Curse of Curves


We stood in front of the desk at the rental counter, waiting for the girl there to attend to us. And amidst the waiting, Arrow smirked as he wrapped his hand around mine and intertwined his fingers with mine, squeezing my hand a bit. I blushed a bit before squeezing it back before the girl at the counter turned towards us after handing someone their order.

“Two putters,” Arrow orders for us and then grabs them off the counter along with the golf balls before grabbing me and dragging me along with him out to the course.

He took his turn, laying the ball down and then hitting it, effectively getting a hole-in-one. He jumped up and down crying in joy before latching onto me in a hug and then lifting me up and spinning us around.

Just like him to get so excited over something like this.

“I. Am. Amazing!” He cried as he set me back on the ground. “Gimme a victory kiss!” He demanded.

Who was I to say no to that? I looked up at him shyly, my face heating up a bit before I stood on my toes and pressed my lips to his and a brief peck.

I look away before responding, “I-If you win… I’ll g-give you a b-better kiss…” I told him.

“You mean like a make-out session!?” He squealed, all of his attention on menot like it wasn’t before.

I rolled my eyes before blushing at an intensity I didn’t know was possible as I nodded.

But was I going to let him win? I think not.


As it turns out, making out is extremely motivational to him. Because, well, he won.

“Hey, it was your bet,” he said, grinning insanely before leaning in, where I stopped him by putting a palm up to his face.

Before he could question what I was doing, I looked around to see if anyone was around and then I let my hand down before he pushed me gently against the wall behind me.

His mouth came in contact with mine and eagerly I started to respond to his kiss as he moved his lips and then attempted to run his tongue over my bottom lip.

I let him in as his tongue pushed past the barrier and massaged against my tongue before I decided that I should explore his mouth and raked the muscle over the roof of his mouth, over his teeth and into the pocket of one of his cheeks as he moaned into the kiss, the vibrations sweeping through our mouths.

I pulled away, looking up at him, my breathing still fairly heavy with question in my eyes. I made him do that?

“Do you work for AT&T? Because, baby, you’re raising my bar,” he said, making me blush intensely before hiding my face in his shirt to cover it up.

He chuckled before wrapping his arms around my shoulders before leading me back to the car and ushering me into the passenger’s seat. Before he could walk around, grabbed his shirt and pulled him down to my level to give him another quick kiss on the lips before letting him get a glimpse of the timid smile on my face.

“Can’t get enough of me can you?” He asked, grinning before I turned around to face away from him as I blushed at the consequences of my actions.

He scurried over to the other side of the car and hopping in. He drove off to get me home so my parents wouldn’t get mad at me for being out so long.

He kissed my forehead as kind of a goodnight kiss and saying he’d see me at school the next day before getting back in the car and driving off as I went into the house, not being able to wait until school tomorrow.


Walking through the halls was… different today. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but something seemed completely off. People backed away from me and looked at me with a strange expression. Maybe it was because I was hanging around the Satan Reincarnate himself.

But as Arrow came up behind me, every uneasy feeling I was having disappeared and was replaced with a feeling of elation upon seeing him.

“Hey, Beautiful, what’s up?” He asked, smirking behind me, keeping his voice quiet enough so that no one else would hear us.

“Don’t you think something’s… I don’t know… off?” I questioned, taking a look around myself at the kids in the hallway who were adverting their gazes from me.

“Uh, yeah, you’re talking to me. They hate me, or did you forget?” He grinned down at me.

“But it’s different…” I whined before taking my books out of my locker and following Arrow to child development.

He snuck in a quick kiss on my lips before people started piling into the room.


At lunch, I grabbed my tray and headed over to the table, still feeling like something was wrong as I did so.

I was right. As soon as I sat down, everyone scattered away from me. But one comment remained in my head. “He’s a faggot,” Brandon said to Megan who was scampering in front of him.

I sat there, mortified. They knew.

As soon as I could get to my wobbling legs, I ran from the cafeteria and searched for Arrow, who was standing up against the wall, waiting for me. I threw myself into him, clutching the fabric of his shirt in my hands as they wrapped around him, shaking, nearly bursting into tears.

Someone had to have seen us last night at the golf course. But who saw?

“Ethan, what’s wrong?” He asked concernedly, lifting my chin to force me to look at him.

I almost couldn’t force myself to say it. But I did. “Th-they know…”
♠ ♠ ♠
Almost done.