upset during school today?” He asked.

I stayed quiet, biting my lip. “I told you, I wasn’t,” I said after too much silence.

“But you are,” he told me, frowning before he crawled over to where my chair was on the other side of the bed.

He wasn’t going to let up, was he? I rolled my eyes before saying, “Isn’t there s-something important y-you need to ask me?” I said with some slight stuttering.

“Ohh, right, about how you make me melt like a hot fudge sundae?” He asked, grinning.

I looked away, trying to show him that I wasn’t joking. Normally, I’d blush at his pick-up lines, but I wasn’t in the mood right now.

“Okay, fine, I’ll be serious. What do I need to-” then he caught himself and I looked up to see if he finally got it.

“A-about… asking me o-out?” I managed to say before immediately clamping my teeth over my lip.

“I, uh, didn’t think you’d wanna be considered a couple at your school because, well, of how they are,” he explained.

“But I thought it was normal to ask out someone after you kiss them,” I squeaked before looking away from him, my growing nervousness getting the better of me.

“Are you sure you want that?” He questioned. I felt his eyes on me, waiting for an answer. Slowly, I nodded.

Then I felt myself being pulled from the chair and onto the bed with Arrow as he leaned over my body to press his lips to mine.

His hair tickled my face as his lips moved against mine and my lungs burned with both some strange tingling and with the need for oxygen. But I ignored it and wound my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me, pressing myself against him more before we both realized we needed to pull away.

By that time we were both breathing hard but he still managed to say, “I don’t have my library card… but can I still check you out?”

Of course he’d use a pick-up line.

“Y-you have t-to do better th-than that…” he whispered sheepishly, my cheeks still ablaze from the kiss. I wanted him to actually ask me out without a pick-up line.

“Okay… so, go out with me?” He asked bluntly.

I bit my lip before nodding shyly up at him. He smiled and leaned over me to press him lips to mine again in a shorter kiss before smirking and pulling away.

Of course, this whole mess could’ve been avoided if he’d just asked me out three days ago. But I guess that’s just how he was.
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