Curse of Curves


My hands were sweating and my heart was racing; they’d been like that since today at school. A date? Date? What was I supposed to do? I’ve never been on a date with a girl, let alone a boy.

How was this going to be? How ‘open’ could we be?

“Mom?” I called down the hallway before walking into the kitchen to see her standing over dinner. She shut off the stove and turned to me.

“Yes, Honey?” She asked as the pot behind her smoked and steamed.

“I was wondering if I could go to the movies this weekend,” I questioned. “I’ll be with Arrow, so it’s not like I’ll be alone.”

She rubbed the bridge of her nose. “I’m glad you’re getting along so well with him, but what about your studying?”

“Mom, my grades are p-… great. So, why not?” I tried not to say perfect. I wasn’t their version of perfect anymore because I was now a bona fide homosexual since I was going out with Arrow. Not that I really minded. Going out with him felt right so I was more than happy to be one. She still looked unconvinced so I added, “It’s only a few hours.”

She sighed defeatedly and said, “Alright. What movie?”

I told her it was some action movie that had been advertised on TV since I wasn’t really sure what movie we were going to see in the first place.

“It’s tomorrow, that’s okay, right?” I asked, seeing as it was a Saturday.

“I suppose that’s alright,” she said, smiling a bit before turning back to the dinner.

Now for the hard part: waiting.


I was ecstatic when five o’clock came around and I honestly can’t recall a time I was actually excited for something like this.

So when the doorbell rang, I jumped from the couch and ran to the door and threw it open to see Arrow standing there, grinning down at me.

“I blame you for not being able to see the stars tonight, you know,” he said, keeping his smirk in place. “You outshine all of them.”

He looked behind me before pressing his lips to mine in a light peck. From the kiss and pick-up line combined, I was now turning a million different shades of red.

“Ready to go, Ethan?” He asked, before grabbing me and pulling me outside. I guess he wasn’t really going to wait for an answer.

He led me to his mother’s car before getting into the driver’s seat and allowing me to get into the passenger’s seat.

“You drive?” I asked sheepishly as he pulled out of our driveway and onto the road.

“Yep,” he answered, grinning and then forcing the car to jump to life as he sped down the road.

After a few minutes of talking, we pulled into the movie theater’s parking lot. We went to a movie theater that wasn’t in the same town because God knows who we knew there.

Arrow paid for our tickets and bought a huge (and no that’s not an understatement) bucket of popcorn before leading me into the movie we paid for.

We scanned the rows of people before seeing that the three very-back and four or so very-front rows were completely empty.

“In the back or the front?” He asked, grinning as he anticipated my obvious answer. My face heated up before he snaked an arm around my waist, making me blush even more and squeak slightly at the sudden contact.

He moved to face me as he pressed his lips to the bridge of my nose. By this time, I was thankful that it was so dark in the theater or else he would’ve seen my now-red face.

The title sequence came on as he led the way up to the very back row, reading my mind as to where we would sit, which was in a very a secluded, very suggestive spot in the corner of the back row.

“Hehe, look, the armrest comes up,” he said, demonstrating the armrest of the chair he was sitting in. I took my seat in the spot that was adjoined to the same armrest.

Immediately, he lifted the armrest so that he could place his arm around my shoulders and hold me closer to his body, making my face turn all sorts of different colors. I tried to awkwardly situate myself so that I was more relaxed in his grasp. He rested his head on mine as we watched the movie and ate the popcorn.

I tried to keep myself from squeaking as his hand snuck its way into my own hand. I mean, it was only out of surprise, but luckily I kept my noises to myself.

Then there was a shift in our position as I felt his lips press to my cheek and trail over it with light kisses until he reached my mouth, which he pressed onto which pressure that I returned equally.

He moved his mouth against mine as I tried to copy his movements before I wound my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist.

I kept away my protests as he pulled me into his lap, facing me.

I froze as something wet crossed my lips. Well, it wasn’t mine, so it must’ve been his. Nonetheless, I made myself relax before he ran his tongue across my bottom lip again. It was still a very strange feeling, but I opened my mouth and let him in.

Our tongues mingled and rubbed against each other before he left my tongue to run his over pockets of my cheeks and the trench between my teeth and bottom lip, making me involuntarily moan into the kiss.

They tangled once again before I noticed the aching burn in my lungs and I pulled away, gasping for breath.

I looked down at him from where I was situated. I wasn’t used to looking down at him because he was taller than me. He was grinning like a maniac, baring all of his teeth before he leaned back up and pressed his lips to mine again.

“Ethan, is your last name Gillette? Because you’re the best a man can get,” he said before laughing a bit and digging back into our popcorn.
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