Curse of Curves


I blushed up at him, my face heating up as I realized the words that were coming out of his mouth.

‘I like you,’ he’d said only a second ago.

I mean, I was sure he liked me, but he’d never been so straightforward about saying it to me directly.

But I also knew what those words entitled when they were spoken out loud. It meant he was devoted to me; that if everyone, including my parents, left my side and turned against me, he’d still be on my side. Right?

I was thankful for that too. I was elated that he liked me because I liked him too. I mean, I really liked him. And I didn’t want my parents to hate me for liking him, but I didn’t want them to take him away from me.

What was I supposed to do? Was I going to choose my affection for Arrow or my parents’ love for me? I don’t know what I would choose, to be honest. I didn’t want to be selfish by wanting both, but this was a lose-lose situation.

I just wrapped my arms around his waist and sniffled into his chest, holding him tightly to me.

“I um… like you, too,” I told him, before he pulled away so that he could look down at me. He pushed my hair back, away from my temple before kissing the thin skin there before letting the brown locks fall back into place. He was smiling a bit. Not a grin or a smirk, but a small smile played upon his lips as he looked at me.

I leaned up and pressed my lips to his before hearing someone yell; a deep, authoritative voice. Immediately, our lips detached and I looked up to see a teacher standing at the end of the hall. I whimpered at the sight and Arrow’s arms went back around me as he cursed under his breath.

“Don’t worry, school’s over, just follow me,” he ordered before pulling me along with him. The teacher behind us was telling us to get back there so that he could reprimand us.

Arrow took us outside and ushered me into the passenger seat of the car.


Arrow pulled up to my house and brought the car to a stop, but I didn’t make a move to get out. I didn’t want to face this. I just wanted to stay here.

He sat there for a second while the car was in park before turning to face me. “I don’t care if it’s one in the morning; if you need me, come over or call. Alright?”

I bit my lip but then nodded shyly at him. At least he’s not leaving me on my own to deal with this.

He gave me a small smile and then leaned over and pressed his lips to mine in kiss that lasted well over a few seconds.

I pulled away and said goodbye before hopping out of the car and up the walkway to my house.

Everything at home seemed normal; Mom greeted me with a smile and asked how my day was. I lied by saying it was fine before heading up to my room.

For a few hours more I studied before Mom called me down for dinner. Although that had scared me because I thought she’d found out by the way she called my name. Of course, it was only paranoia at the time.

But as I got downstairs, Mom was at the table while Dad was on the phone. I didn’t think anything of it at the moment…

Until Dad’s eyes went wide. “No my son isn’t-… But he’s-” There was a pause. “No, he can’t be…” He stated incredulously.

My heart was sinking. It might have been the teacher from school that saw Arrow and I kiss.

“Yes… I understand. Thank you,” Dad said, although he was fairly distraught by now. He was raised to always be polite.

Then he turned to me. “That was your principal… Ethan… I’m going to ask you once, is what he said true?”

“What?” I squeaked, arching my eyebrows.

“That you’ve been…” There was another dramatic pause, each second lasting well over a lifetime. “Having an… intimate relationship with a boy named Arrow?” At that, Mom had her eyes on me t

What was I supposed to do? Tell him the truth and risk being thrown out of my house? Or should I lie and say I have no idea what he was talking about?

I supposed it was better for me not to lie to him, although the reasoning behind that was that I couldn’t lie to him. After all, I still have an obligation to my parents to tell them the truth. And maybe… just maybe they’d accept me for who I am.

I don’t know where I got the courage, though, to finally nod.

“Oh my God!” Mom cried out, standing up. “Ethan! That’s… that’s so… wrong! You can’t be gay! Homosexuality is a sin!”

Dad was silent and I looked to him for help, but he only responded with a cold look that made me feel even sicker. If that was possible.

“I cannot even begin to tell you how wrong that is!” Mom went on. “Go to your room and copy Leviticus 18:22. Write it until it gets through your head that you can’t fraternize with the same sex like that!”

“But Mom I-” I tried, but she cut me off. Tears were beginning to well in my eyes at their expressively disappointed looks.

“Just do it,” she stated exhaustedly.

I summoned as much courage as I could before shaking my head, slowly at first and then faster as if to reinforce my decision.

“No. It’s not wrong, Mom, okay? So I’m not doing that,” Was all I said before escaping through the front door and running down the street.

It was a bit chilly out, but you don’t exactly remember to wear your jacket when you’re running away from your homophobic parents to go meet with your boyfriend who lives blocks away from you.
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And no, I didn't know that it was Leviticus 18:22; I looked it up on wikipedia. It states, "Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; it is an abomination"
I think....
If it's wrong, tell me, or whatever haha XD